Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S6W6 - Security Token Offerings STO

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I hope that all of you will be good and happy and enjoying your precious health with the grace and blessings of Almighty Allah. Today, I am here to be a part of the week 6 contest in our beloved SteemitCryptoAcademy and the topic of discussion for this week is Security Token Offerings STO. So, stay tuned with me.

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In your own words, define the STO by explaining its process (how does it work?).

STO actually stands for Security Token Offering. It is a new technique that is mostly used for the crowd fundraising or to grab the investors for a business or a company. As referred to by the name, it is a technique in which the security tokens are offered to the investors to ensure the worth of their investment in those projects or companies.

We all are well-aware about the term Initial Coin Offering. In that process, different tokens are given to the investors that are actually the surety of their investment and those tokens were later issued on different exchanges to trade and exchange with other crypto assets.

But, STO is not like that offering in which the tokens are given with no particular price of value. In STO, the security tokens that are given to the investors are actually backed by some real world assets to ensure that they have proper value and the investors could be satisfies with their investment in those projects. Thus, the process of tokenazation is involved here which is actually the digitalization of the real-world assets.

Conventionally, we know that whenever a company decided to open a fundraising scheme and grab the investors, it give shares to the investors that are the surety of their investment in that company. But, STO is much more than those conventional processes. In STO, the shares are actually the security tokens and the medium of trust is the blockchain technology.

Let me explain it in a simpler term. In STO, the investors are given with the security tokens that are backed up by the real world assets. And the blockchain technology is involved in the process of storing the details about the contract that has been done between the investors and the company.

These smart contracts are verifies by the governments and that's why the process is known as the Security Token Offering and the tokens are actually known as the security tokens having value equals to the particular real world assets. These smart contracts are secured highly with the cryptographic elements of the blockchain technology and are transparent, immutable and permanent.

What does STO bring to the world of cryptocurrencies and also to the traditional financial world?

The process of STO is a new technique in the digital world for the public fundraising with high securities and authentications. There are many innovations that came into view just die to the involvement of this technique in the financial realm. It has beautiful impacts on both cryptocurrency space and the traditional financial systems as well. Some important benefits that STO provides to these fields are as follows.

Trustworthy Process

The most important impact of the STO technique is on the future of the cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology. We know that it is a process in which fundraising for the companies or projects is done with high securities and authentications. So, the investors are attracted towards these technologies and hence the can move towards crypto and blockchain technology easily.

Legally Proved

Another impact of the STO on the financial field is that it makes the investment legally proved by the securities of a state and hence more investors are attracted to those projects or companies. The STOs can only initiated after verification and securities from the related government and hence they are more trustworthy for the investors as the government have already proved those companies.

Open Gates for More Projects and Companies

The STO has proven itself very successful in attracting much more investors that those companies that work through the traditional systems. So, thing thing also attract more people to open new projects because they found the funraising process more effective through the STOs.

Adoption of Cryptocurrency

Another beautiful benefit of the STO is that the cryptocurrency adoption is affected much by this technique. The traditional companies and investors now look for the cryptocurrency investments and projects because their more effective and reliable nature.

High Transparency

As the STOs are based on the blockchain technology and it is the beautiful nature of the blockchain technology that it is highly transparent medium. So, investors feel much satisfies while adopting this method of investments because they can access the smart contracts anytime and anywhere without any restriction.

Less Risky Investments

The STO has made the investments less risky for the investors because they own such security tokens that are pegged to the real world assets and they are not much volatile. Secondly, the projects or companies are proved by the government so they are less risky as compared to the other investments just like in the Initial Coin Offering.

Much Cheaper Process

One of the most important benefit of the STOs is that it is much affordable technique for the companies as there is no involvement of any central authority in the initiation, processing and completion of these fundraising systems. So, there is no need of any additional expense. That's why, it is less expensive than the traditional schemes.

What are the differences between STO and ICO, IPO and IEO?

Besides the STO, there are other many fundraising methods that has been adopted by different companies to raise their capitals. There are a few aspects that can be considering while drawing a difference between them. Others methods are ICO, IPO and IEO. Let me explain the features of these methods, one by one.

ICO (Initial Coin Offering)
  • In Initial Coin Offering, the investors are given with different utility tokens that are highly volatile.

  • The tokens that are given to the investors are present of different exchanges after the crowd fundraising process completely.

  • The value of these tokens are not backed by the real world assets so investors can feel insecure here.

  • Initial Coin Offering is not verified and proved by the governments so there are high risks of frauds and scams.

  • There is less transparency of the transactions or activities that are carried out in ICO.

