in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello Steemians,

Its another week of cryptoacademy lectures and am excited am a part of it.
I read the lectures of professor @yousafharoonkhan and am here to do the home work that he gave after the lectures. Thank you @yousafharoonkhan it was an interesting lecture.

Question 1: write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized social media platforms(in your own words), explain in your own words the difference between Decentralized and Centralized social media platforms( answers should be related to social media platforms)

What is social media?

You know gone are the days when we write letters, go to the post office to send it to someone we want to communicate with. Some times it takes a long time for the letter to be delivered, other times the letter might even get missing and may never get to its destination. But with the introduction of technology like the internet the world has gone global. We can communicate with just anyone no matter where they are as long as they have the tool for communication.

I also remember those days if you must buy and sell a product, you must go to a physical location known as a market to buy or sell but today even from the comfort of your home you can buy and sell any product you want. So what then is social media?

Social media is a platform or a central point that connects, people together for communication, interaction, business and every other social reason. The word social talks about friendly. With the help of social media things have been made easy example communication, business, etc.
There are two broad categories of social media platform which are;

  • Decentralize social media
  • Centralize social media

Decentralized social media platform


The word decentralized means to shift from a central focus to several points. I could also say decentralized means to distribute.

Decentralized social media platform can be said to be a type of social media platform where the user is solely in charge of what happens and will happen to his/ her account. The user is in charge of setting his account page, contents made can only be edited or deleted by him and no one else etc.

In Decentralized social media platform power and control is not with those who designed the platform. The user is the one in control of everything.

The user of decentralize platform has the opportunity to earn and make a living from the contents he post on the platform

Example of decentralize social media platform is our own beloved "steemit"

Centralized social media platform


The word centralized is gotten from the word center. So centralized means from the center or at a fixed focus point usually at the middle.
Therefore centralized social media platform can be defined as one of the types of platform where decisions are carried out from a central point or person or body.

Centralized social media is solely controlled and managed by those in hem of affairs or designer of the platform. The users does not have a say in decision making.

Contents posted on this platform can not fetch earnings rather those who are incharge of managing the platform, can take the users content and sell it to another user or use it for something else.
Example of centralize social media platform is facebook.

Difference between decentralized and centralized social media platform

Control is in the hands of the userscontrol is with the inventor,or those in hem of affairs
Full will of expression because personal information or content can not be leakedlimited or no will of expression because personal information or content can be used/leaked.
Users here have right to save their contents permanently on the platform without fear that it will be deletedusers contents can be deleted anytime by the people or persons in hem of affairs
The platform pays it users when they make post/contents with a cryptocurrencythe platform does not pay it users when they make post/contents
The platform is not known by so manyThe platform is well known
In Decentralized social media the data and personal information are stored on several servers in the block chainData and personal information are stored on just one server by those in hem of affairs
Decentralized social media can not be easily hackedCentralized social media is prone to hacking.

Question 2: which one is the future social media? Decentralized or Centralized social media(answer written in your own words)

There is no doubt that both Decentralized and Centralize social media have there importance which they serve. But since am left to say which is the future of social media, my answer is Decentralized social media. And here are my reasons:

  • Decentralized social media is the future of social media because as it stands right now every one would like to be a boss of themselves, no one loves to go through the stress of working for another person and at the end be giving peanut as salary. So decentralize social media gives that opportunity to be your own boss, you get yourself employed as one of its users/content writer make quality post and earn from it weekly. I believe a lot of people in the nearest future will go as far as to quit their jobs and join steemit making it their full time job. I see a massive influx in this aspect.

  • Another reason why i see Decentralize social media as the future of social media is because Decentralized social media can not be hacked easily on like centralize. No person wants to invest so much on a platform and just wake up one morning to discover that his account has been hacked. I remember i experienced this back when i was in college. I opened an account with one of the centralized platform, i took some important pictures i wanted to use for a project and saved them on that platform. One morning i woke up and tried to access my account but i could not gain access because my account was hacked. I felt bad!
    So you see people wants to be assured that there accounts are safe, and its only decentralize social media that can give it centralize social media has not been able to do so.

  • Decentralized social media platform is the future of social media because the control of the platform does not rest on a central person or persons rather control is with the user, this is an amazing reason. Believe me people like to be in charge of what happens on their account and decentralized social media platform has provided such control for it users unlike the centralize social media.

  • Because of the freedom of expression and privacy that decentralized social media gives its users i know that decentralized social media is the future of social media. Decentralised social media gives it user freedom to express themselves with fear that their information or data will be used or brought to public. Personally i love privacy. And i love there are alot of persons out there who love privacy too. So decentralize social media gives this privacy and you cant get from a centralize social media platform.

With the above said therefore i conclude that decentralized social media has the future of social media.

Question 3 : How steemit decentralization social media is best than twitter and facebook(answer must be written in your own words)

Steemit decentralization is best than twitter and facebook in the following ways;

  • steemit decentralization is better than twitter and facebook because steemits promotes originality of contents made therefore encouraging creativity and skill of the users while for twitter and face book its not so, thats why most of the timers its users dont go extra mile to write original contents. You can find more than 10,000 people writing the same thing on a topic( copy and paste)

  • Steemit decentralization is better than twitter and facebook because of a factor known as control. Steemit decentralization givers its users total control over their account,unlike twitter and facebook that the control rest on those who designed the platform. Alot people this days wants to be responsible for what happens on their social media account so steemit decentralization helps meet these demand of control.

  • Steemit decentralization is better than twitter and face book because users are rewarded on the platform with cryptocurrency when they make posts while for twitter and face book the case is not so. Naturally people love to be rewarded for the efforts they make and steemit decentralization makes that dream come true.

