[SEASON 2] Steemit Crypto Academy Week 11 Homework Post for @imagen | Blockchain Project [AI Future (AIF)]

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hey Guys..!!
Meet again with me Wahyu Nahrul on the other Steemit Crypto Academy homework.
Today I will be working again on homework given by one of our professor @imagen.

I'm very excited to make today's assignment, because the topic of discussion given by our professor is very unique, namely regarding the blockchain project. The task given is to create a blockchain project by displaying a whitepaper, road map, and all information related to the project we are planning. The project name I designed is AI Future (AIF).

Okay, just get to the discussion. Happy Reading !!

Project Introduction

As we know that the times are increasing, the development of technology has been very rapid and cannot be stopped. Therefore, we as humans who live in this era must be able to adapt to this very rapid technological development.

Artificial Intelligent technology or what is often referred to as AI is a development of the latest technology made to help humans work. The AI performance system is the same as the performance of the human brain, namely by carrying out various experiments in a field so that it will master the field, but AI is able to do a lot of work simulations in a very short time so that it will master the field faster than humans. That's why AI is often referred to as a future revolution and in order to use the technology from this AI to its full potential, I decided to create a blockchain project called AI Future.

Whitepaper Of AI Future (AIF)


AI Future Logo

  • AI Future Work Plan

AI Future (AIF) is a project that is made to facilitate all transactions related to Artificial Intelligence which will become a future that will become our daily life. Currently, there are many agencies/companies engaged in various fields that have used AI to simplify all their affairs, but there are still many people who have never used or even recognized this AI technology, so the distribution is not evenly distributed.

With the AIF, everyone will be able to use Artificial Intelligence technology only by having a token from AI Future, he can have AI to help him create a diet program, pregnancy program, or even someone can use the AI ​​he gets to help do technological research that is will help his country such as automotive technology, etc.

And by having AIF tokens, someone will be able to use the services of all companies that are partnering with AI Future, so that even though he cannot use AI directly, he can feel the positive impact of the greatness of AI indirectly.



AIF holders will have a wallet application that is directly created by AI Future which will be used for various payments to all partner companies of AI Future, and every transaction using the AI ​​Future wallet will get a transaction discount instead of paying manually.

  • Blockchain System



In carrying out its performance, AIF will use the latest Blockchain System system. The blockchain system that will be chosen is the EOS Blockchain.

AIF is a project that relies on transaction speed, ease of use of tokens, and of course low transaction fees for its users. The EOS blockchain, which is the main choice of the AIF project, is the Blockchain that has the highest level of transaction speed at this time, and the Blockchain has the cheapest cost among other blockchains, which is Free.

Later AI Future will create a DApp that is integrated with the EOS Blockchain and uses the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) system, which means that the system is open so that it does not require permission from third parties to carry out all transactions.

Token Distribution

The total number of AIF tokens that will be produced is 50,000,000 AIF, all of which will be distributed with the following details:

  • 40% = Token Sale
  • 20% = Strategic Development
  • 15% = Marketing
  • 15% = Team and Advisory Board
  • 10% = Partnership

For more details, you can see in the chart below.


Token Distribution Of AIF

Future Plan

AI Future has future plans to work with companies in various fields that are developing their products using Artificial Intelligence systems, for example in the automotive sector such as Toyota.

Toyota is developing AI technology for its cars, in 2017 Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) announced the LQ which is a concept car that will be in the future in Tokyo, Japan at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show. The car that became its concept car was named "YUI" which was planted an Artificial Intelligence that is able to drive the car automatically and is able to understand the emotional condition of the driver and most impressively the AI in the car can talk directly to the driver.



That is an example of a company that is the target of AI Future's partners, while other targets are companies engaged in other fields such as health, transportation, etc.


AI Future is planned to launch in 2023, AIF Tokens will be distributed to all partners who join the AI Future project and will be open for Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for 3 months from January to March 2023. For more details, you can see the Roadmap below.


AI Future Roadmap

Last Word

Those are white papers, roadmaps, and everything related to the AI Future project. I'm very happy to be able to devote this thing that I have wanted to try for a long time, thanks to professor @Imagen for this extraordinary class.

I apologize if there are still many mistakes that you can get when reading my explanation earlier, I would be very grateful if you told me in the comments column below.

Thank you for reading my blog, hope it will be useful for all of you. 😁

Note: All images and graphics that are not sourced are originated by the author.


Muchas gracias @wahyunahrul por participar en la Academia Cripto de Steemit.

Me gusto mucho tu proyecto y la profundidad que le diste al mismo, felicidades.

La inteligencia artificial es un área de la tecnología que cada vez está abarcando más el campo laboral y nuestro día a día y que hayas creado un proyecto relacionado a ello, es muy creativo e innovador.

Que el proyecto facilita transacciones y el uso de las AI en la vida cotidiana, es muy bueno ya que si ahora hay un crecimiento de esta tecnología ni hablar en un futuro.

Nuevamente, felicidades por tu post, me gusto mucho.

Continua haciendo tareas de calidad.

PD: El roadmap te quedo increíble.

Calificación: 8

Thank you for the review professor!!

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