Steemit Crypto Academy S5 - Homework Post for Task 7 -Dex, Cex, Popular Exchanges and Trading Cryptos - by @sathsara #club75

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

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Hi Friends!...

This is my entrance for Task 7 of the Steemit Crypto Academy Season 5 Beginner's Course on Dex, Cex, Popular Exchanges, and Trading Cryptos. I will be addressing question 3 of the schoolwork task.

3-) Explain in your own words what an Exchange is. Differences between a Wallet and an Exchange. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of DEX and CEX. Have you used an Exchange before? tell us about your experience.

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What is an exchange?


An exchange is basically a commercial center. The market is where people trade things of significant worth with others, for different things of significant worth. It is where purchasers meet dealers as well as the other way around.

In the digital money world, an exchange is a spot/stage where individuals can exchange cryptographic forms of money for other digital currencies or government-issued money. All together for a trade to work, the should be the presence of purchasers of merchandise and vendors of those equivalent products. These people then, at that point, trade these things for each other at a chosen rate.


💰 There are currently two types of exchanges:

01). Physical/Offline Exchanges: As the name suggests, this is a predetermined actual area where merchants and purchasers meet up close and personal to trade their cryptographic forms of money. The exercises of purchasers and dealers are generally intervened and worked with by a representative. The dealer oversees collaborations and exchanges between the purchasers and the merchants to empower quicker, more liquid, and less false exchanging.

02). Virtual/Online Exchanges: these are on the web/computerized commercial centers. The world we live in today is a worldwide town interconnected by the web which has made labor and products a lot more straightforward to access for people. Online trades influence the web to give a stage to purchasers and vendors to meet practically and trade their merchandise. Online trades are of two classes:

  • Centralized Exchanges (CEX): These are exchanges stages that are worked with a mediator/broker between the purchasers and vendors. This delegate goes about as a focal authority over the two players and as such the two players are not in all-out control of their resources and exchanges. A few models include:

    • Binance

    • Huobi

    • KuCoin

    • Coinbase

  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): In these exchanges, there is no focal power or middle person among purchasers and vendors, consequently, purchasers and dealers associate and execute straightforwardly with each other ie a shared exchange framework. These are more in accordance with the overall digital currency vision as they give clients full power and command over their resources. A few models include:

    • UniSwap

    • Waves DEX

    • JustSwap

    • SushiSwap

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💰 Differences between a Wallet and an Exchange.

We have as of now spoken with regards to what exchanges are, thus, to comprehend the contrast among trades and wallets we should likewise get what a wallet is.


A digital currency wallet is a capacity stage for people to keep their cryptographic money resources safely. Wallets are generally utilized by people to store their digital forms of money for a significant stretch of time. Wallets are of two significant sorts

  • Hot wallet: These are wallets associated with the web.

  • Cold wallet: These are wallets without a web association.

💢 Here is a portion of the contrasts between a wallet and an exchange:

The significant capacity of a wallet is the protected stockpiling of crypto resourcesThe significant capacity of a crypto trade is the exchanging of crypto resources
Can be disconnectedShould be online to work
Is totally decentralized and doesn't need an outsider or mediatorCould conceivably be decentralized.
By and large safer because of its decentralized nature Usually less secure, particularly Centralized Exchanges.Continuously gives clients full control of their assets May not give clients full control of their resources (Centralized trades)
Can remain solitary, doesn't expect trades to workRequires a wallet to work. May utilize an inbuilt hot wallet (CEX) or interface with an independent wallet (DEX)

Here are a few examples of digital money wallets:

  • TrustWallet

  • MetaMask

  • Safepal Wallet

  • Ledger Nano Wallet

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💰 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of DEX and CEX.


As I referenced before, there are two kinds of exchanges; Decentralized Exchanges and Centralized Exchanges. We will presently take a gander at the benefits and detriments of these two:


Advantages of CEX

  • There is an administering power to alleviate chance and guarantee consistent exchanges between clients.

  • CEXs ordinarily have better UI when contrasted with DEXs, and are more obvious and useful.

  • CEXs normally have higher exchange volume and liquidity than DEXs, subsequently quicker exchange speed.

  • With some CEXs, clients can likewise trade their government-issued money for digital currencies.

  • CEXs normally expect clients to join with their genuine personality data. This decreases the hazard of phony records and con artists, or untraceable records.

  • One can contact the focal expert for any mix-ups made, such as losing one's keys or moving resources for some unacceptable record.

  • CEXs fuse standard forex exchanging highlights like the take benefit, stop misfortune, following stop misfortune, market and cutoff arrange, etc.

Disadvantages of CEX

  • The focal authority truly nullifies the general purpose of digital currency for example decentralization

  • The focal power makes hacking more straightforward, as one simply needs to deal with the focal servers.

  • Clients are not in all-out of control of their resources and can have their resources seized or kept because of the trade guidelines.

  • Exchange expenses are typically a lot higher in CEXs than in DEXs

  • Clients for the most part need to part with their certifiable character, subsequently, security is decreased.


Advantages of DEX

  • They are decentralized, subsequently clients are in finished control of their resources.

  • Exchange expenses are normally lower than DEXs on the grounds that there is no outsider/delegate

  • Because of the decentralization, programmers can't get close enough to a focal serve, this makes it safer.

Disadvantages of DEX

  • The UI of DEXs is normally more complicated, and not by and large interesting to clients.

  • One needs to assume total liability for their resources, as there is no focal position to do that.

  • One can't utilize government-issued money to buy digital currency, as most DEXs are crypto-crypto trades.

  • There is generally low exchanging volume and liquidity on DEXs.

  • Any blunders made on a DEX can't be switched.

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💰 Exchange Experience


Screen shot gotten from Binance

The primary trade I utilized when beginning with crypto was Binance, and to date, it is my most-utilized trade since it is perhaps the best trade out there at present. My companion was really the person who acquainted me with the Binance trade and I started utilizing it to exchange digital currencies, however as a fledgling.


Screen shot gotten from Binance

The Binance exchange has a lot of cool elements, such as marking and matrix exchanging however generally I simply spot and prospects exchanging with it, and use it to get and send digital forms of money.


Screen shot gotten from Binance

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Exchanges are a vital piece of digital money exchanging, and truth be told the entire cryptographic money biological system. I have expounded a portion of the motivations behind why, and a portion of the contrasts between sorts of trades. Trust you delighted in perusing!

This is all about my homework task 07 and I like to thank Professor @imagen because preparing a meaningful lecture.

Thank You!



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STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61224.26
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55