Sunswap, Integrated stablecoin swap, Staking, Mining, veSUN, etc.- Steemit Crypto Academy- S5W1- Homework Post for @sapwood

This is Season 5 Week 1 of Steemit Crypto Academy and I'm writing homework task about " Sunswap, Integrated stablecoin swap, Staking, Mining, veSUN, etc Indicator " assigned by Professor @sapwood

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Question# 1

Discuss the various features of, a comprehensive DeFi facility of Tron family?

To understand and discuss the various features of we will first look into some introductory details. The platform is the defi platform dedicated to the swapping of stable coins such as the tron. It encourages staking, mining and swapping of tron.

Along with the staking and swapping of sun tokens it is also involved in maintaining the continuous supply by buying back and burning of these tokens by using the transaction fee.

Not to discover different features of the platform visit:

The top bar shows the features

Sunswap, stake, governance, airdrop and century mining


  • we now have the V1.5 the new version of sunswap

  • by clicking here you find swap, LP pools, scan, sunswap, burn sun, wtrx, wbtt

  • this feature allows you to swap trx with other tokens and vice versa as shown below

  • the swap sub feature shows you the total value of assets locked, and allows you to swap your assets 

  • the pool sub feature allows you to provide liquidity

LP pool sub feature

This feature allows 

  • LP providers to stake their LP tokens and earn rewards in trx, wbtt, etc

  • To participate in 9 different pools that include USDT-TRX LP, WBTT-TRX LP, USDJ-TRX LP, NFT-TRX LP, USDC-TRX LP, TUSD-TRX LP, BTC-TRX LP, ETH_TRX LP and WIN-TRX LP

  • The APY is different for every pool

The other sub features in the Sunswap feature include scan act as a blockchain explorer, the SunSwap which allows direct conversion of sunold to sun tokens, burn sun which shows burnt and buy back tokens, WTRX which allows minting of TRX from Wtrx, and WBT which allows you to exchange your btt tokens to wbtt vice versa.

AirDrop feature

The Airdrop feature shows

  • A detail step wise plan of sun airdrops execution in 52 weeks

  • Claim your veCRV and connect to your wallet sub feature is also given as shown below

Stake  feature

This feature 

  • Allows you to lock your SUN for getting more rewards 

  • Gives you the chance to speed up mining by taking part in liquidity mining of only 3 different Staking options.

The sub features here include sunlocking where you can lock sun tokens to get veSUN tokens that allow you to take part in the mining for governance. The next we have is liquidity pools feature which gives you three staking options as shown below

The governance feature

This feature:

  • Allow you to vote and decide the weight of liquidity pools

The century mining feature

  • Here you get details of ended mining pools

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Question# 2)

Visit Sunswap and scan the different LP pools? How many different LP tokens are available in Sunswap? Based on the available data in Sun scan, how much fee did it generate in the last 24 hrs? What percentage of that fee is being utilized to buy back and burn SUN?

LP tokens:

There are currently 118 LP tokens on Sunswap

Scanning different LP pools

Go to SunSwap official website click on SunSwap and then click on Lp pools to see nine different pools including


To scan each of their data individually go to

Here search each pair separately to get all the information or simply click on the available list. The percentage of transaction fees that is used to burn and buy back LP tokens is 16.27%.


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

 The total fee it generated in 24H is $80,019.9766 As 16.67% of the fees is used to buy burn and buy back sun then it is 13,363$.


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated= $6,682.1555

Percentage for burn and buy back=


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated= $21,182.4613

Percentage for burn and buy back= 3,537.47$


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated=$19,621.7436

Percentage for burn and buy back= 3,19245$


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated=$10,263.3273

Fees for burn and buy back= $1669.842


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated=$0.9832


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated= $13,134.2386

Fees for burn and buy back= $2136.9406


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated: $0.1328


The total liquidity, 24 hour volume, number of transactions, and pooled tokens are indicated in the screenshot below.

