Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S12W5 - Understanding Slashing In Crypto


To Everyone my friends how are you I wish you people doing well and enjoy your life with beautiful and I am also fine by the grace of Almighty Allah

slashing in crypto.png

  • Use your own words to define what is slashing in Crypto? And do all blockchains apply slashing?

When it comes to digital currencies and blockchain innovation, the term “lockdown” refers to a sanctioning element that aims to discourage risky or reckless behavior by validators or members of a blockchain network. Slicing often involves the seizure or reduction of digital coins or tokens bearing an authentication token in activities that threaten an organization's security or reputation.

The specific actions that can result in penalties being split can vary depending on the blockchain network, but common patterns include:

Double check mark:
when confirming a Proof of Stake (PoS) or a Designated Proof of Stake (DPoS). Moderators and validators are responsible for approving and approving exchanges. If a validator attempts to sign two conflicting blocks at the same time, they may be separated for double signing as this weakens the contract engine.

Validators must have an online presence and effectively participate in the organization's transaction cycle. If validators frequently go offline or become stagnant, they may be penalized for time spent in private as it could disrupt the organization's mission.

Conspiracy or Malicious Conduct:
On some blockchain networks, validators must act in good faith and not conspire with others to control the structure. If validators engage in malicious activity or collusion to harm an organization, they could suffer significant harm.

  • Explain how slashing protects the blockchain, taking an example of a blockchain that applies it.

Slashing is a system that protects blockchain networks by preventing malicious or reckless behavior from validators or members. This is done by imposing financial sanctions on those who fail to comply with standards or endanger the security of the organization. We need to take the example of a blockchain that uses slicing to understand how it works and why it increases security:

Example: Ethereum 2.0 (Eth2)

Ethereum 2.0, also known as Eth2 or Peacefulness, is a step towards the first Ethereum blockchain. The company has moved from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) system to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) contract system and is implementing the reduction as part of its security efforts.

Expropriation marked twice:

Eth2 validators are responsible for proposing and authenticating locks within an organization.
Splitting is used when the validator is evaluated twice, i.e. H. H. tries to check two colliding blocks at the same time.
Reason: This prevents validators from controlling the chain by supporting different conflicting blockchain variants, which can lead to forks or downtime.

Prohibition of recreational use:

Eth2 validators must have an online presence and effectively participate in the organization's contract system.
The split persists if the verifier frequently disconnects or becomes slow.
Reason: This ensures that validators maintain a high level of operational efficiency, which is essential for the security and resilience of the organization. This reduces the risk to your organization's operations that could arise if a critical number of validators go offline.

Malevolent Mood and Behavior:

Eth2 validators must act honestly and not collude with others to control the structure.
Pruning is used when validators are involved in a vendetta or are perceived as part of a conspiracy.

This discourages validators from forming coalitions to challenge an organization's compliance, thereby ensuring that the reconciliation cycle remains secure and reliable.

By removing Ethereum 2.0, an organization improves its security and deters auditors from engaging in activities that could harm the organization. The potential penalties associated with a downgrade are important information for validators who want to follow guidelines and get the most out of the blockchain.

  • As a blockchain user, how can you avoid slashing?

As a blockchain user, you can avoid slashing by understanding and following the rules and guidelines of the blockchain network in which you participate. Debriefing sanctions are typically imposed on reviewers or moderators who successfully complete the voting cycle. So if you are a validator or tester, here are some steps you can take to avoid being fired:

Stay online and responsive: Get hired if you participate in Proof of Stake (PoS) or Designated Proof of Stake (DPoS). Make sure your test center or beacon layout is online and responsive. Validators are often punished for being lazy or lethargic. Therefore, it is important to maintain strong bonds and an organizational structure.

Constantly updated software:
Update your validation or marking program with the latest versions and security fixes. Outdated programs may have exploitable vulnerabilities and should therefore be removed.

Avoid double marking:
If you are a validator on a PoS or DPoS blockchain, be particularly careful when marking blocks or votes. Avoid double signature attempts, where two conflicting blockchain variants are confirmed at the same time. This constitutes a serious breach which may result in termination of the contract.

