Steemit Crypto Academy Season 5 Week 8 [Intermediate Course] - Avalanche Blockchain.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)



1.- Explain X-Chain, C-Chain and P- chain in detail.


Introduction to Avalanche and its blockchain .

Avalanche developed in 2018 by the professional blockchain scientists in US and in 2020 was launched successfully by the funding of ICO mainly its based on blockchain is a decentralized platform wirking merely with smart contracts and other defi project, the aim is compete and to achieve the competitive advantage against ETH blockchain which is one of the main core of smart contracts and mostly uses. Held Avalanche has offered EVM which developed in ETH with more scalability. The scalability issue was resolved by Avalanche blockchain by attempting 6500 Transaction per second although you will find more scalability over here by well maintained security.

Its consensus protocol allows the nodes to work in parallel, in this way the transactions that have been validated are confirmed randomly, verifying that a transaction is true after going through a repetitive sample, work carried out by the validators.

Whilst Avalanche blockchain provides you less fees than ETH blockchain, its consensus protocol offers the nodes to run the coding in parralel and the transaction are verified randomly and for security the work is going through repetition samples where validators are their for assigning each nodes.

Avalanche is distributed in three main blockchains X-Chain,C-Chain and P-chains these nodes help to identify the problems associated with networking with blockchain and this case has been study under these 3 blockchains for better contemplation thats why the more scalability and reliability is offered in Avalanche blockchain.



Lets elaborate each of them in detail study,;

✓ X-CHAIN or Exchange chain:

As per the name this chain related to the blockchain mechanism where the AVAX token is exchange, although this chain has a wide range in creating and manipulating the AVAX token with scalable blockchain nodes.

This chain helps the platform by governing by exchanging the tokens and in return incentives by AVAX tokens working in the consensus protocol of Avalanche,although the nodes work in parralel and interconnected with each blockchains for the validation criteria and confirmation for other validators.

✓ C-Chain orContract chain :

The bases of this chain relates with showman protocol where developer can initiate the smart contract as the name defines the contract chain thus developer can also meet up the contracts through decentralized apps.

The chain is very reconcilable with EVM to attain the NFT,ERC-20 TOKENS with formalizjng the DAPP where AVAX tokens came into the market for pay gas fees and use in transacting the dmart contracts.

✓ Platform chain (P-Chain):

Here the protocol which runs the network is also showman similar like C-Chain but the mean of this blockchain is specialised by platform governance, where users enhances the experience if managing the subnets and remote the active subnets and use of AVAX token for bet when mainnets is validated.

Held these subnets reflects the validators who are responsible for the consensus blockchain system thus modified blockchain is means tk valid single subnet and validated subnets is available for other subnets validation.






2-Explore the Avax Network platform . Screenshots required..


Avax Network Platform

You can only access the platform by using the link, and from image below you can visualize the the Avalanche platform.

By clicking the Dropbox button the following features will be examined which you can see below.


After clicking on this option you can see Validators option do click on that for detail exploration.



Do click on Validators option


You can see Avalanche keep and secure also you can earn AVAX token further this Validator show you the awards which has been distributed to users who will stake their to secure Avalanche in return AVAX token will be incentives.


By scrolling down, their you can see validator stats in that total stake (validation of stake and delegated stake will be enlightened), staking ratio , Staking rewards, total Validator and total delegations is formalized.

In next you would see Why validate Avalanche where you can benefit from;

Staking reward:
They are featuring you 11%apy on AVAX token and by accepting the delegation user can sett their own fees.

Secure a growing network:
Avalanche is developing day by day thus they are maintaining better network by emerging new technologies for users.

No slashing:
Here they set certain parameters where you won't feel risk by Tokens.

Low hardware requirements:
No heavy equipment and any sort of software are required to manipulate your transaction and contracts, rather you need simple and less expensive machines for this platform.


Start building:

These are the Starting Building project for any users who joined Avalanche platform, here you can organise your ETH DAPP, run a Validator, mint a token, integrate an exchange and developer documentation.




Here you can see that individual option consists of roadmap, solutions, ecosystem, Alvanche wallet, explorer and bridge.



In Avalanche roadmap gives you the idea to join discord and build now your profile in in this platform, whilst their projects milestone, ecosystem projects are given below with date wise you can search to optimise each of them.



Solution in Avalanche provides you the scalable reliable secure private and public blockchain networks.


While scrolling the solution menu you can see the defi, institution enterprise governance and NFTS



In ecosystem AVAX network you can submit your project also you will advance by using AAVE, AVALANCHE EXPLORER and much more ecosystem connected platforms. The detailed list of this types of projects are enlightened in image below.


Avalanche Wallet:

Avalanche wallet demonstrate the procedure and step by step methodology for new users to open their accounts by Access Wallet and Create New wallet option. There you can see a terms and condition criteria is given do read it once.


Avalanche Explorer:

Here users can access the recent transactions and activities of staking metrices using avalanche stats. You can see the price if Avalanche token 94.31$ which as given left top corner. The transactions are under red box which you can see every transaction is performed in seconds you can refresh the transaction by clicking on refresh button.


Avalanche bridge:

Avalanche bridge known as bridge bet where users cam Login from three main wallets Meta mask, coin base, Wallet connect, if you aint having a wallet you can connect by using this



Avalanche -X:

Here by clicking on Alvanche X you can see the following two more options;


1- Explore open grants.
2- Submit a general proposal.

Explore open grants:

In explore open grants decentralized exchange, lending, stable coin, synthetic and derivatives, VIX is designed lets explore each;

Decentralized exchange: Offers you a scalable and reliable way to use uniswap, OX and more, thus they are designed on decentralized system of Avalanche network protocol.

Lending: Compund or Aave are formalized here for secure and scalable lending.

