Telos Blockchain - Crypto Academy / S4W2 - Homework post for pelon53

Hello Everyone,

On the 02nd week of the Crypto Academy, crypto professor @pelon53 has introduced us to one of the popular Blockchain in the crypto world the Telos Blockchain. This is my homework for his lesson's questions.


01. What is your opinion about Telos Blockchain? What do you hope will happen to the Tlos token?


  • Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a system that makes decentralized information sharing and communication between different computers possible without intermediaries. There is no central server or trusted third party holding information on the blockchain. It is this breakthrough that has allowed Bitcoin to grow this much in crypto world.

  • Telos Blockchain

Telos is the first third-generation blockchain and is known as a 2.0 Blockchain. Telos uses EOSIO software to perform CPU-intensive computation and enables an EVM smart contract execution, which drastically reduces the transaction speed from the original Blockchain.

Telos does not claim to have achieved near perfect speed, transaction throughput or scalability, yet it will support more than ten times the amount of transactions of current blockchains and has the ability to handle more than ten million transactions a second. The solution is designed to address these issues in the long term and is a potential solution for many applications that run on top of Blockchains.

Telos operates as a multi-chain, multi-asset platform and trades Ethereum-based assets. Telos uses the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to facilitate transactions, which involves modifying the protocol. It differs from traditional distributed ledger solutions that use proof of work to validate transactions. Telos is based on open-source code, ensuring it will be accessible to developers. The software will be cross-platform, so the Telos platform will run on a variety of devices, like mobile devices, smartwatches, embedded devices, and VR headsets.

Comparison of blocks production source

Telos aims to be the most cost effective, scalable blockchain protocol available with the goal of supporting every social network, utility, Internet business and IoT network that wants to use a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that runs on blockchain technology.

  • My opinion about Telos Blockchain

Telos Blockchain is highly innovative in nature and offers speed and scalability. Telos has features that traditional blockchains lack. Just as VISA delivers fast and secure global payment services using a decentralized system, Telos will also provide quick transactions with minimal CPU utilization.

In addition, the Telos Blockchain will be a fully adaptive system that will allow for developers to innovate and adapt their blockchain technology to suit the market and user demand. As the blockchain increases in popularity, more companies will be able to use Telos Blockchain without having to create their own in-house blockchain.

The Telos Blockchain will have an even greater advantage over the current methods because it has no off-chain transactions, all transactions happen on-chain. This makes the cost of operating a Blockchain very low and efficient.

Considering all these facts, my opinion would be, it is very probable that Telos Blockchain will be one of the primary choice for its users comparing to rival blockchain Bitcoin and Ethereum. It is likely that EOSIO software will be further enhanced and improved until it meets the benchmarks and requirements of the Telos blockchain.

  • What do you hope will happen to the Tlos token?

TLOS Token is the native token of Telos Blockchain. It works as the functional token of the Telos platform and used by its developers to incentivize the development of Telos.

TLOS has many uses outside of blockchain applications, we can purchase it on exchanges like Bittrex, Coinrail, HitBTC, and Poloniex. In addition, we can trade it through exchanges like Binance.

As of September 17, 2021, the price of Telos tokens is $0.860 USD. The coin has a market capitalization of around $194 million and a daily trading volume of approximately $4.6 million. The circulating supply is 225,384,826 TLOS and the total supply is 335,208,370 TLOS.

TLOS coin details from Coingecko

When we analyze the past data we can see that there was a huge price increase after the February 2021. This is more than 3418% increase over a year.

The growth of price of TLOS coin over the past years Coingecko

The percentage increase of the price and the healthy market capitalization shows favorable investment opportunities in TLOS coin.

Currently, it is predicted that there will be over 1 million TLOS token holders by end of 2021.

02. Using the telos tracker block explorer, take a screenshot of the last irreversible block at the time of performing your task and detail the BP and the date.


To track the last irreversible block, go to the Telos Tracker.

There we can see number of transaction details. These information change within seconds as per block creation.

Last irreversible block as at 2021-09-17 T 05:23:43.000

  • Last irreversible block details

Last irreversible block details

  • Transaction details

Transaction details

  • Head Block (block ID): 173889464

  • Irreversible Block: 173889137

  • Block producer : southafrica1

  • Producer TLOS tokens: 716,863.0755 TLOS

  • Staked TLOS tokens: 326 TLOS

  • Date & Time: 2021-09-17T05:23:43.000

03. Check in the 3 block explorers, the blocks: 15,007,389 and 171,790,000, show the BP and the date of those blocks. Screenshots required.


