Steemit Crypto Academy feedback by @oppongk



Greetings Steemit Team!

It's a great opportunity and honoured being part of this Steemit Crypto Academy Courses since the Introduction by @steemitblog. I see it as having broaden my knowledge in terms of adding value to my knowledge about Crypto more especially on the trading aspect. With the diversity of course contents allowed by Crypto Academy Professors were outstanding, they have really widen my experiences and understanding, even though there are more to courses to come. In this case I would like to give my feedbacks base on objectivity and not due my personal beliefs or feelings.

What worked well with the Academy?

1• The Introduction of Weekly New courses

We would all testify and agree that this Crypto Academy Courses have been the first ever courses Introduced for Steemians more especially Newbies to learn and get acquainted with the knowledge of crypto trading and some difficult terminologies that become difficult to digest or deduce meanings. Only few crypto funs who have been in the trading of crypto were familiarized with those terms. With the inception of Crypto Academy Courses with weekly Introduction of diverse courses, we have been able to cover much of some of these challenges with the exception of those who did not enroll themselves on this great program.

2• The Reward Packages for Both Crypto Academy Professors & Students have been awesome

We would say crypto Academy Program has been one of the motivated, lovely and Interesting program which has attracted most of Steemians and it has really boosted their morale on the blockchain to be consistent and sharing good content. The Crypto Academy Participants assume that there is a quantitative marks available for him/her if he/she meets the requirements and marks that have been agreed on. The Academy was where most Newbies who get less Support from their respective Communities were relying on for their Upvotes. I personally had encountered with one or two Newbies who shared their experiences when they were complaining of not getting expected upvotes from their Communities if not the Crypto Academy Courses they have been participating. The extra vote from #club5050 became a bonus for members who participate in the crypto Academy.

3• The Inclusion of Beginners Courses Into Crypto Academy Courses has really helped

As Country Representative and recruiter of members into Steem, my dream and hope is for my recruits get support from Curators on the platform. One of our main challenges, is not having enough resources or Steem power as Recuiters to support our Newbies. It becomes difficult for Newbies to stay if they don't get enough support. So, when I saw that @steemitblog has Introduced beginners courses I was very happy to inform my Newbies around to participate. We can see that most Newbies who joined have been able to build their Steem power to Minnows and Dolphins.

4• The Grading, Feedbacks, Verification & corrections are ingredients that have went well

One thing that I observed to have brought fairness in the crypto Academy Program are the grading from the professors. I say kudos for their effort of grading all post trooping in the Crypto Academy Community. Quick feedbacks from the professors have went well to motivate participants to continue share their courses. Verification and corrections of mistakes are some of the ingredients putting in place in the Crypto Academy which have really went well. I suggest these things would continue in the future courses. Without feedbacks and corrections, we wouldn't know whether our Contents are genuine and we wouldn't know if we are right or wrong.

What did not work well?

To every thing, there is some merits and demerits associated with it. But we seek not to find the demerit outweighing the merits. Well, few challenges that I noticed to my personal opinion.

a• Most Posts who do not meet the Professor's standard are not rewarded/upvoted

This is one challenge I was contemplating if @steemitblog can do about it; that most post which deviate or do not meet the standard of the Professor aren't curated. To my objectivity, once all post are graded, those posts who do not meet the standards of the professor after grading should be rewarded. For instance, a Crypto Academy homework receives grade 4 which is below the pass mark of grade 5. Instead of letting it go with zero Upvote, quantitatively, if 5 marks would be rewarded with $20.00, then the 4marks also qualifies for 15marks or 10marks. This is actually not see in the Crypto Academy Program. Most Steemians especially Newbies are now learning, as such they use couple of days to complete a task so when it go with no Upvotes it reduce their confidence level of posting.

b• Some of the tasks of the Crypto Academy Courses are many to complete

We agree that we are working for marks and rewards. Most of the courses are complicated to complete. One course may have 10 questions with screenshot of indicators or graph representation and every details about the question. We need to struggle and waist much time to complete. Since we are working within time frame we aren't able to answer some of the questions to our satisfaction.

How you would improve the Academy/ What changes would you make for future seasons of the Academy?

I believe we are all learning to enrich our Crypto background since Crypto stands out to be a big wave.

  • I would therefore take my time to research and learn different sources of information to be able to write good content.

  • The club5050 is the basic for all Newbies to participate, therefore I would encourage all Newbies to participate in club5050 to able to participate.

  • To research and produce quality Crypto Academy is very difficult task, so I would reduce the work load of giving students so many tasks which would stress them much.

  • Every level comes with the contents that can be answered well. While at basic or beginners level, I would make sure to give less difficult task with enough practical base background form Beginners to answers before graduating to the intermediate level and then the advance level.

What did you think of the marking scheme for Academy posts? And the rewards available?

Like I had already spoken, my concern was on the below 5marks not upvoted or giving less attention meanwhile they might have spent a sleepless night burning mid night candle to produce Crypto Academy homework posts. I would give them some quantitative marks lower than those who get 5marks but which would be appreciable and not to let them feel that they have been cheated.

With the rewards, I would try to give more support for those participating in club5050, club75 and club100 in ascending order.

what I enjoyed most, and what I have learnt from the Academy.

I have really enjoyed many things. Today I know how to trade my Steem and other crypto currency assets exchanging from Binance to other Crypto trading platforms. I have began to trade with more crypto coins in future due the the crypto Academy Courses which has enlighten me.

Has the Academy inspired you to continue learning more about crypto subjects? If so, how and where have you extended your crypto learning?

The Academy has really inspired me to greatly invest in Crypto trading. In Crypto Academy lesson Season 4, week 6, my homework was "Investment through private and public sales: homework by Professor @fredquantum:

I really learnt a lot and that inspired me to continue learning from the Crypto Academy Courses in the next future courses.


My life in the Crypto Academy Program has been awesome and successful. In the future courses I expected more things to add value to my career so that I would become a great crypto trader and investor with more ideas to also support my Newbies. My appreciation to the entire Steemit Team and executive for their immense support.

Thanks to everyone! Long live Steemit!


Good job!)

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