Steemit Crypto Academy Season 3 - Intermediate course| week 4: Blockchain Video Games - Play and Earn Crypto by @sara8080



Good, my cordial greetings to everyone at SteemitCryptoAcademy, today I am going to present my assignment on Blockchain Video Games from the class of professor @yohan2on. A new topic for me and one that I found very eye catching when it comes to investing and earning profits while playing games.

Understanding this class was easy for me, as it is very well written for the reader's understanding. I can say that it is a fun way to generate cryptocurrencies.

Below is the development of my homework on the Blockchain Video Games.

Blockchain Cuties Universe

What’s all about Blockchain cuties universe?

Blockchain Cuties Universe is a game of adventures and collections, and is based on the blockchain, it consists of playing with several characters that are cute animal puppies, which at the same time are also non fungible tokens (NFT's), using the ERC-721 standard. To make the puppies stronger you have to equip them and raise them to a high level.

This game has very dynamic functions and adventures that are evolving and renewing. It can be played as follows: in a group with other players to defeat powerful bosses, or on adventure sites to fight against other players.

To perform the exchanges of cuties and items, the Blockchain Cuties Universe does it through smart contracts on Tron, NEO, EOS and Ethereum block sequences, and it is where it is possible to acquire good profits. One of the fundamental benefits is to sell or also transfer as any crypto, and this is because each Cutie is a non fungible token ie a NFT.

The world where these cute characters called Cuties live, is the magical world called Cutieland. This world is based on four different epochs, there are also some wizards who are powerful and knights, with overloads of tenderness.

In Cutielad there are sequence of blocks represented as countries or kingdoms, where players can build their empires, these kingdoms are:

  • States NEO: this realm is located in the northeast of the world map and deals with a timeline that is ancient.

  • Matic Republic: this realm is located in the midwest of the world map, and is based on a modern timeline.

  • Kingdom of EOS: this kingdom is located in the southern continent, and is represented by the medieval timeline.

  • Ethereum Federation: this kingdom is located in the northeast of the world, and is based on a modern timeline.

  • TRON Empire: located in the west of the world map, based on the futuristic timeline.


Talk about the features of the game.

Cuties have different characteristics, there are Cuties that pay homage to cartoon characters such as Fox, Bland Yogi, Winnie Pooh, among others. There are also unique Cuties that are a mix of legendary creatures and cartoon characters.

There are other Cuties that are the regular Cuties and these can be bred, the Cuties that are of attributes that like the regular ones can also be bred, and the unique Cuties that cannot be bred. Another characteristic is that they mix their genetics and reproduce with each other.

  • The characteristics can also be defined by the abilities that the Cuties have in combat, when we talk about classification:


  • They also contain statistics that are basic which are : Defense, Attack, Luck, Level, Evasion, Drop Chance Bonus , Raid Bonus, Experience Bonus.

  • Elemental statistics which are: Energy, Water, Earth, Air, Fire.

  • According to rarity there are three classes: regular, tribute and unique.

  • According to the nobility in this case there are two types: non-noble and noble.

  • According to the cooling: cooling of the breeding and cooling of the adventure.

  • According to equipped items.

The visual aspect of the Cuties (the NFT's) depends on whether they are regular, tribute or unique, they will also define the rarity and the strength.

In addition, when the Cuties go to the adventuring places and to the combat and fight against NPCs or also against other Cuties, the winner will have the possibility to get an item as a prize and of course to gain experience.

To increase the amount of items won, players build armies to march to different places. These items are used to maximize and improve the performance of the Cuties in combat and also to change their appearance.

There are currently more than 970 items and more are being introduced in the game.

You will need to play the game and attain some user experience.


  • To get started and create an account I selected the option "Start Playing!"

  • Then I selected the Ethereum blockchain, I also clicked on the MetaMask extension.


  • I clicked the option below to connect to the MetaMask wallet.

  • I waited for it to make a connection to the MetaMask extension, then selected "sign" to complete the synchronization.


  • To complete the registration, I filled in the required data such as: email, nickname.

  • Accept everything and my Blockchain Cuties Universe account was started.


  • The window with the option "Get Tutorial Pet" appears, I clicked on that option to get my first Cutie.


  • After having read the tutorial, my first Cutie appeared and to start playing and gaining experience: I selected where it says "Send on an adventure".


  • The window popped up and I clicked on "The Snoway Mountain".


  • After playing and winning, I gained 26% experience.


  • I got rewards "items" for playing several times and more experience.


  • To return to the adventure, select the option "Use item", and thus use my new item in the fight.


Here is my Cutie with her item


Here with 74% experience.


Your review should be balanced (talk about the Positive and Negative sides of the game).

Advantages of Blockchain Cuties Universe

  • Its development is motivated and driven by the community of enthusiasts.

  • Blockchain Cuties Universe also has its own BCUG token, this token provides benefits to players and one of them is to increase the powers of their Cuties.

  • These BCUG tokens are "non fungible (NFT)" which means that they can be sold at a higher price and thus earn good profits.

  • Blockchain Cuties Universe is also backed by five blockchains (TRON, ETH, Matic, EOS, NEO), which makes it generate more possibilities for users and investors in the crypto world.

  • Liquidity and is easy to use.

  • Some users are just collectors, as they are not participating in the game, what they do is to invest in NFTs.

Disadvantages of Blockchain Cuties Universe

  • The first disadvantage that I could observe is that their kingdoms or countries are not visible to the player, you can not observe the fighting and empire building, in simple words we do not observe Cutieland in real time. This detracts from the game's score.

  • Compared to other games, Blockchain Cuties Universe needs to improve its interface, add graphics and make the game three dimensional, make it more attractive to the player.

  • This game between each fight should decrease the waiting time, so that the player comes back to play.

  • Regarding the Cuties, they should improve their skills and combat ability and they should look like other three-dimensional online games.

What’s your rating for the game on a scale of 5?.

My rating for Blockchain Cuties Universe is 3, because of the disadvantages I already mentioned, it should make many improvements and evolve in conjunction with the technology in online games, and thus make it more fun for players.


To summarize, Blockchain Cuties Universe is a good alternative to increase our investments, taking into account that it has the backing of five blockchain, and it also has its own BCUG token that is "non-fungible". It is a token that goes up in price, and the rarer the Cutie gets the more expensive it will become.

I found this way of investment very attractive, which I knew through your class, and that previously I had been named, but I had not played, until this moment of playing Blockchain Cuties Universe, a good experience of adventures and fun to invest.

Of course taking into account that before making a real investment, we must carry out studies of the advantages and disadvantages, perform a fundamental analysis and everything that is convenient to execute such investment. I can say that I am interested in investing in this type of NFT and continue investigating more games.



Respected first thank you very much for taking interest in SteemitCryptoAcademy
Season 3 | intermediate course class week 4

CriteriaCalculation out of 2remarks
Presentation/quality1.3thank you very much for taking participate in intermediate class course
Compliance with Topic1.2
Clarity of Language1.1
Quality of Analysis1
Grand total6.6looking good

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

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