Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2 Week 3: Trading and Holding - Two Sides of a Coin by @alphafx

Homework by @alphafx done by me @steemco

Question 1: Do you hold any coins? Talk about the wallet type you prefer/would prefer holding in

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I have been into cryptocurrency since 2019, and it has been an adventure for me. According to the question no 1, I have some coins in my wallet that I am holding for future better price. One of the coins that I hold is ethereum.

About the wallet type that I prefer:

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Atomic wallet is a wonderful type of App/mobile wallet, it is a wallet that I have been using since December 2019 without any regret. Atomic wallet has a lot of feature that makes it better than its counterparts.
The Atomic Wallet's main qualities are its low in cost and support for coins and tokens. As well as its security, it also allows you to buy cryptocurrency with your bank card directly from the wallet. Apart from network transaction costs, the wallet is free to use. It supports more than 500 coins and tokens, as well as other exchanges other than Atomic Swap, in order to cover as many crypto assets as possible. Almost any coin or token can be exchanged using the wallet Since the Atomic Swap exchange is integrated into the wallet.

The created password by the user is the first layer of protection in Atomic Wallet. This password is needed for wallet access as well as transaction confirmation and accessing private keys. A randomly generated 12-word backup phrase backs up the user-created password and can be used to regain access to the wallet if the smartphone is lost or stolen.

There for I believe this wallet is good for those who are looking for a betterand secure mobile app wallet.

QUESTION TWO:- With screenshots, show how to perform spot trading on any pair of your choice.

  • The first thing you have to do is to have a binance account, then you open it, which may be on phone or laptop.

  • On the binance platform, you will click on trade and then select classic

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  • When you are on the binance platform, you will select the pair that you want to trade. With the USDT, we want to buy BTC.

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Method 1: Limit order

The limit order means that you want to set the price at which you will buy the coin. For example the current price is $49,655 and I want to buy at $49,100. I will now put the amount of BTC I want to buy which is 0.001 as shown below.

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  • The percentage space below is where you will put the amount of USDT you want to sell from your wallet. On the screen below I am using 50% and I am going to spend 85.43400000 USDT.

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Method 2: Using the Market order

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This means that you are going to buy at the market current price, once you click on BUY, it will buy straight away and will not need to wait till it reaches any price. All you have to do is to click on market and type the amount of USDT you want to trade with, in my case it is 100USDT.

The same process goes for selling as at the time that the price has gone up and you want to sell. You will just type the amount to sell at the market price or the price you want to sell with the limit order

QUESTION 3 Holding or trading, which do you prefer and why?

Traders are individuals that profit from minor market fluctuations. They profit from price fluctuations. They attempt to outperform the market in the short term. They try to time their entries and exits by studying the market, feeding off the press, reading and following market flow.

I prefer trading to HODLING, I am a business person and I take delight in short term profit and loss. Some people believe that trading is more more risky, but I believe that there are more gains in risk.

Traders can quickly make huge profit in a shot time in trading which is not possible in hodling. Trading only need proper monitoring and evaluation on the market flow.


Question 11.5/2nice work.
Question 22/2good job.
Question 32/4good, would have liked to see more detailed reasons.
Presentation1.5/2appropriately presented.
TOTAL7well done, see you next time

Thanks for participating

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67364.26
ETH 3322.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71