Crypto Academy | Season 4 Week 1. Homework Post for |@imagen| - NFT Games

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Greetings to everyone, I am really happy that the CryptoAcademy has resumed. After going through what professor @imagen presented and also making some deep research about NFT Games, I am able to do the weekly task he gave and here is my presentation to it.


1.) Describe in your own words the main Advantages and Disadvantages (Pros and Cons) of NFT Games in relation to other types of games.

Before we can talk about what NFT games are, it will much appropriate for us to know what NFT games. We all know that NFT is an abbreviation for Non-Fungible Token. This is a collectible digital asset that is formed on the blockchain platform . These forms of tokens are placed as non-fungible because of a unique feature that is has by making it impossible for them to swap for a respective or comparable token. Now we can get into the real work since we know what NFTs are.


NFT games are created to in order to provide investors or clients possession rights оvеr thеir in-gаmе constituents. They do that by a process that turns those in-game components into profitable digital property also known as asset that can be used for various exchanges in the crypto space. Far from the ordinary video games that we play for so long and earning upgrades or XPs that does not have real worth in the real world, the games that are based on the NFT platform are completely very different. It gives players a modern style of games play by awarding them the likelihood to earn while enjoying the gameplay.

They can earn through tokenization by completing various tasks that have been given in the game. It is very clear that NFT games are changing the gaming world gradually by giving game creators and players a way to earn while playing the game. These tokens earned can be used in exchange of other cryptocurrencies, transferred to other users and can also be exchanged into real money. A player is entitled to lose the NFT tokens that he or she acquired through playing the game based on the set of rules and regulations that are controlling the NFT games.

Advаntаgеѕ оf NFT games:

  • There is a higher security since the NFT games are running on the blockchain platform. As we all know, anyone on the blockchain platform has the ability to be able to verify any transaction or item. Facts, details or particulars of a customer's ownership of an asset cannot be modified by any other person and so safety is guaranteed regarding to NFT games. Meanwhile on the other hand, details or particulars is handed over when the owner trades the digital asset to anyone else in the platform and he or she will be given the right to modify the particulars into what he or she likes. So there is a very less chance of fraudulent occurrences since the assets are being verified by the users.

  • There is no risk at all for losing purchased in-game data. Unlike the ordinary games out there, there is a higher risk of losing what you have purchased or even saved in-game progresses because of system failure or other any reason. Since NFT games runs on the blockchain platform store their data of games played on blockchain and so lowers the risk of losing it. New games can even be developed to operate with the existing data saved on the blockchain platform. Moreover, the games that are based on the blockchain platform cannot transcript or mimeographed by anyone.

  • NFT games allow users to have full possession and authority over their game valuables since they are operating on the blockchain platform. Ordinary video games might not give you full possession of the game for some reasons but with NFT games, you have full ownership once you purchased that game and you can have access to it anytime you want without any difficulty. Also users do not have to be bothered about losing their assets when the developer of the game decides to terminate the game you have assets associated to since the assets bought will be stored in your wallets.

Diѕаdvаntаgеѕ of NFT gаmеѕ

  • One of the most common NFT demerit is copyright violations. People tend to make copies of other user's properties without their permission. Because of the copyright violations that has been occurring all over o the platform, the USA made laws under section 504 of the Copyright Act to protect customers and their assets. When one is caught and charged with the crime of copyright he or she will have to pay fines ranging from $750 to $30,000 depending on the type of copyright. Also if the seller is very aware that its copyright and still went ahead to sell it will have to pay a fine of $150,000.

  • Even though NFT games are running on a decentralized system, but that does not completely eliminate the chances of losing assets through fraudulent activities. Most tokens are being lost by transferring that wrong or fake addresses. NFTs has the type of addresses they are support, so if by mistake you send NFT tokens to unsupported address you lose that token forever. Not forgetting imposters who will pretend to be buyers of game tokens.

  • NFT games are very poor in graphics, less interactive and has significantly less action as compare to traditional games and yet demands much computational agility and power. The higher the computational agility, the higher the power consumption leading to extra cost while playing NFT games.


2.) Name five (5) recognized characters: writers, artists, athletes or others, who have digitized their works (writings, publications, paintings, drawings, illustrations, etc.) to produce NFT. Please indicate the value of the NFT or the collection, show photos or images and cite sources.



MAD DOG JONES is a Canadian-born artiste who is known to be creative, positive and adoptive. Over the previous years. This artiste sold 1,567 NFT artworks with an averaging price of $9,063.52 a piece. On Friday 23 April, a Fax machine NFT of his was sold at $4.1 million at an auction that was organized by Philips.



