SEC S19-W1 || Crypto Opportunities: Airdrops and Giveaways .

Greetings Everyone, This is Shahariar (username: shahariar1). I am from Bangladesh

I would first like to thank this community. To increase my knowledge about Crypto Opportunities Airdrops and Giveaways of SEC S19-W1. I am participating in this contest with my minimal knowledge.

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SEC S19-W1 || Crypto Opportunities: Airdrops and Giveaways . I invite some of the skilled users I know to participate in this contest. "Honorable Mentions:
@rashid001 @radjasalman @ripon0630

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Explain what a cryptocurrency airdrop is and what its main objectives are. Give examples of projects that have used airdrops.

A cryptocurrency airdrop is one of the marketing techniques used by blockchain startups to distribute tokens or coins to specific wallet addresses. Here are the key points:Here are the key points:

(i) Purpose and Objectives: Awareness: Airdrops are designed to create awareness of a new blockchain project. If tokens are produced in large number they grab people’s attention and compel them to look further. *

Adoption: Airdrops are useful when you want to attract more people to be engaged in the project at the beginning of it. In a situation where a currency is ready for listing, it is most appropriate to do so on an exchange with an active community.

Reward: An airdrop most of the time targets the existing community in order to encourage them to hold or use the new token.

(ii) Types of Airdrops:

Standard Airdrop: Participants signify their interest in the project and have a valid Ethereal Wallet Address. Some airdrops have a fixed tokens number per person, and can have time limits as well.

Task-Based Airdrop: It shall be noted that in order for the participants to receive the free tokens there are activities that they need to accomplish.

Hold-Based Airdrop: Users must keep a certain amount of coins in the wallet in order to be able to receive the airdrop.

(iii)Examples of Projects:

Ethereum (ETH): The distribution of Ethereum at early stage was made via a technique known as airdrop in which some quantity was given away to Bitcoin owners. ETH was established as a new significant cryptocurrency.

**EOS **: For a whole year, EOS organized an airdrop in which tokens were credited to the holders depending on their Ethereum balances.

Uniswap: UNI tokens were distributed, to users who were involved in using Uniswap before a certain time.

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However, you should also know that while there are real and genuine airdrops out there, there are also those that are only designed to get hold of the victim’s identity or wallet. Always exercise caution!

What is the difference between an airdrop and a giveaway in the field of cryptocurrencies? Explain with concrete examples, including similar initiatives with the Steem token.

Let's delve into the distinctions between airdrops and giveaways in the cryptocurrency world:Let's delve into the distinctions between airdrops and giveaways in the cryptocurrency world:

1.Cryptocurrency Airdrop:
Definition: An airdrop is a process of distributing free tokens of a certain cryptocurrency to the specific wallets. It is much more an initial way of pushing a project, increasing people’s awareness about it, and creating, at least, a temporary community of token holders.
Marketing: Airdrops create awareness of new tokens especially in a market with over 1900 tokens and this will help those that exist in the market to be easily seen and known.

Community Building: Whereas monetary amounts per token are insignificant, the vast number of people reached promotes the formation of a community.

Positive Demand Effect: It allows recipients may further investigate the project and even purchase more tokens.

Tron (TRX): Tron first, it decided to Airdrop $1. Payment according to the value of 7 million TRX tokens to Ethereum holders, the creation of awareness and community.

**Bitcoin Cash **: Recently, in May 2018, BCH declared an airdrop of 20 BCH that is equivalent to over $20,000,000 with the help of YeeWallet¹.

2.Cryptocurrency Giveaway:
Definition: Promotion is a more general term that encompasses all the kind of stake promotions where tokens or coins are distributed. Not only does it apply to existing holders, although it sometimes does so somewhat obscurely.

Marketing and Engagement: Promotions grab people’s attention, impel them to get involved and create specific interactions.
Wider Audience: Whereas with airdrops, giveaways can target people other than holders alone, and in a larger number.

Example: Steem (STEEM): Steem being an example of a blockchain social media platform, it has from time to time, held various giveways to create, and increase user interactivity. Such promos were in the form of Steem coins doled out to the registered members, active users, and contributors.

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To summarize, the first kind of distribution is the distribution to existing holders while the other type covers a number of accounts and is used for promotions and incentives. Despite the differences of the approaches, the goal of both is to generate interest and encourage people in the crypto-space.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of airdrops for project developers and participants? Use cases involving the Steem token if possible.

Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of airdrops for both project developers and participants, along with specific use cases related to the Steem token:Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of airdrops for both project developers and participants, along with specific use cases related to the Steem token:

Advantages for Project Developers:

  1. Community Building:Airdrops help in creating a loyal community for that specific project. To explain, distributing tokens widely brings in developers’ attention to users and subsequently get the users more involved. The target users were gifted steem for free to the initial users that made the growth of the content creators, bloggers, and social media lovers.

  2. Increasing Awareness:Airdrops raise awareness and people pay attention to them. Old users refer other users to the project, and the project gains more recognition and possibly more use. Steem’s method of distribution which was the airdrop ensured that the platform’s blockchain-based social media platform received attention.

  3. Encouraging Participation:Airdrops encourage the users to participate in the project, to familiarize themselves with its capabilities and functions, to interact with the project. Steem implemented airdrops that made the users engaged in posting content, voting, and curating.

  4. Rewarding Early Adopters: Airdrops are advantageous to the early adopters who will be in possession of the other tokens. The receive extra tokens to make up for what was taken from them earlier as a penalty and in return, they get more tokens as a reward. Steem made sure that the investors believed in the dream that it was selling of decentralized content creation.

  5. Testing and Experimentation:This enables the developers to test the token distribution mechanisms, user response, and even adjust their project. Steem airdrops also enabled learning from variations in some of the reward approaches and distribution policies regarding the tokens.

Advantages for Participants:

  1. Free Tokens: The participants engage themselves and acquire tokens that they did not have to spend for, which is always beneficial to their stock. Free STEEM tokens were given out to the users through the Steem airdrops.

  2. Community Engagement :Airdrops are beneficial for users in a way that it makes them spray and explore more of the project, engage more in discussions, and associate with similar individuals. Holders of the token became active members of the Steem communities hence the achievement of the intended goal.

  3. Potential Profits: As it has been said above, whenever the supply of the airdropped tokens increases in value people win money. It has been observed that some of the early pieChart airdrop users earned quite a good amount of money as the more and more people started using STEEM.

  4. Token Distribution:Airdrops are also used to prevent the process from being monopolized. Regarding its distribution, the airdrops that Steem provided also went to a broad audience hence fulfilling the decentralization objective.

  5. Marketing and Promotion:People get engaged, helping the word get out about the project. The airdrop recipients were happy to use Steem, thus appealing more users.


  1. Scams and FraudThere are con air drops as it is seen to be intending to steal the individual’s identity orWallet. Some fraudulent deceived the users and possibly created threats to the coin by pretending to be related to the Steem airdrops.

  2. Privacy Concerns:Airdrops disclose wallet addresses, thus, is a great invasion of people’s privacy. During Steem’s airdrops, some of the users were reluctant resulting from loss of privacy.

  3. Dilution of Value:They provide tokens to people through random distribution, this has an effect of diluting the token for holders. This forced more tokens into circulation thanks to Steem airdrops and this impacted on token value.

  4. Legal Issues,Captital ControlsIt is also possible that airdrops will be considered legal problems, or capital controls, will appear. As indicated during the utilization of the airdrops in Steem, there was some problem in the compliance with the regulations.

  5. Wallet Compatibility: You require an appropriate wallet in order to receive tokens airdropped to you. This was because during Steem’s airdrops users had to make sure that they have wallet that can hold STEEM.

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Finally, it can be stated that airdrops generally yield advantages not only for developers, but also for participants, though entering such schemes, it is necessary to be cautious of potential threats.

What are the security and regulatory challenges related to cryptocurrency airdrops and giveaways? How can these challenges be managed?

Let's explore the security and regulatory challenges associated with cryptocurrency airdrops and giveaways, along with potential management strategies:Let's explore the security and regulatory challenges associated with cryptocurrency airdrops and giveaways, along with potential management strategies:

i)Regulatory Uncertainty:Thus, airdrops still are not completely legal or forbidden. Defining what constitutes a token is much more challenging. Management: Any projects that need to emit or offer securities to the public need to consult lawyers to adhere to the provided laws. Avoid inadvertently issuing securities.

ii)Privacy Concerns:Airdrops expose wallet addresses thus they put the users’ anonymity at risk. Management: Solutions and measures can be investigated by projects or data exposure can be reduced that contains undesirable information.

iii)Market Manipulation and Scams:Many fraudsters have been known to take advantage of airdrops resulting in fraud and manipulation in the markets. Management: There are a number of ways scam can be prevented and this involves public awareness, education and vigilance that socially expose any fraudulent activities that are underway.

iv)Token Dilution and Value Impact:Extra token distribution contributes to token value, thus having an effects on the value of tokens owned by others. Management: Clear disclosure of the firm’s speaking on tokens distribution and their consequences.

v)Regulatory Compliance:Some airdrops can be regulated by securities law. Compliance is essential. Management: Get legal advice, determine the token’s legal classification, and abide by the laws.

