Cryto Academy Season 2 Week 1:Homework For Alphafx


Hello steemians and crytonians.First of all i want to thank professor @alphafx for such a wonderful lecture.I also want to congratulate hom on his selction as a profess in this community.Today i will like to talk about two blockchains called Etherium and and Tron.But first of all i want to enlighten us all about what a blockchain is .

A bloclchain is a system that record transactionsade in crytocurrencies.It is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and and distributed across an entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.The name comes from its structure.A blockchain is a type of spreadsheet containing transactions.Each transactions contains a hash and each block refers to the previous block and together make a blockchain.


Etherium is a blockchain,open source with samrt contract functionality.Etherium was created by Vitalik Buterin.It is the second largest crytocurrency in the by market capitalization after bitcoin.Etherium blockchain network is opened sourced,companies can build API's and other and other application directly on an etherium network.This means online shops or other types of utility can be connected directly to etherium and etherium can be used directly.

Tron was created by Justin Sun in 2017 as a platform that rewarded content creators.Tron rewards creators directly through the tron network.

Comparison between Etherium and Tron
1.Etherium blockchain got a headstart and is not as old as a blockchain in comparison.They both have influential leaders at the helm with Justin Sun and Vitalik Buterin who are both still around to weigh in with opinions.

2.Transaction fee on tron blockchain are lower that Etherium blockchain.This because etheriumare calculated by multiplying Gas and Gas prices.However the transaction fees are calculated base on bandwith and energy.

3.Etherium has a greater market capitalization than Tron.

4.Both are decentralized system.

current price of etherium.

current price of Tron.

In conclusion Etherium is a much bigger crytocurrency network than Tron.Individuals in crytocurrency should always know this before buying either tron or etherium.Tron was built to reward creators whiles Etherium is a blockchain,open source with smart contract funtionality.



Structural presentation1adequately presented
Adherence to instruction1.5all rules followed
Quality of content1.5Nice work, but needed more on the detailed comparisons
Originality1a sentence was not referenced, correct that now, and always cite your references.
TOTAL5well done, I would have loved to see side by side comparisons on features, see you next time

Thanks for participating

Thanks professor alphafx.I will make sure to do better next time.

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