Blake Kathryn is one of the most popular NFT artiste in the NFT world. Her brilliant creation has resulted in profitable collaborations with Fendi, vodka brand and also Smirnoff. She is also known as one of the most popular NFT artiste that is leading in branding and in illustration.



An NFT artiste who is known as Beeple who complied all his NFT creations to create a single artwork and sold it as an NFT for $69,346,250 making him part of the the top three most valuable living artists in the NFT world. He named this artwork “Everydays — The First 5000 Days,”



Jack Dorsey, the founder and CEO of twitter made his first tweet during the development of twitter in the year 2006. The tweet read “just setting up my twttr” which he later sold at a huge amount of $2.9 million.

  • WhIsBe


WhIsBe is the artiste that created a masterpiece called " Not Forgotten, But Gone" and was sold at $1 million at Nifty Gateway NFT sales. This masterpiece is just a video of about 16-seconds of a rotating golden bear skeleton.


3.) Describe in depth the selected game: founders or developers, launch date, objective of the game, operation, native token (price, market capitalization, position), availability in the various operating systems and any other relevant information. Show Screenshots.


Waves Ducks is a game that is based on collecting duck images that are in NFT format or structure. The founder of this particular NFT game is called Sаѕhа Ivanov. He also named this game 'perfection' for one or two reasons. In this game, duck images that are collected can be shared with other players or on the other hand, breed them in order to gain a unique and high valuable item. But before you will be able to part take in this game, you will need is the $EGG and while playing the game you earn $EGG as rewards which can be used in exchange for something very valuable.

The process involved in playing this game is quite simple and easy. All you have to do is to participate in rounds and earn duck eggs. The eggs earned can be hatched and breaded. You can only grow for baby ducks by feeding them. For easy understanding of this, I will like to set an example of how the ducks are hatched and fed. Let's say you can only grow your ducks at 10% rate each day. So you will need 10 days to fully grow your baby ducks. Let us assume the price of a hatching incubator will cost around 3.47 $EGG per Duck. Therefor the price to fully grow a Duck will be 3.47*7 = 2.429 $EGG.

Mathematically, if you have say 10,000 baby ducks battling for an average time of 4 hours, you are expected to earn 0.1 $GROW tokens which will result to earning 0.6$GROW tokens within 24 hours, 16.8 $GROW tokens in 4 weeks and 201.6 $GROW tokens in 12 months.

According to CoinMarketCap and as at the time this post was written, the price of Waves Ducks is $2,174.87. It has a 24 hour trading volume of $341,602.82 and has a market cap of $95,739,130.35 and also ranked #3267 within CoinMarketCap.



4.) Show the complete process to acquire the tokens (it does not necessarily have to be the game selected in the previous question, as long as it is within the list provided). Indicate the platforms (wallets or exchanges) where it is available; the process for downloading, installing and configuring wallets or networks. Show Screenshots.

Like I said, you can only acquire Wave Egg tokens by playing the Waves Ducks game. In order to play that you will b required to get an account for if you don't have any. Below are the steps involved;

1.Visit the official site to get an account. Click on the sign up button at the right top corner.


2.Click on sign-up with email.


3.Enter your email, password and not forgetting to read and accept their terms and conditions before clicking on 'create account'.


4.Verify your email by entering the code that was sent to the email you used.


5.In this step will be get a message telling you that you have successfully registered and so you will have to click on the log in tap to be able to log in. In the log in page you will be welcomed back and your required to key in your credentials and click on 'Log in'.



When you are logged into your account, the work is half done, you will have to click on the trading button at the top in order to be able to trade for Wave tokens.


When you are in the trading page, scroll down till you see the sell and buy taps. Go to the buy tap and key in the amount you want to buy and click on buy and it will be delivered into your account but before you can do that, you will be required to have some money that can used in buying the token.



Looking for what we talked about, it is clear that NTF games are taking and show clear signs of having a great future. I strongly advice people who are venturing into the NTF games to take their time and study about what they are and that will give them the idea to choose whatever game that will be able to meet their needs. Sometimes it can be much complete than it seems. I will like to play some of these games anytime soon.

Thanks for your time

 3 years ago (edited)

Gracias por participar en la Cuarta Temporada de la Steemit Crypto Academy.

Escala de ValoraciónNotaObservaciones
Pregunta 11.5/1.5
Pregunta 21.5/1.5
Pregunta 32.4/3.0
Pregunta 42.6/3.0
Pregunta 50.2/1.0Falta informacion

Realizastes un gran trabajo, demuestras comprension del tema, sin embargo, te sugiero que te extiendas un poco mas en tus respuestas, particularmente en las conclusiones donde no hay mayor informacion de interes.

Espero seguir corrigiendo tus asignaciones.

Thanks for the review 🙏


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