#Club 100 | Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S3W1 - The Metaverse by @starrchris.steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 years ago (edited)

Define your understanding of the Metaverse. What has the Metaverse aimed to achieve? Is Metaverse here fully with us yet?

State the technologies that can be utilized to achieve Security, Ownership, and others in the Metaverse. In your own words, how are the technologies going to be utilized to achieve security and ownership? (Include any components of the technologies that would be of great advantage to the development of Metaverse).

Do we have any Gamification developments that look like the Metaverse? Discuss any two protocols and how they work.

What are the Pros and Cons of Metaverse? Do you believe in the future of the Metaverse? Discuss.


What is Expected in the Contest? Define your understanding of the Metaverse. What has the Metaverse aimed to achieve? Is Metaverse here fully with us yet?

Since the innovation of computer device and software programming technology growth has taken new, awesome and amazing dimensions in our today world. We have started seeing amazing technologies and innovative ideas coming to live, the funniest fact is that this technology seemed impossible before now but this great minds has all made a great change. Because of how amazing and impossible this technology seems so many think they are handwork of spirit and only the spiritual inclined can manipulate or create such.

They have been so so may great technologies such as the NFTs ( non-fungible tokens), crypto currencies, Blockchain technology, networking and now we have the meta verse. Meta verse is an astonishing and mind-blowing technology that would be loved by everyone who encounter it.

Define your understanding of the Metaverse

To my understanding Metaverse is derived from two ancient words " Meta" and " Universe" and so to fully understand the term Metaverse, you must fully understand this term.
Let me start with defining and explaining meta, "Meta" can be defined according to some dictionary, as the altering or changing, and for something to be changed they most have a previous or exiting state. Then let's define "Verse", the term verse is derived from the word universe that's to say verse used to abbreviate the the word universe.

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So from the above definitions what were you able to understand, in case you are confused just be calm and read along. So to conclude the definition of Metaverse according to my definition above, Metaverse can easily be defined as the mental or psychological altering of our universe by manipulate real life experience into the computer device, which will live the viewer with the impression that the are in another world which was virtually using the computers. Some example of Metaverse could be seen mind blowing, awesome and amazing movies like

  • Matrix,
  • Avatar and
  • Jumanji etc.

Note: In short metaverse is an interactive visual and digital made environments that are usually similar to the real world environment.

What has the Metaverse aimed to achieve?

Actually to my understanding I can understand the innovation of Metaverse is for the sole purpose of enhancing communication and interaction between us and other that are made via a computer device which could be laptops, phones or desktops. The main goal of Metaverse is just to enhance visual communication and interaction with the help of AR (augmented reality), 3D dimensional view and VR (virtual reality) which are one of the best technologies for enhancing of visual communication, information and interaction no matter the distance. Metaverse takes it users into another created visual world where everything seem similar and real to all parties involved.

Metaverse have come to solve the issue of distance when communicating, sharing and interacting. With Metaverse you won't have issues about how far the other parties you are interacting with is because Metaverse make the look as if they are currently with you at your current location.

Is Metaverse here fully with us yet?

No, metaverse is not yet fully with us now because of so many reasons especially the little trust issues some people has against Metaverse technology, some say it's really a very powerful technologies which will cost so much to create o use While some some it gonna have side effects on the the human health by causing strange tough disease like cancer but the fact there is that non of this side effects has been officially started or declared. But with time I believe most company and goverment will official adapt to this amazing technology, infact it's said that ha CEO of Facebook mark Zuckerberg has accepted the technology into his company.

State the technologies that can be utilized to achieve Security, Ownership, and others in the Metaverse. In your own words, how are the technologies going to be utilized to achieve security and ownership? (Include any components of the technologies that would be of great advantage to the development of Metaverse).

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Metaverse is an awesome project that would also need the help of other mind blowing technologies to grow to the future which every one is expecting Metaverse to reach. Just like every other project or technology that have ever exited Metaverse is needed back up from different technologies like:

  • Blockchain technology
  • Peer to peer network connection
  • Smart Contact
  • Cryptography

Blockchain technology :

All Steemians are all expected to have seen this term numerous amount of time in different community especially in crypto academy, so in case you don't understand the term don't be scared I will be defining the term properly.

Blockchain is coined from two important terms which can be seen as "block" and "chain", Block are storage devices that are store's data and information just like any database buy unlike other database Blocks store data or information permanently. This means whenever data of information has been successful stored in a block, they data or information can never be altered or changed by anyone or at any time. Chaining in the other hand can be defined as the the act of holding together two or more objects, so therefore Blockchain technology is easily defined as the chaining of blocks.

