MY HOMEWORK OF WEEK 5 IN CRYPTOACADEMY FOR PROF. @sapwood || PoB, Voting Window , Curation

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello all Steemians and welcome to my this post of homework for dear Professor @sapwood from India. This is my first post in Steemit Crypto Academy so let's start today's lecture.

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Introduction to PoB(Proof of Brain):

Like all other blockchains Steemit as a Blockchain-based social media site also have a system of rewarding its users with a proper reward of their efforts. All the steemit actors like content creators, curators, Token Holders and and Steem DAO are rewarded with a good regard of their work.

There is a stake-weighted system which contains SP to allow the users to upvote or downvote a post. More the SP will be the more will be the reward to the upvoted and downvoted post.

There is also a reward pool in this platform. Number of new tokens are minted in each two to three seconds at this platform and the reward is utilized there.

So all of the above aspects i.e, Reward pool, SP mechanism and the people wisdom are collectively called as PoB.

Source to image


There are some questions asked by our professor so let me solve these questions one by one.


Question:What will happen if you vote before "5 mins age of a post" & after "6 days 12 hrs age of post" in Steem Blockchain?

In the steemit blockchain there is a period known as age of the post. Steemit blockchain allow voting on a post until 7 days the post will not be voted more. The period from the publishing of the post to the first five minutes of the post is known as Reverse Auction

A)Before 5 mints age of the post:

When the post is upvoted between the first 5 minutes age of the post, the curated reward will be lessened particularly up to 5 minutes. This depleted reward will goes to the reward pool. The depletion of the curated reward will be done as per the pattern that 100% discount at 0mins age of the post and 0% discount at the 5 mints age of the post. so the curator will also lose a percentage of the total reward and the lost reward will go to the reward pool.

B) After 6 days and 12 hours age of the post:

Same is the case will be with the vote after 6 days and 12 hours age of the post. The voter will lose a particular amount of reward in this period also. At 6 days and 12 hours age of the post lost reward will be 0% and at 7 days age of the post it will become 100%.This lost reward will also returned to the reward pool.

Source from Professor's post


(2) Returned amount to reward pool:

Question:How do I check how much reward of a post has returned to the reward pool in Steem Blockchain?


We can check the amount returned to the reward pool in Steem worldtool. There is the whole description of the post available at this tool. In the above screenshot yo can see the returned reward pool amount of my this post. It is about 1.24% of the total curation reward. Its value is about $0.006.You can check out the returned amount of any of the post. This is the amount which is depleted by the rewards (before 5 mins and after 6 days and 12 hours age of the post.)

(3) 100% curation reward

Question: Under what circumstances a curator can earn more than 100% upvote value as curation rewards?


Besides the conditions of losing the curation reward, there are also such conditions under which one can get 100% or more curation reward. A curator can get 100% and even more curation reward of a post if ha has voted the post before 7 days and before his vote the pending reward of the curated post is low than that of after the voting. The more the post get reward after his vote the more will be the chances for the curator to get 100% or more reward.

For example: If a voter voted a post to 1$ . The pending reward of the post becomes 4$ after the total age of the post i.e, 7 days. Then the voter will be able to get 100% reward . The percentage of the reward will also increase when the payout of the post increases The reward will become 200% when the payout is 8$ and increasing gradually.


Question:Pick any random post you have voted in Steem Blockchain and indicate the time and position of your voting, what is the projected curation reward?



Here in this picture you can see a post upvoted by @steemflower . he gave the vote of 70% weight which is around $0.21 in wealth. He voted the post at 2h and 19m . Suppose that the reward of the post was 0.49$ before his vote and after the whole age of the post it reached to 16$. We can calculate the curation reward of the curator by using a formula.


P curator=(1/2)* (√PT) *(√P1-√P0)


PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

Putting our values:

P curator= (1/2)* (√16$) * (√0.70$-√0.49) = 0.27$

Here the curator got 0.27$ curation reward which is about 128% of the curated amount.

So the given formula is used to calculate the reward of any curator.


Question:What is the role of curation in better content discovery in Steem Blockchain?



As in our daily life it is difficult for all of us to find better content about any of the aspect of our life. Same is the case with the Blockchain based social media sites. It is difficult for them to find better content. The curation is the best thing to solve this problem of the organizers. The more the content curated, the more will be its worth. Finding, collecting and discovering all curated contents is known as Discovery of content.

In the Steemit Blockchain the quality of the content is supported and curated by the curators and this content come above the list of the trending contents. In this way curation plays a very important role in the discovery of the quality content. More the people appreciate the content more will it impress the curators and more will be its worth.

That's all about this week homework . Hope so you will like my this post and my efforts will surely bore fruit.

Special Mention:

@sapwood, the dear professor.



Best credits: @qamarsudagar

Steem On !


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