Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S16W3: Steem’s Potential in the Bull Run

Hi , Greetings to Everyone

I sincerely hope that everyone enjoys the educational themes of the Steemit Engagement Challenge S16-W3 . subsequently, the competitors' epic entries under the designated subject. I was eager to learn more about this new topic, so I did some research and shared my own opinions with you all. I hope that my contribution will also be valuable.


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Considering the current cryptocurrency bull market, what are your specific predictions for the price and performance of the Steem token by the end of 2024? What are the key factors you considered in developing this forecast, and how might these influence Steem's trajectory in the cryptocurrency landscape this year?

Well, It is difficult to forecast the precise price and performance of a cryptocurrency by the end of 2024, such as Steem, because of the market's intrinsic volatility and the effect of multiple factors. Nonetheless, a few significant variables that might affect Steem's cost and functionality are as follows:

  • Market sentiment as a whole:

The overall mood of the cryptocurrency market could have an impact on Steem's pricing. Steem prices may rise as a result of favorable sentiment fueled by elements including greater adoption, regulatory clarity, and mainstream acceptability.

  • Developmental State:

Investor confidence and interest in the project could be impacted by the Steem blockchain's development and upgrades. The market for Steem tokens may rise in response to significant upgrades or enhancements.


  • Other social media networks and content-sharing systems built on blockchain compete with Steem. The degree and viability of rival platforms may have an impact on Steem's performance.



Steem's value and performance may be impacted by modifications to the regulatory landscape, including rules that apply just to cryptocurrencies and social media sites. Steem might gain from clear and advantageous legislation, but volatility could arise from unclear and vague ones.

Well, All things considered, these variables may provide some indication of possible impacts on Steem's price and performance, but it's important to keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is extremely unpredictable and that a variety of factors other than those listed above may also have an impact on prices.

What technical indicators do you currently recommend to assess the upward trend of the Steem token in the cryptocurrency markets, and why are these indicators relevant in the current context?

Well , In the present cryptocurrency market landscape, a number of technical indicators can be helpful in assessing the Steem token's rising trajectory. Here are a few signs that are frequently used:

  • Moving Averages (MA):

That's important to consider this indicator with respect to trends and possible levels of support and resistance can be found using both exponential and simple moving averages (EMA and SMA). It is common practice to assess short-term and long-term trends using the 50-day and 200-day moving averages, respectively.

  • Volume:

The significance of this indicator is to understanding the strength of a price change can be gained by analyzing trading volume. While lower volume during uptrends may indicate weakness, higher volume during price uptrends may validate positive momentum.

  • Fibonacci Retracement:

An other indicator reflects the based on Fibonacci ratios, Fibonacci retracement levels are horizontal lines that suggest possible levels of support and resistance. These levels are frequently used by traders to pinpoint areas of price correction inside a larger trend.



Last but not least the OBV uses volume flow to calculate purchasing and selling pressure. While declining OBV indicates dispersion and possible price drop, rising OBV shows accumulation and probable price gain.

Therefore it should to fully comprehend the dynamics of the market, it is important to take into account a range of indications while assessing the upward trajectory of the Steem cryptocurrency. For a more comprehensive evaluation, basic analytical elements such project developments, collaborations, and user adoption should also be considered.

Explain in detail the fundamental characteristics of the Steem blockchain that could contribute to its success in a cryptocurrency bull market. How does Steem's underlying technology stand out from other projects?

A social media platform built on the blockchain, Steem uses its own money, STEEM, to reward content curation and development. Its core qualities, particularly during a bull market for cryptocurrencies, increase its likelihood of success.

The core features of Steem—its decentralized social media platform, distinct reward system, quick and scalable infrastructure, community governance model, variety of use cases, interoperability, and well-established community—set it apart from competing projects and increase the likelihood of its success, especially in the current cryptocurrency bull market where interest and adoption are surging.

  • A decentralized substitute for well-known social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is provided by Steem. Without depending on a centralized authority, users can create content, communicate with others, and receive rewards. Users have more control over their data and online appearance thanks to this decentralization, which also guarantees resilience to censorship.

  • Users are encouraged to produce high-quality content and interact with the platform by Steem's distinctive incentive system. By uploading, remarking on, and upvoting material, users can gain STEEM tokens. By promoting active engagement, this system helps the platform's user base to expand.

  • Steem is built to handle a large number of transactions rapidly and effectively. Fast block speeds and scalability are made possible by its delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus process, which enables the platform to manage a high volume of users and transactions without bottlenecks or delays.

  • The core technology of Steem makes it possible for its applications and platform to work with other blockchains. The Steem ecosystem is made more accessible and useful by this interoperability, which also makes it possible to integrate with third-party services seamlessly.

  • A thriving and engaged community of users, developers, and stakeholders supports the expansion and advancement of Steem. Strong community support encourages sustainability, creativity, and teamwork, setting Steem up for long-term success in the cryptocurrency market.

How has the actual adoption and usage of the Steem blockchain by users and applications evolved recently? How might these factors influence the continued growth of the Steem token in a cryptocurrency bull market?

