CRYPTO ACADEMY SEASON 4 BEGINNER'S COURSE-HOME WORK POST FOR TASK 9 || Blockchain Wallet-- Types, Uses, Installation, etc.|| By @ready247 to @sapwood,

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


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  • {A} :: How do you store/secure your keys?

  • {B} :: What are the different forms of Private Key(Examples/Screenshot)?

  • {C} :: Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)?

  • {D} :: How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)?

  • {E} :: Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet? Include Screenshots & hide/blur the sensitive information.




Every individual has an account with the bank where he/her save or keep their local currency {fiat} and most times, for us to have access to our money, the banks will request for our signature or codes in other to release our money to us (am using my country as an example }

Well in the case of cryptocurrency/ digital currency world,
We don't keep or store our cryptos in our local banks, the {crypto wallet} is where we store all our Cryptos, wallets like steemit wallet, Tron link Wallet, and Trust wallet, also we do have security codes like, {private key} and mnemonic key) with the this keys we can access our wallet any time we want,

The blockchain wallet is an electronic or a digital wallet where we keep or hold our cryptos and we also have the ability to transfer our crypto assets to another user or person at any given time with the help of our security codes or keys.


{A} :: How do you store/secure your keys?


Well, in the case of securing keys, we have different ways in which we can secure or protect our keys, because it is very very important for us to protect our keys, like my professor @sapwood said, the safest way to secure our keys is to store them offline, although in centralized platforms it's some how possible to recover our keys when we lost or misplaced them, because there is a third party or central authority who is there to help you retrieve your keys,

In terms of a decentralized platform, when you mistakenly lost your keys, it means that your account is gone, including your crypto assets, due to the fact that you can't retrieve it,

Well, the best way to store keys offline is by jotting them down on a note book and you can also print them out as (pdf) and also laminate it, so as to avoid water damage, it should be kept in a dry place,

So many people do store their keys on their computer or mobile devices and as well save it as a draft in their gmail, it's good but i can tell that it's not highly secure, due to the fact that a hacker can easily hack in to your computer or mobile devices with that the hacker can have access to your private keys, and you know what that means, all your crypto assets will vanish,

With my opinion, the best way to handle my keys is to store or save some parts of the keys on my mobile devices and then secure the remaining offline, so that when a hacker managed to access my phone, he won't steal my crypto because my keys where not completely store on my device,
The best or safest way to protect our keys is to have it off head, by backing it up in our mind.


{B} :: What are the different forms of Private Key(Examples/Screenshot)?


There are 3 different types of private keys, And they are ;👇

  • Private Key

  • Keystore file

  • Mnemonic Key

    Private key is formed by crytography and it appears in a combination of arithmetical numbers and alphabets letters. We use the private key to access our wallet, and it was created in a unique way, the image below shows an example of a private, that's how the private key looks like,👇👇


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The Key store files is one of the most scattered key. Key store is usually stored online because, it may be very difficult to jot down on a paper. Mistake would possibly arise when copying it on a paper, which will be a complete waste. Save it as draft in your e-mail address or better still take a screenshot of it and keep it in an area you believe that its more secure for you. Key store file seems to be like this.👇


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The MNEMONIC key appears as a collection of random phrases which we may be able to study out. The phrases normally appears while registering with tronlink wallet and trust wallet Which comes with 12 words. When those phrases appears, you may be asked to back them up by copying it some where else, because it may also be needed. Mnemonic keys also can be utilized in restoring wallets and also you may reset a given password and create address.


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{C} :: Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)?



Open your mobile device or computer, go to your playstore, or app store search for TRONLINK WALLET.




Then after choosing the tronlink wallet, click on the "install" button, it will start installing immediately. click on open,when its done with the installation, Then it will lead you to the tron link wallet app then you begins with the registration.

When the tron link wallet opens you will see this 👇 three options ,

(CREATE ACCOUNT) is the first option while (IMPORT ACCOUNT) is the second And (COLD WALLET) is the third option.

When you are clicking on the first icon which is "create account", it means you don't have an account on tronlink wallet before. When you click on the second icon which is "import account", which means you have already got a tron account, so all you need to do is to import the account together along with your keys. Then ("cold wallet") simply means offline and its protected. But for the purpose if this this task I'm choosing "create account" Click on create account.


Over to the next page, where the listed all their policies, and all you have do is to accept their policy, click on the (accept) icon


At this stage your username will be needed and all you have to do is to put a username in the available spaced blow (Set Name) after that you click on the (next step) icon, Here you will need choose or create a password which you can be able to remember. But follow the procedure on how you will create a strong password. When you're done creating your password, it will ask you to confirm the password you created by copying or submitting it again.





After you have confirmed your password,
congrats!! You have successfully create your tronlink wallet,



{D} :: How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)?


Half of my keys has been saved in a note book. I actually have written a number of the phrases provided on a note book, then some, on my mind, that is, the one i won't be able to forget. I additionally keep half of the words in my e-mail address, then the other half was written down on another separate notebook. example👇👇



{E} :: Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet? Include Screenshots & hide/blur the sensitive information.


Well, i think I'm more comfortable with the mnemonic key, due to the fact that i can easily memories the words, and i can also jot it down and keep it in a different shattered arrangement, with the
mnemonic key i can easily add a silly phrase to it so as to make key more complicated,👇





Keeping our keys safe is very very important . Storing our keys in a safer place will be the great aspect to do in other to secure it because of hackers or perhaps forgetting your keys. It's very important we keep the keys not simply in a single place, however instead save it in distinctive places for security reason. I'm so much happy to be a part of this lecture. I actually have learnt plenty on how keys may be secured.

My Special thanks to professor @sapwood for this wonderful lecture.



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