Follow the Organization's Rules:
Familiarize yourself with the detailed rules and regulations of the blockchain network in which you participate. Different organizations may have different allocation requirements. Therefore, it is important to understand the contractual agreements and policies that apply to your business.

Systematically test your contract:
Continuously review your validator or tags to ensure they are secure and meet your business needs. Set up alerts or monitors to quickly receive notification of problems.

Avoid vindictive transactions and behavior:
If the blockchain network excludes conspiracies or nefarious transactions between validators or members, try to act honestly and avoid any behavior that could harm the organization. Communicating with others to control their attitudes can lead to sanctions.

Leverage best security practices:
Implement best security practices for your auditor or pricing organization. This includes key strengths in network utilization, device protection, encryption and security policy enforcement to protect assets from expected attacks.

  • Does the Steem blockchain apply this kind of punishment? If not, do you think slashing could be applicable in the first place (technically) and will it be beneficial?

The Steem blockchain does not offer a significant rolling cut as a correction element. Slashing penalties are most commonly associated with Proof of Stake (PoS) and Assigned Verification of Stake (DPoS) blockchains. On the other hand, Steem is working on a Designated Confirmation of Stake (DPoS) contract component but has not implemented a slashing system.

Whether a reduction can actually make a difference for a blockchain like Steem depends on its governance plan and structure. While it is possible to perform slicing on a DPoS blockchain like Steem, doing so would require significant changes to organizational conventions and rules.

Performing slicing on Steem or a comparable blockchain has potential benefits:

Increased Security:
Splitting can lead to malicious behavior such as double tagging or stacking between block creators (due to DPoS), making it more difficult for an organization to be more secure and resilient to attacks.

Network Reliability:
Sharing can help validators or block creators maintain higher levels of availability and consistent quality, which can increase the overall reliability of the blockchain.

Scaling can increase trust in an organization by holding members accountable for their actions, thereby building trust with customers and financial sponsors.

Alignment of Interests:
Slicing aligns the interests of validators or block creators with the well-being of the organization as they have a financial incentive to act authentically and thoughtfully.

However, reduction also brings challenges and problems:

The presentation of cutting tools requires careful planning and execution to avoid invisible side effects or the possibility of misuse.

Local Agreement:
Any massive changes to blockchain standards, including presentation slicing, would likely require a preliminary agreement between the local region and partners.

Customer Experience:
Slicing can be considered an alternative solution and its execution should ensure a certain harmony between security and usability so as not to disrupt collaboration.

Training and Awareness:
Organization members must understand the principles and outcomes of cutting to make informed decisions.

  • What are the advantages and limitations of slashing?

Slashing is a mechanism used in blockchain networks, particularly Proof of Stake (PoS) and Designated Proof of Stake (DPoS), to support legitimate behavior and punish vindictive or reckless actions by validators or members. Advantages and limitations of the double advantage:

Advantages of Slashing:

Increased Security:
Slicing systems reduce the security of members who engage in malicious activities such as double marking or conspiracy as they risk losing some of their marked assets. This improves the overall security and reliability of the blockchain network.

Balancing of Interests:
Reduction aligns the financial interests of validators or members with the well-being of the organization. Validators are financially incentivized to act honestly and carefully to protect their specific assets, which increases the strength of the organization.

Network Reliability:
Fragmentation forces verifiers to maintain high availability and consistent quality. This leads to a more stable organization as subsequent slowdown or lethargy can result in lower sanctions.

The presence of slicing can increase the trust of customers and financial sponsors as they recognize that members will face financial consequences for harmful or reckless behavior, making the organization more resilient.

Combat Attack Versatility: Slicing systems can launch attacks against an organization, such as: B. Remote attacks or the development of cartels by imposing severe financial sanctions on those who try to sabotage the business cycle.

Limitations of Slashing:

Creating and tracking clipping elements can be truly amazing. This requires careful planning and programming to provide the desired functionality without showing weaknesses.

