Steemit Crypto Academy Season 4 - Homework Post for Task 8 [Dapps]

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

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1). What are dApps? Explain the working system of dApps? What are the differences between dApps and other applications? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dApps? How can dApps developers promote their apps? What should we pay attention to when using dApps? How do we find the information of a DApp that we want to know? Provide the steps (Screenshot required).

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They are decentralized applications that are not governed by a central entity but on the contrary, their operation is given on the basis of a decentralized network, where the users of the same are the main actors and have total control in terms of its operation. Actually, Dapps are distributed among a network of servers/nodes, we can use them in our mobile computers, tablets, or others, users interact directly without any intermediary; this usually occurs through blockchain.

Mainly there are 3 types of dApps

DApps type 1:

  • This has its own blockchain, they do not depend on some other to carry out their execution an example of this is Bitcoin the first DApps Blockchain.

DApps type 2:

  • These DApps do not have their own blockchain depending on the blockchain of the type 1 dApps, they use the tokens of the chain where it is operating.

DApps type 3:

  • It uses the protocol of the dApps type 1 and 2 is currently the most used for being the complement of the already mentioned, ideal for developers to innovate new applications.

If I summarize the above details, the dApp is open source which means that they are available to everyone, therefore when any change is made it must be mostly through the central source code. We must generate tokens through a cryptographic algorithm; it must certify the contributions of users of the system. Also, the data handled by the dApp are at all times under the user's possession; they do not store information in the search engine or external servers.

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This is the Source of above image.

Dapps are executed under the operation of smart contracts that allow two or more people to reach direct agreements without intermediaries through the peer to peer system, through this system all those who are duly registered to the network, can use it and execute the functions of the same in such a way after the network verifies the operation the data can not be modified and anyone who is registered in the system can access this information which speaks of a high level of reliability and transparency.

Dapps have a similar operation to the blockchain network since each user of the dapps is part of the system as it happens in the blockchain network where there are nodes within the network, then each user will participate actively in such a way that the correct operation is achieved so that the operations carried out within the network are executed successfully.

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DappsOther Apps
The security of one decentralized application is much more secure than another.They do not have privacy so they lack maximum security.
Its operation is based on a decentralized system where all users ensure the proper functioning of the systemIts operation is governed by a central entity that directs and directs the actions that will be developed in the apps
The speed of the decentralized application is slow.The speed of the centralized application is fast.
Dapps have lower levels of commission collection per transaction madeApps have a slightly higher commission charge
In the DApps no central system controls its operation.Data is controlled by a singular authority so it can be manipulated and modified as appropriate.

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Advantages :

  • One of the main advantages that must be taken into account in the Dapps in their high level of security, thanks to the fact that it works under the blockchain and its cryptography method achieves that the data entered in the system, are transformed through alphanumeric codes and its output is the hash that can be verified, however, the entry can only be viewed by the originator and not by the rest of the users
  • The Dapps have a great advantage and that is that because they are decentralized applications each user of the network has the possibility of being an active part of the system, that is, together they will work to achieve the objectives of the dapps, which is the correct functioning of the same
  • The dapps work through an open-source which is a guarantee of transparency and reliability in their processes and is that through this open-source users who are registered in the system can know at any time what are the actions that are being executed in real-time within the system.
  • Another great advantage that can be seen in the dapps is that they work through the blockchain and therefore through the consensus algorithms proof of work (pow) or proof of stake (pos) these with the purpose of further guaranteeing the security levels of the blockchain in the dapps

Disadvantages :

  • There are many people who still do not bet on dapps because they feel that they are not as secure as centralized systems since they got used to being guided in each process
  • In some cases, dapps may be slower than other traditional applications
  • There is ignorance on the part of many people of these new decentralized systems
  • In my country, the main disadvantage is the electrical problem since it often prevents proper access to the internet

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The main alternatives for dapp developers to promote their applications in the first instance are to create quality content where users are interested in the application, and of course, advertising plays an important role, promoting themselves through other dapps as well as centralized applications that are very crowded by a large amount of population will help more and more people to know the dapps every day. new, in addition to this it would be good that on the main page of the dapps they located a demo where people enter and perform a test of the system so that they become familiar and have more acceptance by users.

Here are some ways that Dappspromote their apps.

  • Sending the application to the directories of the dApps following the steps to send it.
  • Uploading content
  • Uploading demo videos
  • Showing the dApps before it is released to the market.
  • promote your app through Telegram, Discord, or other channels.

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Initially, we must pay attention that it deals specifically with the dapps and is that many scams have been generated in recent times in which people enter a link of strange origin and it turns out that they make them believe that it is a new dapps and it is not so they simply use the links for people to access sites that make copies of their contracts and ask them to sign the extension and place the wallet entry code until you manage to perform the computer crime and hack accounts.

For this reason, the origin of the pages we enter must be certified, in the same way, be very cautious when those pages request that contracts be signed with our wallets, and avoid placing the seed keys that many times has also occurred computer crimes

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If we want to look for some information of any dapps, we can easily go to the page of

Once we are inside the main page, we can locate ourselves at the top of the screen and click on ranking


After this, we can observe the main blockchain dapps and among them some well known to us.


Then we observe the different dapps and the order of the ranking they present, and for example, splinterlands are located in the number 2 position and in the category it clearly appears that it is a game, by clicking on this dapps we can observe more details of it.


In this next screen you can see how it indicates that this dapps is a collectible card game and the name of the official token is SPS in addition to the price of the token and a button appears in which you can open the dapps to explore it even more if you want.


We can continue to investigate a little more about these dapps and in this screenshot you can see how many users you have for the time of performing the task as well as the volume and historical activity it presents.


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This is all about my homework post and I thank you for professor @wahyunahrul for such a valuable topic that was really very educational.


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