Crypto Academy Season 2 Week 5 Homework Post for (@yousafharoonkhan) - Steemit Decentralized social media,Centralization and Decentralization social media

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

The professor examined the social media issue in the finest detail this week. He drew attention to the remarkable features of Steemit. The course article was very enjoyable. I read the course article and now I am writing my homework.


Question no 1 :
Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in oun words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

There is an important term that has entered our lives since 2003 as a result of the thorough development of the internet. This is also called social media. We can call social media all of the shares and interactions of users on the internet. Although social media was centralized at first, decentralized social media projects started to emerge with steemit.

Steemit is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to decentralized social media. Steemit is a social media project established in 2016. Users produce content without being subject to any control mechanism. After Steemit, many decentralized social media projects emerged, but none of them were as popular and quality projects as Steemit.

Its first center of social media is LinkedIn and it was founded in 2003. Today's most popular social media projects are facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube. In central social media, users produce and share content under the control of an authority. Although you are the producer of the content, the center of your content starts to be the social media itself.

Differences between decentralized social media and decentralized social media

(1) There is no authority in decentralized social media. There is an authority in central social media.

(2) Decentralized social media is blockchain-based and open source. Centralized social media is not open source.

(3) There is no censorship in decentralized social media. Your content is not edited, deleted or removed. Social media is central to censorship. Your content can be removed.

(4) In decentralized social media, user information is kept confidential. User information is shared by advertising companies in central social media.

(5) In decentralized social media, users feel free. In central social media, users do not feel free. They are constantly worried.

(6) In decentralized social media, users can earn money from the content they produce. Your chances of making money from the content you produce on centralized social media are very low (eg twitter).

(7) Since there is no control mechanism in decentralized social media, the number of spam / plagiarism is high and it is difficult to intervene. Spam / plagiarism is low in central social media. In case of complaint, spam / plagiarized content is removed.

(8) In decentralized social media, users have a say in governance. (Steem blockchain for example). In central social media, users do not have a say in governance. All decisions are made by the CEO.

(9) Decentralized social media isn't popular enough. Central social media is very popular. User interactions are higher.

(10) Decentralized social media is unlikely to be hacked. Social media, which is the center of today, is constantly hacked.


Question no 2 :
Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

Our world is in constant change and development. Developments in the world are always about creating the best.

First, centralized social media projects were created. At first, this gave users a little bit of freedom. Although users were bound by an authority, they were expressing themselves, sharing, producing and interacting with content. There was no such thing before, and it was important that social media projects emerged.

However, the negative aspects of social media, which was the center later, also emerged. The existence of an authority and the existence of a control mechanism prevented the users from feeling free enough. Central social media was making money from user-generated content. There was a problem here. The user who produced the content, but it was the social media company that made the money. This should have been stopped. In recent years, users have started to make money from their content, but again, the majority of the money was again the winning social media company.

In 2016, a revolution occurred in the social media world with Steemit. Users started to create content, share and interact without any authority pressure. Moreover, they would earn cryptocurrency from the content they produced. They would also sell these cryptocurrencies on stock exchanges and earn fiat money. They were not going to share the money they earned with any company, and it was a great deal.

Today, all events, all developments are towards increasing the freedom of users. The future of social media projects will be on the decentralized social media side. Because in decentralized social media, users express themselves better. They earn 100% of the money they deserve. They do not have to share some of the money they earn with any company. They have the right to receive and advertise on their own pages as they wish.

Decentralized social media is not as popular as centralized social media right now. Because people are not yet aware of this. They haven't discovered the advantage of decentralized social media. In addition, certain groups are trying to prevent the growth of decentralized social media. As users discover the positive aspects of decentralized social media, they will start using decentralized social media.


Question no 3 :
How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

Decentralized social media project Steemit, popular central social media projects better than twitter and facebook.

Better than Twitter because;

You have to tell your thoughts and ideas in short sentences on Twitter. Thus, it causes you to limit yourself. You can share posts in any length you want on Steemit. You can share the articles you want to write to fit in a single post.
The articles you write on Twitter appear simply. You can make your articles more visible and more readable by using Markdown codes in Steemit.
You cannot earn money directly from the articles you write on Twitter. You can earn money from the content you produce on Steemit.
Security gaps have started to appear on Twitter recently. Someone can access your account and tweet on your behalf and scam others. There is no intimal of such an event in Steemit.
You cannot read the contents of protected accounts on Twitter. At Steemit you have the freedom to read the contents of all members.