So to my understanding Blockchain is the storing of permanent blocks and linking of this blocks in an orderly manner so they would not be displaced. You may be wondering why I mentioned Blockchain technology, my reasons is that when people data and information are stored in a trustworthy device then people tend to see the Metaverse technology as a reliable and trustworthy project.


Cryptography can easily be defined as the act of using strong combination of letters, number or symbols to create keys or very strong password. These keys are produced following a specific algorithm to encrypt plain text into strong cypher text that can't be easily readable or memorized. For everyone steem who has made used if Steem log in is therefore known to use cryptography was used to produce those keys.

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You might be asking what cryptography has to do with Metaverse, my answer is . As long as a project as Metaverse exit the Creation and ownership of accounts is inevitable because it would be of good help in organization of its users details to serve them better, so therefore account must be created and the best way strictly protect this account is by the involvement of cryptography to help strengthen used the password from criminals or criminal act.

Cryptography simply help encrypt text using so followed algorithm and code in a manner that only the owner of the message can decrypt the message for easy understanding and safe communication

Smart Contact

To increase the rate and speed of which data or information are processed, Smart Contact is needed in the development of Metaverse. Incase you don't know what is Smart Contact, Smart Contact is an artificial made intelligence technology that's helps process data and information in a platform or software, it work in place of humans how normally process data and information. It's more like a software that processes data, information and transaction faster, efficiently and effectively without the aid of a human being.

As we all know Metaverse is an awesome project which will be produce a lot of transaction's and the most effective and efficient means to process much transaction in a faster rate is by making use of smart Contact.

Do we have any Gamification developments that look like the Metaverse? Discuss any two protocols and how they work.

Yes, they are so so many projects that works or look like Metaverse, this projects look very similar to that of Metaverse. These protocols or project share so many similar features with Metaverse technology, there are so many advance protocol which are in the market now for example

  • Decentraland,
  • Sorare,
  • Axie Infinity,
  • Splinterlands,
  • Upland,
  • Cryptokitties,
  • Sandbox, and
  • CryptoFights.


Decentraland is an advance 3D virtual project that creates it's gamer to see all their graphics in a 3D formate. Decentraland is a Blockchain buit platform that permit it's gamer to purchase visual used plot land using a the famous cryptocurrency known as MANA. Mana is a cryptocurrency built on Ethereum Blockchain.

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The project Decentraland is known to be discovered by two great individuals which are from Argentina, their names are Ariel Meilich and Esteban Ordano in the year February 20, 2020, although record has it that the development of Decentraland started since 2015 which is 5 years before it's initial release in the year 2020. Decentraland is a great and successful project because it has so much powerful patronizers like PricewaterhouseCoopers, Samsung, Miller Lite Adidas, and Atari.

Decentraland is a Blockchain based game built on Ethereum, the game let gamers buy some set or a piece of land property or estate from other gamers using NFT and mana crypto currencies. Decentraland is said to be creating a smooth way for the development of Metaverse technology. Each land or estates has a unique code that makes it unique therefore resulting to that only one person who's the real owner can rightly sell or hold the land.

Just as steem is our plays an important duty on steemit.com, a well known crypto asset known as Mana is the primary medium of transaction on Decentraland, mana are used to purchase land and estate the buyer wises to buy. Also speaking mana plays a major role on Decentraland software because before any user can interact with others and explore so many great features like voting and participating in auctions occuring in the platform, the must be holders of the mana coin in their respective wallet.

Decentraland has made a great impact in the growth of mana token by automatically burning the mana token used during the auction of any LAND to help reduce chances of inflation of the asset.

The Decentraland full map is said to be made up of 90,601(ninety thousand, six hundred and one) single plots of virtually made LAND and everyone of them is made of 16×16 meter square.

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Activities that can be performed on Decentraland

  • Becoming a Virtual Real Estate Investor
  • Explore the Vast Map
  • Attend Concerts,
  • Gamble at a Casino,
  • Mine Meteors,
  • Enjoy a Hand of Poker,
  • Play Mini-Golf,
  • Vote for policies etc.


Unlike Decentraland, Sorare is an Blockchain based fantasy football platform where gamers are permitted to sell or buy virtually created teams with the use of a special player card, just like Decentraland is also built on the famous Ethereum Blockchain. Sorare was initially developed in the year 2018, it was founded but two great individuals known as Adrien Montfort. and Nicolas Julia.

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Each team contains five players who are holders or owners of the Blockchain tied card, so therefore the team with the best and highly quality players are made top of the ranking and note those unto the rank are best player in the real world football game. Each and every one of the player card was developed as Non-fungible Tokens so that each and every one of the card is created in a unique and special manners that only legit owner can make use of the player card because all card Don't have similar or same player card or duplicate.