Customer Experience:
Discounts should be visible as a corrective action and customers may be reluctant to join an organization if they fear the risk of losing resources. It is extremely important to find a harmony between security and usability.

There is a risk of making a false statement that could result in the member being punished for professional errors or organizational problems rather than nefarious intentions. Such misleading advantages can damage the blockchain’s reputation.

Local Agreement:
Establishing or changing subdivision rules often requires attempting to reach a local agreement. Different partners may have different opinions about the severity of sanctions or the specific behavior that should result in a reduction.

Training and Education:
In order to make informed decisions, members must be fully informed about the rules and results of the cut. It is important that customers are aware of the risks and know how to minimize them.

Excessive sanctions can discourage validators from participating in the organization, which can lead to centralization if few validators accidentally remain.

 last year 

Saludos amigo sadi23, lo felicito por su 8 de puntuación en este reto.

Ha dominado el tema sobre la reducción o Slashing, sus palabras fueron acorde para explicarnos cada punto.

Le deseo mucha suerte.

Gracias 🙏

Slashing is a system that protects blockchain networks by preventing malicious or reckless behavior from validators or members. This is done by imposing financial sanctions on those who fail to comply with standards or endanger the security of the organization.

You have explained very well about slashing mechanism and I am very happy that you have idea about it and yes punishment to all the validators who fail to validate transactions due to any issue like if there are their personal intentions involved in it or if there is any technical issue.

Creating and tracking clipping elements can be truly amazing. This requires careful planning and programming to provide the desired functionality without showing weaknesses.

I totally agree with you that slashing even mechanism which is very complex because it will requires a lot of concentration of a person that's why it is very complex to keep an eye on each and every respect of this procedure over all you participate very well I wish you success.

I want to ask whether the cut is the same as burning crypto coins, Or better known as deducting crypto coins from the supply, or what is meant by deduction is transfer fees or taxes.

 last year 

You have done well in your entry. I wish you success.

Thank you ma'am ☺️

 last year 

Hello friend thanks for creating such post it's really attractive and powerful at same time, I must say I have really learnt a lot from your post. Thanks for sharing.

Eth2 validators must have an online presence and effectively participate in the organization's contract system.
The split persists if the verifier frequently

All validators are expected to always been online to keep the Blockchain running, otherwise they could attract punishment like slashing.

Thanks for sharing wishing you success please engage on my entry

Hello @sadi123

The implementation of the Slashing mechanism requires a lot of technical changing in the algorithm of the Steem Blockchain that's why it is difficult to implement here. Moreover, things also move towards the centralization when it comes toward slashing. These are some drawbacks that should also be kept in notice.

Good explanation overall, good luck 🤞


The slashing mechanism is quite an intriguing one as it stands to penalize malicious acts of users who want to do wrong on the blockchain to protect the integrity and security of the blockchain. But as you have explained, its implementation on the Steem blockchain can bring about positives while also bearing drawbacks. I've come to learn certain factors I did not before today.

Thank you!

Slashing is a punishment like mechanism that are followed on different blockchains but I agree with you that not every blockchain follow slashing mechanism and mostly blockchains that work on proof of stake mechanism use slashing for giving punishment to their validators if they are doing something against the rules

Secondly I appreciate your example in which way you explain it by taking Ethereum blockchain and you also apply this example on validators of this blockchain that how slashing apply on them if they are doing anything malicious as well as you have also explain that how extent of punishment varies from person to person depending up on their level of rules violation

You have also explain in a good way that as a blockchain user how can you avoid slashing mechanism as well as you have also explain advantages and disadvantages so over all a very good and presentable content from you I have seen I wish you success and good luck in this engagement challenge

La reducción es una medida disuasiva que penaliza el mal comportamiento de los validadores o participantes que incumplen las normas. Siendo necesaria a la vez para mantener la seguridad y fiabilidad de la red, sirve de incentivo para que los validadores actúen honestamente y aumenten su desempeño.

Aplicar slashing en la blockchain de Steem es un tema complicado que requiere cambios importantes y un desafío para los desarrolladores.

Saludos y éxitos.

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