IPO (Initial Public Offering)
  • In IPO, the shares of the company are given to the investors and hence the process of public fundraising is carried out.

  • They do not work on the blockchain technology and hence they are always at the risks.

  • The activities are not transparent to the investors and hence, they can feel a bit unsatisfied with their investments.

  • Shares that are given to the investors are initiated after complex verification and authentication systems.

  • They are more expensive than STO because there is proper need of the paper works, and other physical methods.

  • The investors and companies both have to follow the instructions of the government financial sectors.

IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)
  • These fundraising schemes are initiated by the popular exchanges of the crypto space.

  • Only the users of the exchange are able to take part in these type of fundraising processes.

  • The participants of IEO have to abide by the rules of that exchange platform.

  • The users have to trust the exchanges and there is no as such worry because most of the exchanges are already trustworthy.

  • Initial listing fees is required by the exchanges to completely initiate the IEO fundraising schemes.

STO (Security Token Offering)
  • The companies give the security tokens to the investors that are the according to the value of the investments.

  • STOs are legally proved by the governments and thus they are more trustworthy than ICO and IEO.

  • The security tokens are backed up by the value of real world assets and thus they are less risky.

  • The agreement is based on the smart contracts that are immutable, transparent and much secure due to involvement of blockchain technology.

  • The investors are much satisfied on their investments as they have the assets of real worth and companies are legally approved.

List and explain some types of security tokens?

There are basically different types of the security tokens that are actually based of their mode of working and their availability for the investors. These tokens are given to the investors to ensure their shares in that company. They are discussed below, one by one.

Asset-Backed Tokens

These are the security tokens that are actually backed up by the value of real world assets like the stocks, gold, diamond and other reserves. The investors feels satisfied as they know that they are holding those real world assets indirectly, but in their digital forms.

Equity Tokens

The second type of the security tokens is the equity tokens. These types of security tokens are actually the insurance for the investors of their investment because their investment is registered in the form of their percentage shares in the total capitals of the company including the stocks that the company have and many more. Thus, the investors have particular percentages in those items. Equity tokens gave the rights to participate in governance voting of the platform.

Debt Based Tokens

The third type of the security tokens is the debt based tokens. These type of security tokens are just like the loans or debt that the company takes from the investors and at the end, the company is bound to return the same amount but with some extra interests that could be of fixed or flexible value in nature. Thus the investors get their investment back with reasonable profits.

Utility Tokens

Another type of tokens that could be used in the STO process are the utility tokens. As referred to by the name, these tokens can be used to purchase or buy different services that are offered by that company. They can use that tokens to enjoy various services or goods or may be also used for trading purposes within or outside the platforms.

Do you think these types of tokens are secure and reliable? if you want to participate how does it work?

Yes, I strongly believe that the security tokens are much more effective and beneficial than the other tokens that are offered. The STO is the best way of crowd fundraising due to its trustworthy nature. The first thing that every investor wants is the high security of their investment and it is fulfilled in the case of STO.

Secondly, the investors always look such companies that are offering the things with very less risks. As we already discussed that STO has minimum risks attached to it because of the backing up of these security tokens by the real world assets and thus the investors are satisfied as they consider they are holding the real assets in digital formats.

Another important thing that could be considered here is that the STO are approved by the governments and thus there are very less risks of scams or frauds. So, I would like to say that STO is the best method of fundraising both for the companies and the investors as well.

Important Points that Should be Noted

There are a few important things that could be considered before launching your STO for your company or projects. Some of these things are as follow.

  • You should have to careful look the type of assets that you are going to use as the back up asset for your security tokens.

  • It is important to announce the interest rates or the type of interests that you are offering on your equity or debt tokens.

  • For the proper security purposes, the security and verification systems like KYC and AML should be adopted.

  • Your terms and conditions should completely follow all the rules and regulations of the respective financial sectors policies.

  • Another important thing is the right choice of the platform for launching and tokenization of the assets. We should be very careful while launching STO.

Steps To Launch an STO

The following steps could be helpful for launching an STO in the market.

  • First of all, you have to make all the necessary arrangements for the launch of STO and decide every core detail that you are going to adopt.

  • Second step starts after the completion of preparations of the STO. You must have to advertise the STO so that you could be able to get more and more investors in your company.

  • Third step starts at the begin of the STO. You should be very active while this step and help the investors to solve the problems that they could face.

  • Last step is at the end of the STO, you have to develop your projects accordingly and try best to make it user-friendly. Road map and core details of the team are very important things.


Security Token Offering is the method of public fundraising in which the investors are given with the security tokens. The main reason for STO is to gather more capitals for the company or project. The security tokens are those tokens that are backed by the real world assets and thus they are less risky.