In the month of July in the year 2020, the Sorare generated roughly $4 million using the German football World Cup champions , this makes Sorare a great, successful and big project for all infact th project has attracted massive and powerful investors in the like of Partech, Ubisoft, E-Ventures, and the famous Consensys organizations. Sorare helps permit the access to their own public data via any efficient API.



What are the Pros and Cons of Metaverse? Do you believe in the future of the Metaverse? Discuss.


Enhancing gaming experience

Indeed the presence of Metaverse would wonderfully improve the quality and quantity of videos games, the video quality would be too awesome for any gamer viewers. Just imagining playing a game where you would play as kung fun fighter and just Imagine the fun and how realistic the game will look like. The quantity and fun gotten from game which become more stronger, interesting to all it's player.

" An improvement in the crypto world."

Almost every Metaverse is tied up to a cryptocurrency and this means it's big opportunity and and I bright future for crypto currencies, meaning this is hope to see large investors moving in the Crypto word, infact I can call it a crypto base project. Because of how awesome this technology would be every one will love to adopt it fastly and this would indirectly increase the adoption of cryptocurrency in world

Improving Online Education

As we all know now to get quality education doesn't mean you will have to be physical or direct present souce of the knowledge and it's all thanks to computer technologies that that we now can receive knowledge from various online source from the internet. To add it up since the birth of coronavirus most educational institution function and interact with their students online using different software. So therefore it would be awesome to attend a lecture from a Metaverse software because it makes the student feel like their lecural Is present with them



Due to it awesome features, other powerful and technologies are required to make the Metaverse and effective and efficient as required or needed, as we all know most advanced technology are really cost because of the materials used to make it a dream come true. Metaverse requires a very strong network connection so therefore the fast networking cables are needed and a 5G network is needed to achieve the fast speed and as we all know these items listed above are very very expensive.


Because of how powerful, entertaining and lovely this technology is users tends to be really addicted to the technology easily, so might end up spending the rest of their life in the Metaverse because they are addicted to the Metaverse and they are no longer interested in our society or community. Just like every other computer game users tends to get extremely addicted to Metaverse and these would affect the socially, physically and emotionally.

Negative effect on health.

It is said that with Metaverse so many would lose their mentally and social identity because they believe in the Metaverse and would prefer staying in the Metaverse instead of the real world and this tends to affect their relationship with other people and the judgement the have on our real universe.

Security Treat

Just like every technology that's every exited, cyber attacker wouldn't stop trying to manipulate and hijack the Metaverse for their selfish desires which could be stealing data or any other criminal reasons the have.

Do you believe in the future of the Metaverse? Discuss

Yes, sure I do believe in the future of Metaverse for so many reasons, Metaverse is an awesome technology so therefore the world has been anticipating for its full birth in our generation. Because of the is already much anticipation on the Metaverse stay I believe so many people,or nation would accept the Metaverse technology without much doubt. Metaverse would really be helpful in our generation as we can see everything is now done online in a computer or phone, so therefore Metaverse will help solve those distance matter in communication between users staying at a distance location.

I am inviting @reminiscence01 @anyiglobal @swaylee and @roninboss


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Greetings friend @starrchris

For sure the Metaverse will make our communication network so advanced that we will be able to be in several places at the same time and even doing different tasks, I can imagine how I will be in avatar form hahaha.

Good presentation, I wish you luck.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much friend, I am grateful 🥲

 2 years ago 

I love how you explained the Metaverse, I'm familiar with some of the movies you listed, I remember I watched Jumanji about two years ago on my phone and the part 2 on a movie channel at my place of work when there was no much work in the laboratory.

I agree with you that it will lead to addiction when it arrives, I wrote about that in my post and loss of morals too.

 2 years ago 

Yea u are right because this are one of the basic disadvantages

 2 years ago 

Addiction seems to be the main worry for us all. It’s really a big disadvantage to this Metaverse vision since it can do so much and take gaming to a new level.

 2 years ago 

Yeah and I suppose it would mislead our young ones .
Thanks for stopping by dear

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for publishing an article in the Crypto Academy community today. We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below

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  • You have shown your understanding of Metaverse and what the technology aimed to achieve.
  • You have discussed the technologies that can be utilised to achieve security, ownership in Metaverse.
  • You have also discussed the Metaverse Gamification and how they work.
  • You have also discussed the Pros and Cons of Metaverse and also the future of Metaverse

Overall, you did great in this contest . Thank you for participating in this contest.


 2 years ago 

Thank you very much sir

Well, you have demonstrated that you know the topic in and out, and I must commend you for this great work. It was worth the read as it added more knowledge of what I know about metaverse.

Kindly check out my entry in the new contest. Thank you

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