Season 3: Intro post 1 Steemitcryptoacademy Beginner's course Task 1: Steem and Tron By: rexxalo

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Hi every one on the steemit crypto academy, i'm rexxalo and this is my first official post on the academy, the task given to us was birthed from the post of our professor @sapwood. At the end of the lecture, he gave us the opportunity to answer one of three questions, and i am going to be answering the Second option, so here is my task 1 entry.

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The question to be answered:

Explain the difference between [SP, STEEM, SBD] & [TRX, TRC10, TRC20 tokens](with examples)? Explore to indicate the rank, coinmarketcap, and circulating supply of STEEM and TRX? Which exchange are you familiar with where both STEEM and TRX are listed? Does it cost any fee for transacting STEEM and TRX? How important is the use of Memo while transferring STEEM from Steemit wallet to an Exchange wallet, do you essentially need a similar memo for transferring STEEM from Exchange wallet to your Steemit wallet?

Firstly, before we go into the main course of the article, let us start with basic terminologies that will enable us understand the article better.

  • Blockchain:
    A Blockchain is a transparent and decentralized network that embodies nodes or computer cells that are in constant communication and transfer of information between one another, forming blocks as transactions are being carried out within the network.

  • Proof Of Brain {P.O.B}:
    Proof Of Brain is an agreement within a network that rewards shall be given to originality of a product made by each node, that is reward is granted to intellect. These types of agreement can be known as the consensus agreements.

  • Governance Protocol:
    The governance protocol refers to the institution of laws set and put in place for the proper functioning of a network, like a blockchain network for example.

  • Bandwidth:
    Bandwidth is a measure of how many bits of information and data can be transferred across a network per second. It is measured in BPS that is Bits per second.

That's it for introductions, so now let us answer the question in bits, because really it is all jammed up. I'd like to split it into different segments, so shall we?


Explain the difference between [SP, STEEM, SBD] & [TRX, TRC10, TRC20 tokens](with examples)?



Steem power {SP}

We must have been taught the definition of power to be the capacity to do work. We could also define power to be the capacity to have an effect on a certain commodity, environment or phenomenom. Now steem power, is simply the power a user possesses on the steem network! Which also implies that it is the measure of how influential a user really is on the network, and how devoted he is to the network.

Steem power can be derived from author curations on the network, and a user can also decide to use his other rewards like the SBD {steem dollar} to "power up" which is a term that indicates a certain type of staking into the network to increase steem power.

The amount of Steem power a user possesses can affect his or her rewards that are awarded from the reward pool of the network, as the more SP gathered, the more favorable one's rewards would be.


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photo scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap
Steem is the unique token of our beloved blockchain based social media, steemit. This token is often awarded in contests on the blockchain network, and can be converted into the Steem dollar or the Steem power over at the wallet section of the interface.

In the later parts of the article, I would relay it's ranking on the market. Steem has had a dramatic cruise run in price as a token of recent, It is also seen as a pair against just BTC and ETH on various exchange platforms.

Steem Dollar {SBD}

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photo scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap
I would refer to the Steem dollar as the official legal tender of the reward curators on the steemit blockchain platform.
It could also be seen as the stable token of the network, as it is valued at $1 on the network.

Steem dollar is moderately influenced by the price action of steem, and there is a freedom of conversion between the two tokens. As we can notice from the picture above, at the moment, steem dollar is about $5 at the time of writing this article.

Acts as influence measurement of a user on the steemit networkThe unique token of the steemit networkthe token that is usually used for curation purposes on the steemit network.
It is awarded via author curationCan be awarded during contests within the networkIt is awarded via author curation

okay Let's go on to the tron network.

Tronix {TRX}:

Just like how the steem is the indigenous token of the steemit blockchain network, it is the same way the tronix is the unique token of the tron blockchain.

The tron blockchain was created as a decentralized network to be faster and cheaper than the older blockchain options present at the time, and it's token is the tronix {TRX}

TRX can be seen on various crypto exchange platforms, and can be exchanged on these platforms for BTC and even ETH.

TRC 10 Tokens

The TRC10 tokens are the tokens on the tron blockchain that are generated on the network without the aid of the Tron Virtual Machine.

