Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S15W1 -Steem & Halving Bitcoin 2024 .

Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

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This is my participation in a contest Steem & Halving Bitcoin 2024 organized in SteemitCryptoAcademy by @crypto-academy.

How could the Bitcoin halving in April 2024 influence investors' general perception of cryptocurrencies, and in particular, what impact could it have on the STEEM token?


Bitcoin halving is expected in April 2024 and we can see a huge raise in crypto market. Obviously it will be a good news for crypto traders and investors. They must be attracted and interested in investing in crypto currencies

History of Bitcoin Halving.

Let's talk about The history of Bitcoin Halving. We have seen three Halving of Bitcoin so for and everytime BTC has touched the all time high. First Halving was at 2012, then 2016 and the recent one was at 2021. It is the history of BTC that in every halving it breaks it previous high. In recent Halving it has made a high of 68k dollars, which is still the highest of all time and not broken yet. This is the reason we call Bitcoin halving a market bull Run.

So from the history we can get to know that this halving is a good news for those who are interested in crypto and have some capitals in it. It is expected that in this Bull run The Price of BTC may exceed it's previous high which is $68k. The expert are expecting that BTC price may trade above $100k during this bull run.

What is the impact of Bitcoin Halving on Steem in past?

STEEM COIN since it creation has seen two Bitcoin halvings. One in 2016, when it was just a newly made project and the second one was in 2020. In both the halvings we have seen too good effects of it on steem. It has done a great great performance during both the bull run.

During the recent bull run we have seen a huge raise in Steem Coin. It has touched a value of $1.26 which was a huge recovery after 2018. This was the highest peak steem has made during that bull run( It's not all time high, all time high is $8.5 ).

So we conclude from the past analysis that this halving will bring a very much good news for STEEM COIN. We may see a huge investment in this project and can expect a great raise in it's price. It's performance is always best in every Halving on BTC, so we are highly expecting that history will repeat itself. Hope STEEM will go for a higher price range than that of previous bull run.

What adjustments in the supply and demand dynamics of cryptocurrencies could result from the Bitcoin halving, and how could these changes influence the valuation of the STEEM token?


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In halving phenomena the rate of generating new Bitcoin decreases. It's mean the supply is decreases and it's demand is increases. This happens only to BTC itself. Other alts coins are nothing to do with their supply, their supply remain the same, Yes their demand may increases.

But in crypto we know from history that History repeat itself. In every bull run or BTC halving the prices of Alts coins shoot, because of the increase in their demand. Their is probability that a single coin can give you a profit of 20x to 100x. This is merely because of it's huge demand in market.

So same in this halving period we can expect a raise in demand of all the alt coins. STEEM is also one of these alt coins, it performance will also be effected by this halving. Their is high expectations that we can see a huge demand of STEEM in the market, and many investors will invest their capitals in it.

Just an investment of 1Billion dollars can reach Steem price UpTo $2, because it has a very limited supply of just 450million. In this bull run investment of just $1Billion is a piece of cake for such a solid project like Steem.

How might specific characteristics of the STEEM token, such as its content-based reward mechanism, be impacted by macroeconomic changes resulting from the Bitcoin halving?


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In my opinion I think it will get changed, because in the past we seen Steemit reward giving mechanism has changed with time. I have met one of the old steemians here and she told me that when she joined Steemit first, their was a special reward for it for every post, and you can do limited post per day. I think she told me 5 post per week or something like that.

The same we can see these days: during BTC crash when steem price was trading at $0.14, they were giving the content creator TRX reward along with STEEM COINs. After the market recovery, they stop giving TRX and started giving SBD along with STEEM. So this reward mechanism of STEEM is changing with change in time, we might seen more changes in upcoming time.

However we don't have a solid proof or any news or instructions from the Steemit platform which we can say with surety that yes this mechanism must will change. This is my personal opinion and analysis, I might be wrong. Maybe this reward mechanism last for long time or forever, who knows.

What lessons can investors learn from previous Bitcoin halvings to anticipate market trends and make informed decisions regarding the STEEM token?