Better than Facebook because;

It is very troublesome to become a member of Facebook and complete the membership steps. Becoming a member of Steemit is very short and effortless. You can share new posts and make comments as soon as you confirm by email and phone.
Facebook shares your personal information with advertising companies. You are exposed to harassment from advertising companies. You wouldn't experience such an event in Steemit.
There are advertisements on Facebook that will disturb you. There are no ads on Steemit that will disturb you.
People can find you very easily on Facebook. While this is sometimes advantageous, it is often annoying. Since there is no user search using name and surname in Steemit, people you do not want can not find you immediately.


Question no 4 :

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

The decentralized social media project Steemit can change people's lives. Of course, users need to produce content with patience and discipline. Patience, discipline and quality bring success with it.

Steemit offers a very suitable environment for software developers to produce projects. Software developers can improve themselves more at Steemit. In addition, if they have suitable projects for the Steem blockchain, they can get a high rate of upvote, and a good amount of resources will be transferred to them from Steem.Dao.

Steemit manages to gather the features of all social media projects under one roof. Steemit> facebook + twitter + youtube + instagram.

That way, you can be a good blogger using these features. This can give you many advantages.

But you shouldn't say I have no talent. If you know how to cook, you can earn good profits from the posts you will share in the Steemitfoods community.

You can sell the Steem coins you have accumulated through Steemit at high prices and buy things that you will have difficulty in buying such as houses and cars. You can pay your monthly bills and do shopping.

Steemit can change your life. If you don't have a regular job like me or you are one of those people who like to work without being bound to an authority, Steemit is a suitable place for you. By sharing quality content, you can earn income as if you were working on a job.


Question no 5 :
How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience

You can earn money very easily with Steemit.

a) By producing quality content

Users who produce quality content on Steemit are upvote by whales. You will definitely get the reward for the quality content you produce.
For a long time I have been regularly producing content in the Steemit Crypto Academi community. Since I produce content regularly, the quality of the content I create is increasing day by day and my content is starting to get a higher rate of upvote. So far I have attended all courses in the Steemit crypto academy. I won awards, learned to trade and learned new things about blockchain.

I hold a daily contest. Since I contribute to the steem blockchain, I get upvote by curators / whales, although not very often.

I write daily, although not regularly. I am getting upvote by the curators. People who regularly post diaries receive regular upvotes from curators.

b) By investing

I have a total of 16,600 SP. So far I have purchased around 10,000 SP of Steem. I powerup my Steems and I am a curator. I am receiving numerous curatorial awards for quality content.

I make money like I'm working in a job because I produce content in a regular, disciplined and patient manner and because I upvote quality content. I do not sell the coins I earn in order not to lower the steem price.


Question no 6 :
How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

It is very important to have communities in Steemit. Users thus have the opportunity to share their content in more appropriate communities. For example, someone interested in food shares their food-related ingredients in the steemitfoods community. The existence of a community gives users practicality.

Now I'll show you step by step how to build a community.

Step 1:


First, I log in to I log in by entering a password. I clicked on the place I marked.

Step 2:


First I determine the title of the community. Community title cannot be longer than 18 characters. Then I wrote a description of the community in a lower box and clicked on the place I marked.

Step 3:


I save my username and password and keep them offline. Then I click on the places I marked respectively.

Step 4



I have to pay 3 STEEMs to create a community. I click on the place I marked to create the community. Then I perform the login process again.

Step 5


Community is being created.


The community was created. I click on the place I marked to go to the community.

Step 6:

You can make many edits by clicking the places I marked in the picture. You can appoint a new manager to the community and change the rules.


Facebook share:


Twitter share:




It was very useful. Although decentralized social media is not very popular now, we can say that they will be very popular in the future. After a few years, people will start using decentralized social media projects. Because they will be more free, they will share as they wish, and they will earn money in return for the content they produce.

Thanks to the professor for the useful course article.



Can I use your image for my Homework blog,? I will mention your source

Of course. You can create it yourself on

I mean your screenshot of creating community?

You have to create the community screenshot yourself. The professor will not allow this.

I thought he said as use copy right free images. That's why I asked

You have to create the community building pictures yourself. It would be more appropriate to ask this question to the professor.

Ok thank you for reply :)

It is very troublesome to become a member of Facebook and complete the membership steps. Becoming a member of Steemit is very short and effortless. You can share new posts and make comments as soon as you confirm by email and phone.

yes process of registration is very much than other media

Steemit offers a very suitable environment for software developers to produce projects. Software developers can improve themselves more at Steemit. In addition, if they have suitable projects for the Steem blockchain, they can get a high rate of upvote, and a good amount of resources will be transferred to them from Steem.Dao.

developer has great opportunity also to make their product best here with the support of steemit

  • your wrote very nice and thank for sharing your experience about great steemit

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 8.5

Thanks for checking my homework. I can't wait to read your next course article.

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