Fees generated= $23,171.6894

Percentage for burn and buy back= $3,770.0338

Following are the details of the LP pools for 24H fees and percentage of fees used to buy back and burn

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Question# 3)

Deposit either 3 Pool LP or USDC LP or SUN-TRX LP in Stake them to maximize the mining rewards? Demonstrate the entire process with a real transaction? (Screenshot required)? Include the resource consumption statement, take the help of Block Explorer?

Go to tronlink wallet and click on the discover icon

  • And click on SunSwap icon on the main page

  • In the swap option get USDC with TRX

  • Add the number of TRX you want to convert and then follow the guidelines

Now to stake them go back and click on pool then add liquidity 

  • Add the amount of TRX and UDC and follow the guidelines

All the screenshots of the procedures are shown below


Now we will add liquidity


To stake 

  • Go to the main menu and click on Sun

  • From the three option lines

  • Click on stake

  • Then go to USDC LP click on stake 

  • After that enter the amount and click on deposit

My tronlink app was not responding for some reason so that is why I could not complete the transaction.

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Question# 4)

What is veSUN? What is the 3-in-1 benefit of holding veSUN tokens?

VeSUN stands for Vote Escrowed SUN. It is the governance token on the SunSwap platform. Users obtain VeSUN by taking part in the governance mining which is in its second phase currently. These tokens are provided to 

users who lock their SUN tokens for about 4 years. It helps them to earn voting rights and several other rewards. The VeSUN give their users the benefits such as speeding up liquidity in the mining pools, deciding on the weights of the liquidity pools and earn TUSD rewards.

The voting rights are proportional to the amount of VeSUN tokens and thus users with more tokens have a privilege over the others in terms of the voting procedures.

Mathematically the voting rights are calculated as, 

veSUN= amount of locked sun * (expiry date - current date of locking ) / 4 years

The number of VeSUN gained can also be increased if you hold your SUN for a longer period.

The 3-in-1 benefit of holding VeSUN tokens

The rewards by holding veSUN tokens are termed as 3 in 1 as you bag three benefits just by holding one token these include

Holders get weekly rewards:

For the period during which your SUN are locked users get rewarded from a portion of the transaction fees from stable coin pools. About 50% of the transaction fee is distributed among the holders with holders holding more tokens getting a higher percentage than the others.

Holders can speed up your mining pools: 

By holding the veSUN tokens you get a chance of speeding up your liquidity mining. The speed can be maximized to 2.5.

Holders can take part in determining the weights of the liquidity pools

Holding VeSUn gives you the right to take part in deciding the weights of the mining pools in the meeting of the holders that is held every Thursday.

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Question# 5)

What is stablecoin swap facility in How many different stablecoins are supported in the SUN platform? What is its use in the context of staking & mining?]

What is stablecoin swap facility in How many different stablecoins are supported in the SUN platform? What is its use in the context of staking & mining?]

The stable coin swap facility is a sub feature given in the feature of that allows users to exchange trc-20 stable coins with each other. It is done via 3 pool swaps.

The stable coin swapping feature makes the first platform on tron that allows stable coin swapping. This saves traders form price volatility and is very cost effective. There are low chances of price slippage and thus it is very user-friendly and over all increases the mass adoption of platform. supports four stable coins including 


In terms of staking the four stable coins make two LP pools these include 3 pool LP and USDC LP.The 3 pool LP consists of USDT, USDJ, and TUSD. The users have to deposit equal amounts of each of these tokens to get three 3 pool LP tokens.

In the second Pool you swap SUN and USDC such that for every USDC you get 3 SUN

In terms of mining there are separate mining pools for each of the stable coins. Here you stake USDC, USDT, TUSD, and USDJ to earn TRX.

Thus through mining you get TRX through these stable coins and in staking you get SUN.

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I have learned a lot about SunSwap after doing Homework task this week. Now, after completing this task, I must say that SunSwap holds a lot of importance in staking and mining of stable coins and it is one of the reasons for the increasing adoption of the Tron blockchain. The swapping of stable coins is very easy through the SunSwap.



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