  • Steemit Decentralization is better than twitter and face book because steemit account can not be blocked while twitter and face book accounts can be blocked anytime. Just imagine after putting so much effort to gain followers and build your account all of a sudden your account got block without consultation or permission? Thats really bad. I have heard people complain of this issue a lot of times. Steemit decentralization gives safety of account.

Question 4: What do you say? How does steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users? (Answer must be written in your own words)

I want to start by saying thank you to steemit for changing/affecting the lives of so many including mine.

The lives of millions are been changed for better on a daily basis all over the world, because of steemit. Steemit is still changing lives and my life is not an exception.

Steemit has affected/ changed my life postively in 3 ways.

  • Financially : personally steemit has changed my life in this aspect. I joined steemit early this year but before i joined i was not really working so i could not pay some of my bills but after i joined and started posting contents and little by little i started earning from posts like contests hosted on communities like @steemwomensclub @steemgeography @steemfood @steemnursery and then i recently got involved with @crytoacademy season 2
    And the rest of the communities. Now i see my self able to pay my bills and help assist other people who don't have.

  • Intellectually : I have been able to learn a whole lots of things from steemit. Before now i only hear about crypto but didnt really understand how it works but after i started attending lectures on @cryptoacademy i began to understand it and my learning increased. Steemit has also given me the platform to learn about other cultures and lifestyle of people in other parts of the world with me physically travelling to these places through my involvements with communities. I love steemit.

  • Steemit has made me become more creative and detailed. Before i didnt see the need to be creative or detailed about a thing or task but after joining steemit i see my self thinking through before before making a post, the creative aspect of me seems to be out now. There are some communities where you are expected to be so creative e.g @steemitcity it was formally called @worldphotography. We also have @worldofxpilar where creativity in photography is showcased. Whatever i do now i add creativity to it.

I know that am just an example of the millions of persons steemit has helped. So steemit keeps touching lives.

Question 5: How can we make money with steemit decentralized social media (write your own experience)

There are several means to make money on steemit. They include;

  • Investment: investment is a process by which you buy steem. The future of steem is bright, so one way to make money is to invest money on steem and store on your wallet, you can now sell when their is an increase in price of steem. Alot of persons have made so much money through investment. I know of a friend that bought 500 steem at 0.23$ each early this year each but after few months the price of steem increased 1.55$ and he sold his 500 steem. meaning he made a totally of 773.2$ . investment is an amazing way to make money on steemit

  • Authors Reward : This is is another means to earn or make money on steemit. Authors reward applies to content writers on steemit. When you make original quality post on steemit you are rewarded with votes which pays out as crypto currency after 7 days which is then converted to the currency of your choice.

I personally have earned from steemit through authors reward, i make original contents and i get votes on them. I joined communities on steemit and got involved in what is happening there. There are several contest that is held in these communities like @steemalive there is daily contest that goes on there it is called "LID report" i joined several other communities where they hold weekly and monthly contest..
I make post and earn from it. And its been amazing. I remember my first earning after my achievement post was from a contest held at @steemwomensclub that was titled " 24 hours world women's day. I came out as the 3rd position and i was voted! I earned and i was so happy. My second earning aside my achievement 1 post was from a contest held at @steemnursery with the title "how do you visualize steemit in 3years time" i also earned from it.
So getting involved in contest and posting original quality contents gives you authors reward which is one way to earn or make money on steemit.

  • Curators Reward: This another means of earning and making money. How does curation reward works? It works when you upvote an original quality post. In other to upvote and earn more you should be able to have enough steem power and your steem power can be quickly built up if you always power up your post. To powerup post means to set your post at 100% this will enable your post payout on steem power. You could also convert your Steem backed dollar(SBD) and steem into steempower. I do that alot.

Another way to earn curation reward is to join curation trail of some communities, so that when the community vote a post you earn from it. For instance i joined the curation trail of @steemalive community and i earn curation rewards when the community votes post.

Question 6 : How to create communities on steemit social media( practical step by step ) and promote your home work post on 2 social media, twitter and face book ( Just share link in comment session)

Step 1: log in to steemit and click on steemit as shown below


Step 2: scroll down and click on explore communities as shown below


Step 3 : click on create communities as shown below


Step 4: Fill in the name of community you want on the space labelled 1 and the description of the community on the space labelled 2 as shown below.


Then click next


Step 5 : After you have clicked "next" button, save community password and keys in a safe place.


Step 6 : pay 3 steem as an admin of the community ,if you are ready click ok


###Step 7 : After clicking ok enter active key and pay 3 steem.

Step 8 : your new community is ready as shown below


Step 9: You can see the ladies hangout community is active and ready to subscribe



Decentralized social media platform and Centralized social media platform are the two forms of social media platform, although centralized social media seems popular but decentralized social media is the future of social media platform. Decentralized social media platform is one of the best things that happened social media.

Thank you for reading my post.



Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • it is nice to read you explained well, but question no 4, and 5 need more detail.

  • in question 4, we want to share, and provide information to new user that how they can earn from their sp also, you need to explained detail about it ,

At the time when the post published the first 5 minutes the curation reward gets increased by 20% after each minute. Like, suppose if the post published at 12 PM, then the curation reward will be as follows for the first 5 minutes.

If you vote after one minute means at 12.01 PM the curation reward will be 20%
If you vote after two minutes means at 12.02 PM the curation reward will be 40%
If you vote after three minutes means at 12.03 PM the curation reward will be 60%
If you vote after four minutes means at 12.04 PM the curation reward will be 80%
If you vote after five minutes means at 12.05 PM the curation reward will be 100%

  • look fine homework

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 5.6

 3 years ago 

Wow thank you professor@yousafharoonkhan

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