Telos Tracker

  • Block: 15,007,389

Block 15007389 details taken via Telos Tracker

DetailsBlock 15007389
Block produceroctagontelos
Num of transactions0
Date & Time2019-03-10 T17:56:52.500

  • Block: 171,790,000

Block 171790000 details taken via Telos Tracker

DetailsBlock 171790000
Block producerteloskitchen
Num of transactions1
Date & Time2021-09-05 T01:30:15.000

Telos Blocks

  • Block: 15,007,389

Block 15007389 details taken via Telos Blocks

The specific transaction cannot be tracked due to the invalidity of Account name. However, I checked the block producer name and that account exists. Reason for this error could be that for this particular block there was NO TRANSACTION.

Block producer details taken via Telos Blocks

  • Block: 171,790,000

Block 171790000 details taken via Telos Blocks

DetailsBlock 171790000
Block producerteloskitchen
Block ID0a3d4eb028bdf79864d0774636fa986847d4a58bf569491d2e62f88591262623
Date & TimeSep-05-2021, 07:00:15 AM IST

Telos EosX

  • Block: 15,007,389

Block 15007389 details taken via Telos EosX

As expected Telos EosX also didn't recognize the Block 15007389. The error indicated as "Operation Failed".

  • Block: 171,790,000

Block 171790000 details taken via Telos EosX

DetailsBlock 171790000
Block producerteloskitchen
Block ID0a3d4eb028bdf79864d0774636fa986847d4a58bf569491d2e62f88591262623
Date & TimeSep-05-2021, 07:00:15

4.- In the Telos swap demo platform, click here . Connect the wallet to Metamask. Then Transfer 20 Tlos to Fiat. And determine the gas you consumed. Then make the 100,000 Fiat to Soon transaction, and determine the gas consumed. Show the screenshots of the whole process that you ran. Was the gas consumption excessive in both cases? Explain?


01. Visit Telos Demo Swap website & click Connect Wallet. Make sure you have Metamask wallet installed as a chrome extension and logged into the wallet first.

Telos Homepage

02. On the pop-up window we have an option to choose Metamask.

Connecting to Metamask

03. Grant permission to connect in next 03 pop-ups

Approvals to connect

04. Now to use this demo account we should have some demo TLOS, to receive click Get Testnet EVM TLOS

Obtaining demo TLOS

05. Once we have successfully received, we can see the wallet details top of the right corner.

Wallet details

06. As a next step click the Test DemoSwap Now

Connecting the wallet to demo account

07. There we can see to options, one for Exchange / Swap and the other one for Liquidity. For this exercise we are going to choose the Swap. From the 100 TLOS we received we are going to place 20 TLOS. Next Click Select a currency to choose FIAT as the currency.

Trade window

08. After entering the price details, click Swap, there will be a pop-up to confirm the Swap.

Ready to Swap

09. After clicking the confirm Swap, there will be pop-up from Metamask wallet to confirm the transaction. Click on Confirm to submit the transaction.

Confirmation to Swap

10. Transaction submitted and it was successful. Gas fee for the transaction is 0.024201 TLOS

Transaction Details

  • From FIAT to SOON

01. This time we are going to Swap 100,000 FIAT token into SOON token. I entered the amount and selected respective currencies. Next I have clicked _enable FIAT _ because I must give the authorization to Metawallet to do so. Then there was pop-up to confirm. Note that there is a transaction fee implies to this confirmation.


02. After I have given the permission to spend FIAT, as a next step I clicked Swap


03. Then Confirm Swap

Confirm Swap

04. After the pop-up from Metawallet select the Confirm

Transaction Details

05. Transaction submitted and it was successful. Gas fee for the transaction is 0.024431 TLOS

Transaction Details

  • Was the gas consumption excessive in both cases?

Gas consumption was for the both transaction as follows,

TLOS to FIAT - 0.024201 TLOS
FIAT to SOON - 0.024431 TLOS

Total gas fee for both transaction = 0.048632 TLOS | 0.04 USD

So, the answer for the question is Not at all, instead it was extremely cheap.



The Telos blockchain solution provides a powerful and scalable platform to store and exchange data with the flexibility to operate on any EOSIO platform.

The Telos Blockchain will provide users with much better access to transaction processing, storage, and search capabilities than is possible on Ethereum. With further enhancement, Telos has immense potential to become the largest blockchain in the world.

I have gained many knowledge from this homework. Thank you prof. @pelon53 for sharing your knowledge with us.




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