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In conclusion, the existing challenges of airdrops are useful, but managing them involves another approach, legal advice, and reception.

Propose a detailed plan to organize an airdrop using the Steem token. The plan should include eligibility criteria, required participant actions, implemented safety measures, and promotional strategies to maximize impact.

Okay, here is a detailed plan for conducting a Steem token airdrop. Airdrops are a perfect tool for engaging the community and raising awareness of the project’s existence. Here's how you can execute an effective airdrop:Here's how you can execute an effective airdrop:

Steem Token Airdrop Plan

i)Objective and Goals:

Objective: To promote the Steem token to increase its outreach and active users , hence making the token popular among the target groups.

Goals: Reward the community members, reach out for new members and ensure users use more tokens.

ii)Eligibility Criteria:

Existing Steem Users: Target existing for Steem user base but this time focus is on active users of the Steem platform.

New Users: Select new users to add as members of the community to increase the community.

iii)Safety Measures:

**KYC **: Identify and authenticate users to prevent misuse and encourage adherence to the norms. Anti-Spam Measures: Truly delete the excess of the same or questionable account. Privacy: Preserve the end-user data during the airdrop process.

iv)Participant Actions:

Existing Users: For the two categories, there is a requirement of having a Steem account and the account must be active. ncsure them to update their wallet addresses.

New Users: Create your Steem account, If you want to begin using Steem, you will need to sign up for what is referred to as a ‘Steem account’. Complete basic profile information.

v)Distribution Methods:

Transfer Method:To develop the first strategy, directly transfer STEEM tokens to the eligible users’ wallets.

Memo: The message being transferred to the users should contain a short personalised message about the airdrop purpose. Stake Method : To increase participants long-term activity, invest a share of the airdropped tokens.

vi)Promotional Strategies:

Announcement: Writing a blog post or an official announcement in Steemit to inform the users about the airdrop along with the terms and conditions. Post the announcement of the new addition to the Social Media pages.

Community Engagement:Conduct an AMA session on Steemit or discord and answer the questions that users may ask. Make users discuss about the airdrop that they have used and participate with each other.

Referral Program: Encourage the users to bring in more participants into the airdrop.

Collaborations:Seek endorsement from the Steem promoters or groups for the marketing of the product.

Limited-Time Offer:Set a timeframe as the means of creating urgency within the airdrop context ( for instance one week for the airdrop).

Gamification:Few steps have to be followed to qualify for the airdrop: Insert small challenges.

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Do not forget that in Steem token airdrop, a good deal of importance should be paid to such values as transparency, clarity of message, and community engagement.

Hope you enjoyed. Thank you so much for reading my content so far. My value is only if you can gain minimal knowledge by reading my content. I am ending today's content here wishing everyone good health.

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The End



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Assalam-Alaikum brother,

I have read all your post, it's very informative. First you discuss about the main objective of running the different project like airdrops and giveways. Yes the main objective is attracting the attention of it's users. You have given detail note about examples. Than you talk about security and problems relating to these compaigns. Last you have supposed a project in which you have described all aspects.

My last words that your post is very informative, thanks a lot for sharing this post with us. Wishing you many successes in life.

Walaikum Assalam
Thank you so much my dear friend for inspiring me with a nice comment here.

You are most welcome 😊.

Gamification: Some steps must be followed to qualify for the airdrop: Insert small challenges.

I found this point notable, friend @shahariar1.

It is necessary to give the Steem token another use apart from what it already has within the Steemit ecosystem.

Include it in an airdrop that will not only add value to your Steemit account but also allow you to use the Steems that correspond to you through the airdrop to continue playing, farming, staking, hodling, using the Steem and increasing your presence in the market.

Good luck in the contest! Greetings and blessings for your life and family.

I am thankful to you for your good wishes. Thank you so much for inspiring me by commenting.

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