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RE: Índice de miedo y codicia - Crypto Academy / S4W5 - Publicación de tareas para el profesor @wahyunahrul " .

Hi @lucascenteno, Thanks for taking my class.
Based on the homework that you have made, here are the details of the assessment you get:

Assessment AspectScore
The relationship between emotional conditions and cryptocurrency price movements0.7/1.25
Personal opinion regarding Fear and Greed Index1.25/1.25
Added required data to Fear and Greed Index0.5/1.5
Technical analysis using Fear and Greed Index1/2
Procedures and structure of writing1/1
Follows Rules and Guidelines0.8/1
Provides additional information/effort0.7/1

My Reviews and Suggestions:

  • You have completed the given task.

  • In the explanation of question number 1 you should show a real example of how emotional conditions can affect the cryptocurrency market.

  • The data suggestions you provide for the Fear and Greed Index in question number 3 are too general, please try to provide other data suggestions.

  • In question number 4 it would be better if you show the steps in trading using the Fear and Greed Index in full, even though you have experienced failure, you should still include it in the task you created.

  • Change your assignment title to "Fear and Greed Index - Crypto Academy / S4W5 - Homework Post for Professor @wahyunahrul".

Thank you!


listo profesor muchas gracias! saludos y bendiciones

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