TRC10 Tokens are easily transferred, with littler requirements, because there was no help from the TVM in their generation.

TRC20 Tokens

The TRC20 tokens are proliferated using the Tron Virtual Machine {TVM} and this gives these tokens a general compatibility with the ERC20 tokens, but also makes sure to require energy together with a considerable bandwidth when transfer of the tokens are needed.

no Tvm needed for generation of this tokenTVM is not needed t o generate this tokenTvm is used to make these tokens
ERC20 non-compatibleERC20 non-compatibleERC20 compatible
Deposits require Bandwidthdeposits require bandwidth alonedeposit requires bandwidth and energy



sap204.png is a site that shows the rankings and important volumes of roughly all crypto coins. The site currently has about 5000 coins on It's database, with valuable information on each of them, including their real-time price.

toot.pngphoto scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap

Circulating supply of steem:

The circulating supply of a coin refers to the amount of that coin that is available in the market for holders, or traders who would like to buy or have already purchased the coin. it is a total of how much of these coins are available.

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photo scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap

Rank of steem:

photo scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap
as at the time of making this article, steem was currently ranked at the number 178 spot on the chart of listed crypto coins. As i mentioned earlier, steem has had a rough ride in it's price, and this may or may not have affected it's ranking.

Coin market cap of Steem:

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photo scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap
The coin market cap of steem as at the time of making this article is a total of $146,100,213.

How this value is calculated is pretty simple. we use the formula of Price of token x circulating supply of token.

so if we use that to calculate the coin market cap, it means that how we came up with this result is that the price of steem at that moment $0.373 was multiplied by the circulating supply which at this moment is about 391,598,487.22 steem.

This applies to all coins, that is why the site is really useful, because it still gives us a real time broadcast of all the values effortlessly.

Circulating supply of TRX:

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Rank of TRX:

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photo scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap

The current rank of Tronix on the coinmarketcap site is Number 25 and for me this is really impressive, because TRX is not doing well when it comes to the price of the token, but it has somehow managed to stay at top 30 till now.

Coin market cap of TRX:

photo scrrenshotted from coinmarketcap

I have formerly explained how all these values are brought about, and i hope it is clear that they are not just spontaneous.


Which exchange are you familiar with where both STEEM and TRX are listed?

My go to exchange platform choice will forever be binance, and so that is the exchange platform i will be displaying in this part of the question.

Binance has a lot of coins listed on it, and is very versatile and less complex. it also has a lot of features not found in some other exchange platforms.

screenshot from binance


so let us search for steem, and see what pairs are available:

screenshot from binance

screenshot from binance

We could also go on to access the chart of a pair selected to properly analyze the chart before placing a trade.


Let's go on to search for the TRX on the platform and check out how man pairs are available to trade. We could also access the charts to these pairs to help us in our trading analysis.

screenshot from binance

screenshot from binance


Does it cost any gas fee for transacting STEEM and TRX?

The simple answer to this is no. Both steem and Tronix have no gas fees attached when they need to be transferred.

They however tax in their own way. By this i mean, steem uses the build up of credit units on it's blockchain which only happens when there are transfers, so in that way, the blockchain network benefits from transfers without adding gas fees, while the Trx may require bandwidth and energy.

How important is the use of Memo while transferring STEEM from Steemit wallet to an Exchange wallet, do you essentially need a similar memo for transferring STEEM from Exchange wallet to your Steemit wallet?


Memos are like blockchain ID's. They aid easy tracking of blockchain transactions in a network, so they are very useful and important. Blockchain transactions are often used the wrong way for illegal funding and activities, but hopefully with more use of memos, transparency in blockchain transactions would increase.

When Transferring steem from a steem wallet to an exchange wallet, it is very very necessary that the memo be included but this is not the case when going vice versa, because we do not necessarily need a memo when transferring from an exchange platform to the steem wallet.



I sincerely hope i have answered these questions properly, and that everything is clear to the readers, i enjoyed researching and learning about steem and Tron, special thanks goes to professor @sapwood. I hope this was satisfactory enough, if there were any mix ups, i would like to be corrected.
Thank you!


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 58728.31
ETH 3185.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43