Well, Steem's adoption and usage by users and applications has evolved recently, and this could have a big impact on the cryptocurrency bull market's growth going forward. This is a detailed explanation of how these advancements can affect Steem's future:

  • Enhanced User Engagement:

As more people sign up to create and view content on Steem, there has been a noticeable increase in user engagement. This increased engagement strengthens the network's value proposition as a decentralized social media platform that offers real rewards to users in addition to increasing its visibility.

  • Diverse Content Creation:

A wider variety of content is being produced on Steem, including podcasts, artwork, videos, and blog entries in addition to articles and articles. Due to its diversity, the community is more lively and welcoming to individuals with a range of interests and specializations.



Users can utilize their STEEM tokens for lending, borrowing, staking, and other financial operations thanks to Steem's integration with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. The link improves liquidity, creates chances for yield production, and draws users to the Steem platform from the larger DeFi ecosystem.

  • Collaborations and Partnerships:

In an effort to increase its user base and reach, Steem has been collaborating and building strategic alliances with influencers, companies, and other blockchain projects. These collaborations open up possibilities for cross-platform growth and synergy while also assisting in promoting Steem to new audiences.

  • Enhanced User Experience:

New users find it simpler to sign up and use the Steem platform thanks to enhancements to the user experience, interface design, and onboarding procedures. Positive user ratings and word-of-mouth referrals promote organic growth and retention when users have a smooth and straightforward user experience.

Well we can say that Steem's growth in the cryptocurrency bull market is driven by its evolving user adoption, increased engagement, partnerships, and improved user experience, positioning it to capitalize on the current market sentiment.

In the context of the bull market of cryptocurrencies, how does the Steem token position itself compared to other similar projects? What market trends do you identify as being crucial to the short and long term success of the Steem token?

Well, Several criteria are taken into consideration when comparing the Steem token to other projects that are similar in the context of the cryptocurrency bull market. In the current cryptocurrency bull market, a number of elements will determine whether or not Steem succeeds. These aspects include community support and governance, technological innovation and adoption, investor confidence and market mood, regulatory environment, collaborations, and ecosystem integration. In light of growing competition and shifting market dynamics, Steem's short- and long-term success will depend on its ability to track and capitalize on these trends.

In the current cryptocurrency bull market, Steem's ability to draw in and hold on to users will determine how successful it is. In contrast to other social media platforms powered by blockchain, Steem boasts a well-established user base and a thriving community of content producers, curators, and users. However, based on elements like user experience, incentives, and platform features, its growth rate and user engagement metrics may differ from those of rivals like Hive, Minds, or LBRY.

Steem distinguishes itself from other initiatives in the same field thanks to its well-established user base, decentralized social media network, and distinctive compensation system. Nevertheless, Hive and other blockchain-based social media initiatives compete with it.

The short-term viability of Steem depends on several key market factors, including as partnerships, developer activity, and user engagement. Scalability, compatibility, legal compliance, and steady community expansion will be important determinants of Steem's long-term viability.

In the end, I would like to invite my Steemit fellows @malikusman1 @manisha.jain9 @irawandedy @ridwant to take part in this informative engagement challenge and share your valuable feedback. Thanks

Kind Regards 💐 @uzma4882

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

@uzma4882 I appreciate how you have delved into various factors influencing Steem price and performance as well as your recommendations for technical indicators. Your detailed explanation of Steem fundamental characteristics showcases its unique strengths. Best of luck

I appreciate the fact that it is difficult to accurately predict the price of steem at the end of the year, but also highlighted certain factors that could make the price pump.

You also show the various indicators.which could be used to assess the Steem token performance.

You also mention why steem will do well this bull run, things like, decentralization of the chain, the governance system, defi applications that run on the,.etc.

All these are going to push the Steem token beyond immeasurable height.

I wish you success in the contest.

You said it's too much hard to predict the future price of STEEM COIN. The reason you give is because of the high in crypto. Yes that's very much true, everything is possible in this so much volatile market, but we have something in history. In history we already know that all the crypto currencies behave very well in Bull cycle. Steem has a good record too. On the basis of that data we can say Steem can go up above $1 and my range is $1.5 by the end of 2024.

You are using some splindent technical tools like, Fibonacci Retracement, Moving Averages (MA) and checking the volume. Yes it's very true that these are some awesome analysis tools that gives perfect data. I will suggest to add some other tools too, like RSI, trend line, and many other.

Wish you get succeeded in this contest friend.

Nice work . Happy to see your post and I have read your post. I accessd we have some common analysis.

Greetings @uzma4882! Steem's diverse content creation 🎨 is its secret sauce! With podcasts, videos, and blogs, it's like a creative buffet. Steem's got something for everyone! All the best in the contest, success for you👍

Thank you so much to share your knowledge with us... I agree with you that market sentiment and competition of the key factors that we have to consider when we we have to know about bullrun when and its effect on steem.

Wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

Assalamualaikum dear!

You have given your good views about the possibility of the price increase of the STEEM coin. The ongoing bull run has already affected the Steem price we can expect even more pumps in the price due to the upcoming halving event. Moreover, you have said well that the positive and effective steps from the team plays a vital role in attracting high user base.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful comment and good luck for the comment.

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