SEC S17-W2 || Layer-3 blockchain

in SteemitCryptoAcademy5 months ago (edited)

Describe the architecture of layer 3 blockchains specialized in fractal scalability, highlighting the main components and mechanisms that achieve this objective. Create a chart that illustrates this architecture.

How do layer 3 blockchains specializing in fractal scalability use horizontal sharding to improve transaction processing capacity, and how does this differ from the Steem blockchain approach?

Explain how sidechains and rollups are essential elements of layer 3 blockchains to ensure fractal scalability, and how these concepts could be applied to the Steem blockchain to improve its performance.

How do Layer 3 blockchains handle the challenges of decentralized governance while maintaining fractal scalability, and how does this compare to the governance structure of the Steem blockchain?

How could the introduction of new technologies such as sharding and interoperable blockchains influence the future of layer 3 blockchains specialized in fractal scalability, and how could the Steem blockchain adapt to these developments?

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Wow wow it's obvious that the professor did his best in coming up with such interesting and powerful content question and this unique nature is what keeps this community lively and lovely. I must say it opened my eyes to more powerful technologies that could effectively and efficiently solve Scalability issues


**Describe the architecture of layer 3 blockchains specialized in fractal scalability, highlighting the main components and mechanisms that achieve this objective. Create a chart that illustrates this architecture.


Due to the nature and workload found on blockchain technologies the blockchain technology is somehow divided into three basic layer although some professors would say they are five layers in the blockchain ecosystem. This layers were both on to blockchain technology to help enhance and upgrade the work process of any blockchain technology.

In most cases layer 3 is innovated to help run so many activities like smart contact, that is to say it helps in enhancing and upgrading the scalability of a blockchain the fact that a blockchain receives so much transaction data that is requires urgent processing and verification and the only way a blockchain can process takes data as required is by upgrading it scalability.

Moreover there are three dimensions that are the most very important features everyone looks out in an blockchain technology and this three important dimensions or features are known as the Security of the blockchain (that is to say how secure they blockchain is at every point in time), the Decentralization of the blockchain (this is to check and confirm if they blockchain is running on a distributed networking system or if the blockchain is actually secretly running in a centralized format or system) and Scalability (the scalability of the blockchain is very very important this is because it help analyze how the blockchain would run when they work pressure because very high, would they blockchain crash or would it continue to run smoothly)

The next time I mind is that I want to talk about the whole three layers of a blockchain and how effective and efficient there are to the blockchain. To best explain the three layers of a blockchain I would explain it in a web development standard.

In front end development there are three basic languages that I used in development of a website, first on the list we have HTML (they HTML is a building block that is used to create a structure for your web page), secondly we have CSS (which is used to design your web page and give it to that beautiful look) totally we use JavaScript (or any of his framework to create functionalities to that web page). When this tree comes together we end up seeing a powerful working front-end development product.

Now comparing them to the layers of blockchain technology, just as the HTML gives us structure layer one blockchain give us the core values and features of a blockchain, also just as the CSS gives us a nice design layer 2 at also features to the layer 1 blockchain and thirdly just as JavaScript give us final touches and functionalities in our web page layer 3 comes up with special attributes that helps solves scalability shoes and also help in the hosting of applications on the blockchain


Layer 3 blockchains is more like an improved layer of blockchain architecture focused at solving blockchain technology issues like scalability issues, interoperability issues, and functionality issues usually experienced in the older layer 1 and layer 2 block architecture. The layer 3 blockchains brings upgraded concepts and innovative ideas that enhances blockchain performance, scalability of the blockchain, and interoperability while ensuring decentralization and security remain top notch. Below are some features of layer 3 blockchains

Scalability Solutions:
Layer 3 blockchains brings out a lot of scalability solutions to enhance blockchain transaction throughput, these Scalability solutions may includes skill known as sharding, this is tactics where by blockchain activities are broken down into smaller units calledshards, so therefore causing a step by step processing. Also most blockchain users a layer 3 technology know as sidechain in the procession of data.

chart that illustrates this architecture.

Interoperability Solutions:
As the name implies Interoperability has to to do with how a blockchain operate and communicate with other technologies or software at a particular period of time. Interoperability is another serious focus of layer 3 blockchains, it was done to produce enhance blockchain communication, interaction and relationship between different blockchain technology. The layer 3 is a very nice development because it makes the communication and the operations between blockchains easily faster and similes making it an standing and remarkable technology for the growth of every blockchain.

Improved Smart Contract:

The layer tree help in making improvement and upgrade on the existing smart contract of the blockchain making it very much lovely to use as by improving user interaction on the blockchain, so with the help of layer 3 technology we can see the creation of decentralized applications more often and also it gives this blockchain the upgradeability of this decentralized applications to improve effectively and efficiently without generating bugs.