Stablecoin: Here you can generate a stable coin like DAI, USDC. This alsoeads by avalanche by scalable routes.

Synthetic and derivatives: Organse users with string decentralized synthetic and derivatives approach towards avalanche network like UMA.

Volatility index Here can create an application where the use of volatility index can be measured by avalanche Network.



Submit a general proposal:

Submitting a general proposal to avalanche platform which has been designed in following manner;

Application process The user will be advance by three stages for creative ideas and any suggestions towards avalanche platform three routes will be paves to grant your application 1) Simple application proposal submission 2) A introductionary application for a QnA session 3) You will be affirmed by your application by team and amount will be granted to you.

Grant process This mania helps the users by a process where avalanche team will be connected by the users and promote the creativity which he addressed thus you will be ensure by grant ambassador for your project running means also you will be advance by his working progress.

Requirements You can read detailed requirements that has been listed by Avalanche teams after exercising your project.



Here you can see two options available;
1- Press inquiry.
2- Press kitts and media assets.


Press inquiry:

Users can direct fullfil any inquiries regarding their means and ideas through a proper email system you can see while clicking on press inquiry option the page leads me towards the gmail.


Press kitts and media assets:

Press kitt and media will assist you about the detailed information regarding the ava labs press kitt and brand assets also a chat ava labs will also provides for user.




The feature if community will address you the detail summary of all above featured by motivating you the wroth of avalanche platform in future, though can see join the accelerating progress for smart contracts and other motivating titles are enlightened in image below. So here you just find a summary of details about avalanche platform.




Contact option will be viable for users to direct contact with avalanche platform as you know this platform is scalable and efficient in his working though you aint need complexity for contacting you just need to write your name, email, who are you? and ultimately your message.




3.- Show the last contract verified in the C-Chain network and show the Smart Contract that was generated at that address. Screenshots required.


Verification of C-CHAIN and smart contract generation

Here we will illustrate the last contract verified in the C-Chain network and show the Smart Contract that was generated at that address.

You need to click on this link then simple is to click on blockchain option.


Step :1

  • After that you can see enlightened with red box a verified account.


Step :2

  • This verified account option eill leads you towards the verify transaction in show trace which you can see below.


Step :3

  • Here the detail working of nodes and transactions has been observed, Contract source is also verified.

Address: 0x047322FC5325b2A54D202D510a7712402da0Ba3d

Contract name:

Complier version: v0.8.7+commit.e28d00a7


Step :4

You can see two transactions has been listed with all details, you can also download the CSV export file.



Step :5

Contract detail ensures you the, Contract source which is verified, contract abi ehich is provided under coding, contract creation code which formalise at the time of transaction process, Contractor arguments which is also illustrates in bytes and code of software, deployed map source is also available although a swarm source is also paste below. This all contract is just to offers you the scalability area of this platform whilst the encryption and decryption party can only access them


Step :6

Here the events method is scheduled by address and transactions you can see the end users address is provided with verifying filter although some sort if ownership transfer is done over here.





4-Explore the last block generated in the C-Chain network. Screenshots required.


Last block generated in C-Chain .

Here click on the same above provided link, it will leads you towards same options and do click on view blocks option.


  • Here you can see the last block generated on C- chain, do remember we are here to generated block not the verified.


  • Clicking in first block which is last block generated, will visualise you the block hieght and other necessaries of blocks by using the address you can see all the transactions details.


Block hieght:

Hash: 0xb89685cbc80e855a97d20faefa0afb37e42508093a42cd59c95f69813673763d

Parent hash:






5.- Explain in detail the Avalanche consensus protocol and the Snowman consensus protocol.


Detail explanation about Avalanche consensus protocol and the Snowman consensus protocol .

Avalanche Consensus Protocol

The Alvanche blockchain protocol Consensus mechanism is decentralized system where the nodes and transactions are validate by Alvanche Acyclick Graph, the nodes are parralel to each other with the formation of DAG where the users can also check the validation of transaction as we had explore in above question. Thus the Scalability of this platform is very high because not only decentralized system rather no means of central authority thus low span of control towards the mechanism held the more scalability over the transaction has been observed.

Although here low level of lagging and high level of consensus scalability has been done, whilst no need of heavy machines and expensive hardware are required for transacting the nodes. So main means of this platform which differs it that overtime issue where the transaction and Alvanche provide a speedy Scalability and better connectivity also assures a good throughput to their users.


Showman protocol mechanism:

Showman a consensus protocol used is Avalanche consensus mechanism, where transaction are validated in a linear manner in creation blocks. This Consensus protocol observed best in transacting the smart contract as we had detailed view in C-Chain and P-chain. As we also explained the Avalanche protocol defines the nodes and transactions mania whilst showman is used to analyse and creation of that blocks.


Professor illustrated absolutely new technology towards students. The technology surely be one of the most demanding network in future. The Avalanche blockchain technology is revolutionary change in blockchain world becuase every platform is decentralized but not showing proper working on their means but Avalanche provides you totally decentralized system where they assisted the users with great compatibility scalability and reliability towards the platform although you can see the demanding features of this platform which illustrated in above question, truly exhibiting the clear picture of decentralized Venu.

Although the block and transactions verification inC- chain is also most efficient and reliable process. The view blocks option proivdes each and every thing regarding blocks.

Thanks dear professor @pelon for assigning us with such a great platform, i will encourage my students and members to join this platform your lecutre truly increases my knowledge for this platform. Again a huge thanks for providing us this lecture in last days, hope to see you as a professor in next season.


 3 years ago 

Compare the title of your work

Avalanche Blockchain - Crypto Academy / S5W8 - Homework post for pelon53.

 3 years ago 

Yes it's might correct


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