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As I have mentioned above, in crypto market we have a very famous saying that history repeats itself, and this thing work almost 99% in crypto. In every BTC halving period the market is always bullish, that's why we call it a bull run. So I can claim it with surety that market will must be in uptrend during this BTC halving too.

My opinion to the investors is that, it's a golden chance and best opportunity with them if they invest their capitals in crypto now. They must will get quite good profit, as I said history repeats itself. Those people have always done profit who have done investment before BTC halving started.

Now let's talk about STEEM COIN, in 2016 BTC halving, Steem coin jumped from $0.27 to $4.34 just in one week. It was the 3rd huge crypto projet after Bitcoin and Ethereum. Then in may 2021 after a long deepth, Steem coin again raises and gained a price of $1.2 .

Now the price of STEEM COIN is $0.24 so we can expect the same phenomena to happen again. This time maybe STEEM will will cross $2 price level. So this is a very golden chance for investors to buy STEEM COINs now and hold it for long term. It's minimum give back in my opinion will be 10x during this Bull run or Bitcoin Halving.


These are all my personal views and analysis. I am not giving anyone any advice to must follow it. Do investment with all your risk and management. You can do your own analysis before doing investment in any project. You can just read my article to get help or gain some knowledge.

This is all about my blog for today, hope you guys have enjoyed reading it. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.


I would like to invite: @goodybest, @ripon0630 @emsonic, @miyexi, @kouba01, @mile16, @pelon53 @solaymann @waterjoe , @willmer1988, @msharif to participate in this Contest

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Regard shahid2030



Hey @shahid2030 Your analysis of the Bitcoin halving potential impact on the crypto market especially STEEM is spot on. The historical context you provided linking past halvings to market trends is insightful. The expected positive effect on STEEM given its performance in previous bull runs is well-supported. Your caution to investors and emphasis on personal analysis is responsible. Best of luck

Yes dear I believe Bitcoin Halving will impact the whole market, including STEEM too. Thank you so much for your precious comment. Keep blessing.

Thank you, friend!
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Greetings friend, I share your enthusiasm, as during the halving phenomenon, the rate at which new Bitcoin is created slows down. This means that the supply of Bitcoin decreases while the demand for it increases. But this event that affects only Bitcoin itself tends to increase the demand for altcoins like STEEM, for those who can't afford the Bitcoin.

And yes history is repeating itself in the crypto world as whenever there's a bull run or a Bitcoin halving, the prices of altcoins tend to skyrocket too because more people want to buy them, this is because of the huge demand in the market for these altcoins.

So, during this halving period, it's reasonable to expect a surge in demand for all altcoins, including STEEM. There are high expectations that STEEM will experience a significant increase in demand, and many investors might choose to invest their capital in it. Good luck friend in the contest and your crypto journey.

Has hecho una revisión histórica del halving en BTC para poner en alto la experiencia adquirida de los inversores, considerando que los efectos ocurridos se repitan en este nuevo halving como una oportunidad de oro para los inversores.

Gracias por compartir tu opinión y conocimientos.

¡Mucha suerte y éxitos!

Thank you so much for your precious comment. Keep blessing dear friend.

 5 months ago 

This year the Halving of Bitcoin is going to push the crypto market to a higher levels and those who have stock enough Bitcoin will become billionaires. Success to you.

Yes dear this bull run will create many billionaires again. Thank you so much for your precious comment. Keep blessing.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Thank you so much for the upvote.

You gave a fascinating historical perspective on Bitcoin Halving! The consistent pattern of BTC reaching all-time highs after each halving event adds another layer to its market dynamics.

Yes dear history means alot in crypto market. Thank you so much for your precious comment. Keep blessing.

You wrote in very comprehensive way and talk about the each answer and you go in very much depth of each answer.

You have talk about positive impact of steem price rise I think very good fortune for all of us and that's what we are hoping.

You have shared very good points of how investors should keep learning the points necessary for investment.

Hope STEEM perform very well in the Halving event. Thank you so much for your precious comment. Keep blessing.

Welcome you the same

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.12
JST 0.030
BTC 70976.53
ETH 3850.58
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.48