Innovations of Bridges

All thanks to technology now we have seen awesome blockchain tools that makes transaction easier, safer and faster. As the name implies are pathways between two blockchain technology bridge I usually used when a user wishes to send an asset or token from one blockchain so another without manually converting it. As we all know sending an asset to a different chain usually cause permanent loss of assets but with the help of bridge I can easily send a different asset to another blockchain through the use of the bridge technique.


How do layer 3 blockchains specializing in fractal scalability use horizontal sharding to improve transaction processing capacity, and how does this differ from the Steem blockchain approach?


Horizontal shading is a very powerful scalability tool that blockchain technologies used to solve scalability issues very fast, this because it is very effective and efficient. In blockchain using horizontal scaling increases the numbers of their node whenever the is scalability issues arise. The capacity power are then improved because the workload has been effectively distributed to every part of the network where they have nodes, so therefore a work done by 10 nodes would be done by 20 node.

The horizontal scaling increases the numbers of node in respect to the load and amount of job on ground at a particular period of time, if 50 more node would do the job faster, then the blockchain would trigger the initiation of 50 more node to reduce the amount of load that faces the old numbers of nodes on the blockchain at that point of time.

This sort of technique is usually very effective In a distributed networking system where all activities of the blockchain can be handled by different node at any locations at same period of time. This networking system is very good in combating criminals activities because an attack one one node doesn't affect the whole blockchain and that makes it very secured before it is almost impossible to strike an attack on all the blockchain at a particular period.

A load balancer is usually used in balancing the load across all nodes on the chain this is done to to make sure that no single node carries responsibilities that are very much bigger than it. The efficiency and effectiveness of the blockchain because balance and a scalability issue because resolved with immediate effect as soon as they load balance distributing or sharing the workload of the blockchain are there period of time.

Now the main goal or purpose that is been achieved from using a horizontal schedule name procedure is the ability of the blockchain to process data and information in a parallel format, this is so because it is believed that when possessing data in a parallel format the procession process becomes very easier and faster than expected, this method of processing data and information is usually called Parallelization. Examples of blockchain technology using horizontal scaling techniques Solana, Ethereum 2.0, Celo, NEAR , Avalanche, Harmony etc.

On the other hand STEEM, TEZOS, ALGORAND, EOSIO,TRON blockchain uses a different method to solve scalability issues very fast and easily, unlike what we see in horizontal scaling blockchains technology a different scenario is experienced in a vertical scaling system. Whenever scalibility issues comes up on this sort of blockchain technologies that uses vertical scaling to solve a scalability issues, instead of creating more nodes on the blockchain to a capacity of the blockchain would be increased by increasing the computational power like the RAM size the processor speed and other important features in the computer that would make the server process data faster than usual.

In this case instead of focusing on creating more nodes they blockchain decides to improve it working capacity in a manner that is too much they existing problem effectively and efficiently. This sort of method is very good this is because instead of increasing notes on the blockchain that might cause insecurity issues the blockchain retains it existing nodes but increases their power to make them work more effectively and efficiently whenever scalability becomes an issue on ground.


Explain how sidechains and rollups are essential elements of layer 3 blockchains to ensure fractal scalability, and how these concepts could be applied to the Steem blockchain to improve its performance.


Sidechains and rollups are very very essential because they provide solutions that improve security, decentralization and Scalability of a blockchain fastly. They help reduce the workload of the main blockchain, therefore baking the work on the blockchain process faster and also cause a reduction in gas fee. The both of them layer 2 blockchain technologies aimed with a sole purpose of making the processes done on the layer 1 blockchain easier, faster and more secured.

Sidechains are very important layer 2 blockchain built independently from the main occur blockchain with the sole purpose of making the activities of the blockchain faster,easier and safer. Most side chains are totally independent that is to say they has their own consensus mechanism, their own validators and their own protocols in which they run. Sidechains don't actually need more results from the main chain because they have all the takes for the blockchain to run.

The side chains and the blockchains are usually connected with some sort of bridge, this bridge are what the side chains use as means of communication or transportation of information or asset between the core blockchain and and sidechain itself without any third party interaction or interference. The side chains are usually two way pegged, in a way that the blockchain securely and easily sent asset from the main blockchain to the site chain seamlessly without any interception and the side chain can also send and receive data or asset similarly without any security risk.

Roll ups on the other hand are very similar to the protocols of the side chains but they are quite some little different between the both powerful technologies that are known for quitting awesome solutions to scalability and high transaction fees on a blockchain such as bitcoin and ethereum where we see very cumbersome amount of gas fees for a single transaction.

Roll up just as side chain are also layer 2 technologies built on top of a layer 1 technology or blockchain to help facilitate and improve the security, decentralization, user and client interaction and procession speed of the blockchain technology. Also just like side chains roll ups use Bridges to communicate and transfer data and assets from the main chain and to the main chain easily and seamlessly without any interference..

