Steemit Crypto Academy Season 3: Week 3 | Blockchain Projects: by @sadiaanyat

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello Steemit Crypt Academy!
I would like to thanks to professor @imagen for sharing such informative lectures every week. At first, when i read the lecture of this week, it seemed a bit difficult but then after a thorough study, it was revealed to me that it's very interesting. It was not difficult for me to decide which project should i adopt, as i am currently doing research on intelligent transportation system. It's mean that how to revolutionized the transport system with the help of information technology. So I choosed the transportation system for this assignment too. It's all imaginary but trust me it's very interesting. So let's start.

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Introduction of My project

My project name is ITBS(Intelligent Transport Blockchain System). As world is getting digitalized day by day so it is the time to digitize every department in order to participate in this race of development. A lot of problem occurs when you go outside for travelling. Sometime you forget your cash at home. Sometime money get stolen. Sometime you faced an emergency but the cash is not enough. Sometime the ATM facility is not available in area where you are in currently. So this project is actually a solution of all these problems. This project will digitize the transport system intelligently and will make it easy for people to travel. You will be able to pay your rent through our launched token by suing card. You can even buy a ticket for plane through this project.

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White Paper

The whitepaper is as the core of the project, so we will try to cover each and every detail of our project here.

ITBS: ITBS stand for Intelligent Transport Blockchain system. I spent much time in deciding the name of my project but at last i end up with this. I think it is covering the purpose of this project as by reading the name, the user get idea what this project is about. As i am conducting a research om it, so it might possible in future that i will launch my blockchain project . So thinking about the future i liked this name.

ITBS is a project which will be used within a country. After getting popularity, maybe it become global.

What is Purpose of ITBS: The world is developing very fastly. We are entering in digital world which is making our lives easy and tension free. So this project is also designed to facilitate the people while travelling and making their life digital. People always worried about carrying the cash with them while travelling for paying the transport rent. If you bring ATM with you, it may be hard to find the ATM machine in new area. So this project is a solution of all these problem

The user will not have to bring the cash or ATM with him. You can pay your transport rent through this system. You can even buy a ticket for plane through this project. The user just need to register himself in the system and apply for card. A card will be given to the user. Each user will have just one card. The finger print or a password will be used whenever the user will charge his card.

For registration, the user will have to enter his personal data for authentication which will be kept secure and in return, a code will be given to user. The user will use this code for recharging his card. In future, if user lost his card, he just will have to inform the system that his card with this code is lost and will have to apply for new card.

This project will work on the Binance platform. User will charge his card with the specifies token. Then the user will be able to pay his money/rent while traveling with this card. you don't need to bring the cash with you or worrying about where the ATM is.

Moreover as the pandemic outburst throughout the world and money circulate from person to person, Maybe the money in your hand was in the hands of an infected slave a little while ago. So you may get infected. With the ITBS will provide you a card, you just enter your card in machine and pay your dues/rent. In this way the card will remain with you and you can avoid Corona too.


Kelly Hellec: She will be the CEO and co-founder of ITBS.
Misha Habib: She will manage the applications of customers.
Jack Watson: He will be responsible to make it sure that the is system working smoothly and will responsible to sort out an error if occur.
Dina Mustafa : She will be worked as Computer specialist in ITBS.
Cristiano Chaplin: He will handle all the financial affairs.
Mona Disai: The promotion activities of our project will be handle by her.

How the user can Contact Us:

The user will be able to contact use through many social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Steemit and our own official website. We will upload the videos on Youtube to guide the user how to apply for card and how the ITBS is working.

Twitter: @ITBS
Instagram: @ITBS
Facebook: @ITBS
Reddit: @ITBS

Guideline for users:

The following are the steps the user need to follow:

1- Te user need to give an application to the system for issuing him/her a card.
2- The system will response him within 1 day and the process of issuing card may start over then.
3- The user will be asked to enter some of his personal information such as First Name, Last name, Phone number , DOB, your address and ID card number for authentication.
4- A code will be sent to the given mobile phone number.
5- After entering that code, the user will be enter into next stage where you need to enter the method through which you will pay for your card. After payment, the card will be issued to you.
6- At the end of registration process, a code will be given to you. You need to keep that code secretly because it will be used in future for recharging your card. Even if you lost your card, you can apply for new card by using this code.
7- Once card is issued to you, you can recharge your card through the system by just entering the code which was given to you at the time of registration and entering the amount which you want recharge.

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Launching date:

My team is working on the project and soon it will be completed. An application will be send to the higher authorities for launching my project. Once we get the permission, The project will be launched on 1- June-2021.


The world is revolutionized rapidly. We have entered in a world where everything is digitized. The basic purpose of this blockchain project is to facilitate the user with good transport facilities and making there journey easy and stress free. This project help the user to pay their transport rent through a card instead of cash. The user does not need to bring the ATM with him as it's also a headache to withdraw money from ATM machine. You can buy ticket of any transport vehicles from home through this card. You can even buy a ticket for plane through this project. You don't need to go outside. Just use your card code to reserve your seat.

Develop the token.

Multiple standards are available online on blockchain network which we can use to develop our own token for our blockchain project. We will use the ERC-20 token standard to develop our token (ITBS token).

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The price of our token will be equal to the 5 rupees of currency price of my country

1 ITBS token = 5 PKR

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Total token:

As it is the local project so only 50000000 token will be generated in starting. And the system will work with these 50000000 tokens at start. Initially the user will not be charged for availing my system facilities. But later on, when the system will get success, a very small amount will be detected with every transaction. But it will be so small that it will not effect the user.

Financial strategies"

We will manage the 50000000 token in the following way.

We will pay 15% of total amount to our partners for cooperating with us to run and enhance this project smoothly.
-20% will be given to the team who is managing the whole system.
- We will give 15% of total amount to those who will work for promotion of our project. the promotion will be done on twitter, facebook, instagram, steemit platform and our own website.
-We will sell 25000000 token to support the launch pool and other campaigns.

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Inflation rate:

The inflation is rising day by day. We should manage our token in such a way that the inflation rate do not effect our token. Our team is working on it and Our token will not be effected by the rising inflation rate for at least two year. The price of the token will remain same for two year. And the inflation rate will not effect our token price at all.


Liquidity is very important for any crypto currency. It can effect your project highly. Liquidity mean that whether the user can convert his coin into another coin without having any problem and in smooth and easy way or he is having resistance in process of converting his coin. It helps a lot to raise the user confidence on your project.

We will ensure the liquidity of our project by locking round about 500000 dollars. We will lock this amount for one and half year.

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My project is just in my dreams right now but it can revolutionized the digital world to some extent if it got implemented. people will be more familiar with digital world once they started using this project in their real life. This project can be implemented if a real team with more power and resource start working on it. It will make the people life easy and facilitate them to get more digital.

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Sadia Anayat

Thank you.

Cc: @imagen
Cc: @steemitblog

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