Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 4 - Week 1 |Homework for Professor @imagen| NFT Games

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

So hello everyone welcome to my homework post for the Professor @imagen and i must say the homework is really very intresting as being associated with so many nft games it has really become very easy and intresting topic to cover.

Question 1:

Describe in your own words the main Advantages and Disadvantages (Pros and Cons) of NFT Games in relation to other types of games.

Answer 2:


The word nft has really taken cryptocurrency world to a next level as the worth of nft could be anything as low as 0.1$ to as high as 69,000,000 $ it could be anything so wherever there is monetary value there will be users and businesses which will be coming towards them.

NFT stands for non-fungible token which is a kind of digital assets which are unique and can be traded for respective currency if they holds any monetary value.

NFT can be found everywhere from gaming to artist or for any other unique work which can be converted digitally NFT has got all of them covered as it has created a lot of value for all of them.

Advantages of NFT Games:

As said the NFT games has taken gaming world to a whole new level so some of the advantages of NFT games are:

  • Monetization: In this world whatever work we do or we play games the main objective behind it is always money and with nft games the gaming industry saw a great uplift as everyone who playes it are earning something or the other but this was not possible with the traditional gaming as only the professional gamers use to earn but over hear everyone can monetize and earn.
  • Security: As NFT games are build over the blockchain technology making it really secure and hard for hackers to hack as your NFT holds value so there will always be hackers behind you so hear comes the role of Blockchain Security which is really great.
  • Absolute Ownership: In normal traditional gaming the ownership is with the developer and anytime he can revoke your access and you will no longer be in position to access them but when it comes of NFT they are solely in control of you and no one can access it without your permission making you the only owner of your assets.

Disadvantages of NFT Games:

The NFT games market is very new and it also possess great challenges and disadvantages which might get solved in the near future so some of the challenges faced by the NFT games are:

  • Scam: There are many king of scams going around the market as it is not possible for anyone to access your NFT so the scammers choose do it through creating fishing link or by providing some bait in terms of some rewards in with people fall and tend to give the complete access to the scammers leading to loss of funds.
  • Financial Risk: This NFT market is really very new and basically the value of NFT get decided by the market hype leading it to be a great financial risk for people either investing in it or holding there NFT. As many a time the value of NFT have fallen from 100 to 1 for example rplanet and many more.
  • Adoption: The crypto space itself is new so as there is a adoption problem with crypto so do NFT games as it has some technicalities making it difficult for masses to adopt and play so the process need to be simplified so that even a normal person who is not aware of the crypto world can take part easily.

Question 2:

Name five (5) recognized characters: writers, artists, athletes or others, who have digitized their works (writings, publications, paintings, drawings, illustrations, etc.) to produce NFT. Please indicate the value of the NFT or the collection, show photos or images and cite sources.

Answer 2:



This JPG NFT was made by Mike Winkelmann he is also known as beeple also it was sold on an auction by Christie’s for a huge amount of $69 million which is a huge amount.

This normal looking rock was sold for 400 Ether or $1.3 million which was bought by the tron founder Justin Sun. These are just normal jpg images and nothing else but still they got such huge valuation.


This cryptopunk nft was sold for $17.1 million as part of the Sotheby's online auction which happened and some very huge amount value of NFT were sold.


This cute little Hairy NFT was made in collaboration with DJ Steve Aoki and artist Antoni Tudisco and was sold for $888888 which is really very good amount.

This NFT was named as metarift as far as this NFT. is concerned no one knows who is the creator of it so it is named tha satosi of NFT world. It was sold for $904413.

Question 3:

Describe in depth the selected game: founders or developers, launch date, objective of the game, operation, native token (price, market capitalization, position), availability in the various operating systems and any other relevant information. Show Screenshots.

Answer 3:


Cryptoblade is an online battle game where you own different characters and sword to fight and win if you are able to win the game then you get rewarded based on the level of character and sword you have. Sword can go as high as 5 stars with special powers giving you great rewards.

Character looks like this.

Sword looks like this.

Founder: Philip Devine


Launch Date: It was released in April 2021.

Objective Of The Game:

The objective of the cryptoblade game was to provide a fun and profitable experience in gaming field which to certain extent they have accomplished giving them a great response from the people giving them a huge size community.

Native Token:

Unlike any other game even cryptoblade have there own native token known as Skill which has really given there investors some massive gains.


Initially the price went from 1.5$ to 180$ which was an life changing deal for many people and the one who have grabbed it would be in great profit.

Two things supported this pump one was the hype which it got due to huge amount of earning and the second was it total supply which was only 1 million making it a great pump coin too.

Market Capitalisation

It has a market capitalisation of $18.6 million which is huge.

Though the price has fallen to a great level as the pump was not that real it just happened due to the fomo among the people which was created at that point of time.

I have played this game and eventually i ended up buying the characters and sword at a higher price and as the price dumped i incurred a loss of around 400$.

Since after then a lot of development has took place such as introduction of new nft with very limited numbers making it a good sign but still no positive sign was noticed in it's price let's see when it is going to hype up again.

Question 4:

Show the complete process to acquire the tokens (it does not necessarily have to be the game selected in the previous question, as long as it is within the list provided). Indicate the platforms (wallets or exchanges) where it is available; the process for downloading, installing and configuring wallets or networks. Show Screenshots.

How To Acquire Cryptoblade (skill) token.

Step 1: You must have any of the Wallets such as metamask, trustwallet etc.

So i have used metamask for it.

Simply login to your wallet and hold some busd or bnb for exchanging it.

Step 2: Now head towards pancake swap in the browser section and then connect your wallet with it.


Step 3: Now go to the exchange tab and select the token by entering it's contract address and swap it with the token you want to.

Now simply fill the amount and you will be good to go and now you can buy as much skill token as you can.

As it is available on pancake swap, and many more you can find the list below so you just need a wallet and you are good to go and if you wish to buy it from exchange then you must have there respective accounts which will allow you to make transactions. For me wallet is the best and easy way for getting these tokens.


Once again a special thanks to @imagen for hosting this lovely topic i really enjoyed a lot though i was aware of almost most of the things of cryptoblade but for making this homework i even more information than before making it a very helpful homework for me.

I also went through other people post who have made on other games even that was too helpful helping me gain knowledge about other games too.

Thanks friends have a great day ahead.

 3 years ago 

hi, the correct tag is #imagen-s4week1

Thanks for reminding.

 3 years ago (edited)

Gracias por participar en la Cuarta Temporada de la Steemit Crypto Academy.

Escala de ValoraciónNotaObservaciones
Pregunta 11.5/1.5
Pregunta 21.5/1.5
Pregunta 32.5/3.0
Pregunta 42.5/3.0
Pregunta 50.4/1.0

Realizastes un buen trabajo, sin embargo, te sugiero que te extiendas un poco mas en tus respuestas agregando mayor informacion.

Espero seguir corrigiendo tus asignaciones.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63792.82
ETH 2563.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66