The main purpose of the rollups are very helpful to stop scalability issues and help produce a cheaper transaction fees between both chains, and to achieve this they roll up technology is get or shares data and resource from the core blockchain which is in layer 1. And this is one of the major difference between it and side chains because they are not totally independent from the core blockchain technology.

The truth of the matter is that this asset are not actually sent to the side chain through this Bridges instead the assets would be freezed just as steam power is freezed and an equivalent would be sent to the site chain in a wrapped format. This is the reason why most crypto expert please that side chains would actually improve, also doing this process a validator is kept in place to monitor this activities to ensure it has not been attacked by a cyber criminal.

This processes or activities are made possible with the help of effective and efficient working smart contact that helps process the transaction without the help of a validator this act helps in reducing the workload of the validator because transactions on a chain could be so much that it because impossible to handle manually. This smart contact usually works out as artificial intelligence tools that once and process transaction automatically with the help of some professionally written source code or byte code depending on the language it's written on.

Talking about steam blockchain and sidechains or rollup technology, after much research I came to find about so many awesome technologies on steem blockchain that has been used as a side chain and a rollup. While researching I found out that steem blockchain had a sidechain know as Steem Keychainbut I don't know if it's still working this is because it's only works on desktop devices and unfortunately I only have access to my Android device, also steam has a roll up known as SMT (Smart Media Token)The reason why I call a smart Media token a roll up is because it requires more steam power before the application can maintain a nice bandwidth to one day application and perform transactions.

The importance of this side chains and roll up on the blockchain is very good and as you can see it's motivate and inspired the freezing of steem assets into steem power which we all know could do miracles in pumping the price of steem assets effectively and efficiently.

Also this technologies listed are really helpful in the creation of new tokens on steem blockchain and the diversion of workload from the core steem blockchain to this layer 2 technologies that help improve the workability and efficiency of steem blockchain technology.


How do Layer 3 blockchains handle the challenges of decentralized governance while maintaining fractal scalability, and how does this compare to the governance structure of the Steem blockchain?


Decentralization is one of the core values of a developed and successful blockchain this is to say all nodes on the network I connected in a distributed manner whereby the traditional centralized system becomes a thing of the past. This technology was innovated to help fight they common traditional method whereby the activities of the platform was controlled by a single node or an admin node.

This method of traditional centralized connection were described to be very risky because of the fact that if the central node or admin node get infected or attacked the hope platform will face disaster that is because everyone on the platform is directly connected to that central node or admin.

With the help of decentralized networking system a platform can now have so many notes in different locations or parts of the world, this makes the platform safer because if one note get attacked or infected the platform will still on smoothly and the activities of the platform was still be kept safe and secured.

Thanks to the steem team, the steem blockchain is working on a decentralized network, as you can see they blockchain has so many notes all over the world which makes the blockchain very secured and safe. This nodes are high quality systems with high and powerful capacity that are always running steadily without going off and on, that is the reason we see the platform and blockchain is always active at every period in time.

The good thing is factual scalability is actually compatible with the Decentralization and we can see that in where we spoke about horizontal scalability, if you can remember vividly well I say that horizontal scalability works on a distributed networking format whereby distribute workload to all active nodes on the blockchain. So therefore importing such awesome method of scalability wouldn't be a problem to a decentralized platform where data was on a distributed network automatically.

So therefore inputting such scalability techniques would be very easy on a decentralized platform like Steem blockchain. Also for my research I also discovered that in most cases blockchains I usually created to meet three basic criterias which are decentralization, scalability and security. Although is more cases 2 out of the criterias are usually strong while of the criteria might be lacking or very poor.

Now talking about steem governance, steam blockchain is ran and maintain with the help of witness who get elected by members of the platform with high steem power or higher stalking. These Witnesses help in the upgrading of the blockchain whenever it's lacks in a certain field, also this witness are in charge of the verification of transaction data and blocks that is to be added to the existing blockchain.

If you followed my post very well it will notice that steem blockchain has it owns scalability solutions that are triggered or used whenever they blockchain experience scalability due to high workload and tremendous increase in activity of they blockchain.

The blockchain uses vertical scalability solution to the decongest the blockchain whenever the blockchain seems so congested and very busy, this is to say that the capacity of all it notes and servers are increased whenever there is an increase in workload. This is done to decongest the platform and prevent any future crash due to high workload and congestion.

Steem keychain and SMT (Smart Media Token) are awesome technologies that they blockchain uses to divert work pressure, they both tools are very effective and efficient when creating or producing scalability solutions for the blockchain.


