Crypto Academy Season 2 Week 4 Homework Post for (@pelon53) - Tokens Part 2

I am very happy that I am going to do homework for Crypto Academy Season 2 Week 4 Homework Post for (@pelon53) - Tokens Part 2. This is a really great topic. We will discuss some of the coins that Professor @pelon53 gave us. Here are three questions I will answer.


Explique en detalle el Token ERC-1155 :

Such a token ERC-1155 is much more effective than any other token. It was first made in 2018. This is part of Ethereum Requests for Comments. ERC has many types of stores, one of which is ERC-1155. There are also ERC-20, ERC-223, ERC-721, ERC-777, ERC-998, ERC-1337, ERC-1400 tokens. Each of these tokens is in a much stronger position in the blockchain. This coin always wants to work individually. Another specialty of this coin is that it was originally created for the video game industry. Because of the growing number of video game users, we've seen reviews of various games, so it's very important for the video game business to create a token. One of its many features is that it is possible to transact large amounts at once. It is also often called a versatile token because of the many types of features associated with it. Its expansion is increasing a lot every day because it has been created for the purpose it has been completely successful.

Market and Price of ERC-1155 standard: Enjin

Since this is a boon for game developers so a lot of work can be done through game developers. And coins play a very effective role for those who like to play games. Its current price is 2.37. O Coin's rise and fall is very fast. In the last 24 hours, the price rose to $ 2.56 and the lowest was $ 2.29. Binance, Coinbase Pro, Bittrex and many other exchange websites.

Explain how you verify the amount of ERC-721 tokens existing at the time of doing your homework. Present screenshot (use etherscan) :

First we have to go to the Google search option then type Then you have to enter the website. After entering the web site, we will first see an image like the screenshot below. Then there will be an option named Token written above all. Then click there.


Then click on ERC20 Top Tokens option then you will be taken to a new page.


There you will see the text A total of, 11,039 ERC-721 Token contract contracts have been found.


What is TRC20 Token?

TRC20 is a token that is controlled and originally created from the Tron network. This is a decentralized talking system. In this case the users who control their tokens themselves. Most users feel comfortable doing business with it because all the responsibility of the token rests on the user himself. TRC is a lot like ERC-20. Since this token is decentralized, the transfer time is very short and the transfer fee is very low. But in this case the security has to be borne by itself. So the security system is not so strong.

How to check TRC-20 tokens by using tronscan :

First we have to go to the Google search option then type Then you have to enter the website. After entering the web site, we will first see an image like the screenshot below.


Then we need to click on the token option. Then a few options will appear below. In the meantime there will be an option called Token Tracker.


Then we need to click on the TRC-20 option then see how many tokens there are. Total tokens shown here are 15,905 tokens.



From this lesson in processor @pelon53 we learned a lot about token, one of which is ERC-1155. We also learned how to check the amount of tokens. Then we learned about TRC-20 the decentralized token. I answered three questions in this homework and learned a lot from it. I have been able to gain knowledge about the current status of tokens and how to verify them and have been able to do housework. And hopefully you won't have any difficulty understanding everything I've tried to discuss briefly.


Best Regards


Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

Varios errores escribes que hay 11.039 Token ERC-721 y en el capture aparece 11.083

Dice darle clic a ECR-20 Top y debe ser ERC-771 Top.

Debes tener cuidado con lo que estás escribiendo.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Explicar ERC-1155.1.0Faltó profundizar.
Verificar Token ERC-721.0.5Errores al escribir.
Explicar TRC20.1.0Faltaron datos importantes de el token TRC20.
Originalidad1.2Su propio trabajo.
Presentación.1.1Puede mejorar.

Calificación: 4.8

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