It is the best method of fundraising for a company due to the involvement of blockchain technology. It helps to get the trust of the investors because the STO is already approved by the government and thus the investors feel satisfies while investing their money in those projects that run STO.

I would like to invite my friends @malikusman1, @simonnwigwe, @sachin08 and @faran-nabeel to take part in this beautiful contest.



Wonderful information you have shared after doing your research. You have put a lot of efforts in explaining and understanding the STOs.

You are right that launching of sto has increased the transparency of the investments in the project as in the blockchain ledger anyone can see the information publicly.

And as Sto is regulated by following the rules and regulations of the government then it becomes more secure with the involvement of authorities.

Common people or investor also comes to the world of crypto through the STO as while buying the shares of a company through an STO a common investor will be linked to the crypto or blockchain technology using the smart contracts.

Thanks for sharing your feedback about this amazing topic.

Regards: @mohammadfaisal

Thank you bro for your precious addition.

You are welcome ☺️

Find time to have a look at mine as well 🙂

Sure, I always prefer engagement. Thanks for the invitation.

Ummm nice to hear

Saludos amigo. Los Security Token Offer ofrecen muchas ventajas al usar la tecnología blockchain al añadir transparencia, fiabilidad y respaldo tangible a la inversión en estos tipos de token. Una explicación muy detallada que nos ayuda a seguir aprendiendo de este mundo criptográfico.
Los inversores pueden tener más tranquilidad al colocar su dinero en estos instrumentos tokenizados. Saludos y éxitos!

Thanks for your precious addition here.

 2 years ago 

ICO and STO have a very big difference, the more sophisticated the technological age, the more fraud there is, moreover, the crypto world is like a world full of money and investments,
As much as possible someone will definitely choose and invest in things that are clearer, and have a high level of security, and one of them is STO which is expected to bring confidence to investors...
Your publication is very good, so far I understand better and I will continue with my entry later...
Success is always for you... 👍😇

Thank you so much for your precious comment.

 2 years ago 

You have written so well my friend on the topic under review. Indeed every investors looks for a trust worthy investment to invest in. No one will want to put his or her money where it will disappear and the STO has offered investors this trust by assuring them the safety of their funds because of the regulation and the blockchain technology they have adopted. I wish you success in this contest my friend.

Thanks a lot for your precious feedback brother.

 2 years ago 

As always, your articles are full of quality and educative points to hold on to for future purposes.
Through your post were made to understand that STOs provide issuers with a quick, efficient way to raise funds without dealing with long periods of waiting or tedious paperwork. They can attract large institutional investors who may have been wary of investing in ICOs due to their lack of regulation.

The STO has proven itself very successful in attracting much more investors that those companies that work through the traditional systems. So, thing thing also attract more people to open new projects because they found the funraising process more effective through the STOs.

A very interesting point you have made here, STOs offer a way for companies to diversify their investor base.
By allowing a variety of different investors to participate in the token offering, companies can gain access to a larger pool of potential investors and capitalize on the growth opportunities offered.

Thanks a lot for your precious addition here 😊

Very well described all points of the topic STO.

In STO, the security tokens that are given to the investors are actually backed by some real world assets to ensure that they have proper value and the investors could be satisfies with their investment in those projects.

Yes it is the reason why it is different than other because it is backed by real-world assets likes bonds, stocks, shares, etc.

Another beautiful benefit of the STO is that the cryptocurrency adoption is affected much by this technique.

This is the best advantage of STO in my view because due to many bad news in the market, people are afraid of investing in cryptocurrency, especially 2018 ICO bubble burst is the main cause of people's disbelief. So STO is the only way to gain their trust back moreover it will bring millions of new people in cryptocurrency till 2025.

The difference between STO, ICO, IPO, and IEO is explained perfectly in points. I like the format/presentation of complete article.

Yes there are four types of STO i.e. Debt tokens, Utility tokens, asset-backed tokens, and equity tokens. I somewhere read hybrid tokens which are combination of all these types but still unable to find the confirmation of this type. If you know please share with us brother.

In last, thank you so much for sharing with us your thoughts and knowledge on STO topic. I appreciate your efforts and wish you best of luck for the contest :)

Happy New Year 2023 :)

No, I didn't hear about that type until now. But I hope that I will read it some time. Thanks a lot for your precious comment. Stay blessed ❤️

❤️ ❤️

Dear, @steemdoctor1, one question: if we do not receive a vote by tomorrow, the post expires and we have a rating, should a repost be made? I really appreciate your time.Regards!

No no friend. In engagement challenge, votes are not guaranteed. So, kept on creating quality content and your efforts will be rewarded surely.

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