How could the introduction of new technologies such as sharding and interoperable blockchains influence the future of layer 3 blockchains specialized in fractal scalability, and how could the Steem blockchain adapt to these developments?


These technologies shading are interoperable I really powerful technologies that could change the working process or procedures of a blockchain, in fact they are also types of skills that makes scalability a dream come true into any blockchain technology. This is because the deal with the working capacity and capability of a blockchain especially when it comes to breaking down data and processing them otherly in a format that would prevent scalability for a long period of time.

As the name replies interoperability is the ability to enhance and improve the way in which blockchains communicate, interact and react to other platform or other operations concerning the crypto ecosystem. It helps blockchain technologies create and interact with decentralized applications effectively and efficiently without bugs.

While and the other hand we have sharding which how to do with the breaking down of complex workload or activities into smaller one, this is done to simplify complex issues faced in a blockchain at the particular period of time it is very efficient and effective in combating matters relating to scalability.

Personality speaking I would love to see more on interoperability on steem blockchain, this is because its it will increase the audience on steem blockchain. I said so because when other blockchains can easily operate and communicate with steem blockchain they will be seeing more of external activities and that would make an improve blockchain vastly, most especially in its popularity and it's native coin uses case.

Although I know the steem blockchain has already standing strategies to combat scalability issues whenever they arrive but I must tell you that shredding is a very awesome method of combating scalability issues, so I must say sincerely it could be considered into steem blockchain to also support the existing method of combating scalability issues.

When last advice for me is despite the fact this technologies are awesome and very powerful they also have their disadvantages and those should be deeply compared with that of the current scalability combating solution on the blockchain, the solution that comes out to be best economically, socially, user interface, financially and security wise.

Whenever the best scalability combating solution is used on a blockchain that blockchain thanks to have higher capability and capacity to fight and adapt in scalability rising issue, in fact they blocked you won't be scared of anything concerning scalability this is because they blockchain knows it's fully equipped to decongest any workload on the blockchain.




For any blockchain to work efficiently I usually advice that that blockchain ensures it is strongly decentralized, has very strong security capacity and it should be able to withstand any scalability issues at a very short period of time to prevent any sort of crashing or backlog on the blockchain. Shredding and site chain are very nice technologies that I really help in combating scalibility issues very fast in fact most of the blockchain technologies uses them.


I wish to invite @sahmie @saintkelvin17 @ngoenyi, @khursheedanwar @hamzayousafzai @oneray @heriadi @chant



Your post addresses a wonderful and very informative question, and the unique nature of it is what really keeps this community alive and well. It opened my eyes to the potential of these technologies and how they can solve scalability problems in a very simple and fast way.

 5 months ago 

I appreciate your lovely comment and I must say you are articles also gift life to not just the community but to also the blockchain at whole and we all appreciate that

Im glad mate you appreciate it thanks alot

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

That's the goal

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Wow.. You did it perfectly, I can learn a lot about layer 3 blockchain architecture which specializes in fractal scalability. And also about many things here. Good luck with your presentation

 5 months ago 

Thank you very much, it gives me so much pleasure that you found article interesting and educative thank you for going through it.

It sounds like you have a good understanding of how horizontal scaling can help blockchain technologies tackle scalability issues. By distributing the workload across multiple nodes, blockchain networks can handle more transactions efficiently. Load balancing ensures that no single node is overwhelmed, improving the overall effectiveness and security of the blockchain network.

 5 months ago 

Your comment friend me so much to me and I actually concur and agree with what you said about the distributing work load across the blockchain to solve Scalability issues.

Thanks for mentioning me.
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 5 months ago 

Sure boss, I was powerful and educative, thank you for sharing bro.

My pleasure ☺️
Keep posting with positive energies

Your post provides a thorough exploration of blockchain layers and their comparison to web development standards, making complex concepts understandable. I appreciate your breakdown of Layer 3 blockchains and their crucial features like scalability solutions, interoperability, and improved smart contracts. Your explanation of horizontal sharding and its contrast with vertical scaling methods is insightful. Best of luck in the contest

 5 months ago (edited)

Thanks friend, it's an honor having you going through my article boss, I appreciate

 5 months ago 

Saludos cordiales estimado amigo starrchris, un placer para mi saludarte y leer tu participación.

La plataforma Steemit y la Blockchain steem se benefician micho de las L3 pues estas dan visibilidad y su función ademas de dar escalabilidad es llamar mas usuarios a sus ecosistemas.

Te deseo una feliz, bonita y bendecida noche.

 5 months ago 

Thank you great friend I really appreciate I love your amazing comment on my article..

Greetings dear ,Your thorough analysis and clear explanations seem to have impressed the professor. Your insights into potential future developments in blockchain technology are valuable.

 5 months ago 

Thanks for your amazing comment friend 🐱 I appreciate your lovely wishes on your comments

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