Topic 4: Introduction to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) – A new Fintech Revolution (Part 1) by @Slwzl

in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago

Tarea: Explica brevemente cada una de las siguientes DeFi Dapps

Las Dapps funcionan con protocolos de intercambios, donde los inversionistas tienen el control de las transacciones, por lo cual se caracterizan por ser descentralizadas y esto asegura que todo el tiempo los usuarios tengan control de sus capitales o activos.

Los DeFi Dapps que estudiaremos son:

Task: Briefly explain each of the following DeFi Dapps

Dapps work with exchange protocols, where investors have control of the transactions, so they are characterized by being decentralized and this ensures that all the time users have control of their capital or assets.
The DeFi Dapps we will study are:

Fuente: 'PIXABAY: moneda-etereum-éter-bitcoin'

Compound Coin – Analisis Dapp

Es un gran proyecto de las finanzas DeFi, se basa en su moneda COMP y trabaja con un protocolo de créditos a los usuarios con intereses sobre las inversiones o activos dentro del ecosistema. Las proyecciones de crecimiento de COMP son favorables.

Su funcionamiento se basa en el préstamo de capital con intereses bajo respaldo de las monedas que se encuentran en la plataforma.

Uniswap – Analisis Dapps

Uniswap es una Dapps de inversión que maneja un tokes llamado “UNI”, ofrece a los inversionistas rangos aceptables de seguridad y beneficios. Según las fuentes consultadas la capitalización del proyecto depende del mercado.

Las proyecciones de la moneda UNI están a favor de lograr topes sin precedentes este año, por lo cual lo hace muy atractivo como Dapps de inversión, pero su fortaleza es la seguridad en el manejo de las crypto monedas.

Synthetix – Analisis Dapps

Otra Dapps que se pryecta como muy buena inversión según lo que se refleja en el mercado, su tokens es llamado “SNX”, su naturaleza de respaldo a bienes es vanguardista y tiene posibilidades de altas o se sigue manteniendo en el mercado por su flexibilidad de respaldo de activos.

Pero quizá esta Dapps no es la más descentralizada de todas por el respaldo de esos activos sobre los cuales se maneja la moneda.

Maker – Analisis Dapps

Marker es una de las Dpps más estables ya que posee más tiempo en funcionamiento, en esta plataforma encontramos dos monedas DAI que respalda el proyecto y MKR que es el token regulador de as transacciones en la Dpps.

Es interesante que esta plataforma estabiliza su moneda al valor de un USD utilizando mecanismos propios e incentivos para financiamiento.

BZx – Analisis Dapps

BZx es una Dapps que funciona en una plataforma basada en Ethereum , básicamente se basa en préstamos DeFi, respaldada por un sistema de tokens inteligentes que provienen de contratos.

Fuente: 'PIXABAY: cryptocurrency'

Compound Coin - Dapp Analysis

It is a great project of DeFi finance, it is based on its COMP coin and works with a protocol of credits to users with interest on investments or assets within the ecosystem. COMP's growth projections are favorable.

Its operation is based on the lending of capital with interest under the backing of the coins found on the platform.

Uniswap - Dapps Analysis

Uniswap is an investment Dapps that manages a token called "UNI", it offers investors acceptable ranges of security and profits. According to sources consulted the capitalization of the project depends on the market.

UNI coin projections are in favor of achieving unprecedented caps this year, thus making it very attractive as an investment Dapps, but its strength is the security in handling cryptocurrencies.

Synthetix - Dapps Analysis

Another Dapps that is pryected as a very good investment according to what is reflected in the market, its token is called "SNX", its asset-backed nature is cutting edge and has high possibilities or continues to stay in the market because of its asset-backed flexibility.

But perhaps this Dapps is not the most decentralized of all because of the backing of those assets on which the coin is managed.

Maker - Dapps Analysis

Marker is one of the most stable Dapps since it has been in operation for the longest time. In this platform we find two DAI coins that support the project and MKR, which is the token that regulates the transactions in the Dapps.

Interestingly, this platform stabilizes its currency at the value of one USD using its own mechanisms and incentives for funding.

BZx - Dapps Analysis

BZx is a Dapps running on a platform based on Ethereum , basically it is based on DeFi loans, backed by a system of smart tokens that come from contracts.

Gracias a @Steemitblog por la iniciativa y en especial al profesor @yohan2on
Esta tarea es del Tema4 del profesor @yohan2on, en su publicación: Topic 4: Introduction to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) – A new Fintech Revolution (Part 1)


Fuente: 'PIXABAY: moneda-etereum-éter-bitcoin'

Fuente: 'PIXABAY: cryptocurrency'

Referencia bibliográficas:



'Synthetix' 'Marker' 'Bzx'


Hi @slwzl

Thanks for attending the 4th week Crypto lecture and for doing the homework task.

Marker is one of the most stable Dapps since it has been in operation for the longest time.

You would have rather put that this way MakerDao is a DeFi protocol that has Stable coins including DAI and MKR.

The information provided was shallow more particularly for bZx. More effort was needed in your research study so that you could have more detailed and clear explanations of the listed DeFi projets. I have seen plenty of Grammatical errors in your article. I recommend that you use Grammarly to help you out in correcting any grammatical errors in your article.

Homework task completed

Thank you very much for the recommendations professor, I will keep an eye on those grammar tools.
Thank you

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