Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 3 - Week 7 || Fibonacci retracements. Course by @imagen

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

This Cryptoacademy Academy is not just for cryptocurrency, some professors like professor @imagen brings topic related to history. This Fibonacci is an amazing one. Thank you professor

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1 . Fibonacci, his important contributions in mathematics field

Fibonacci was a mathematician from Italy but he originate from the Pisa, He is one of the most talented Western mathematician of the middle age

The name Fibonacci was created in 1838 by the Franco-Italian and it mean Son of Nacci. Yet in early 1506, the Roman Empire, called Perizolo named Leonardo as Lionardo Fibonacci

In 1202, Leonardo Pisano Bigollo made the Hindu Arabic Numeral known in the Western world with the composition of his Book called Liber Abaci meaning Book of Calculation. He introduced Europeans to the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, that he used as an example in his book titled "Liber Abaci".

Leonardo was born around the year 1170, his father's name is Guglielmo, he's an Italian merchantman and customs official. He directed a trading post in Algeria. Leonardo went to Bugia with Guglielmo his father when he was a young boy and that's where he was educated and learned learned about the Hindu Arabic numeral system

Leonardo's Fibonacci travelled around Mediterranean coast, he met many merchantmen, that's how he learned about their arithmetic system and that's where he discovered the many Cons of the Hindu Arabic system, not like the Roman numeral used at that time. It is not hard to compute with the use of place value system. he finished writing the Liber Abaci (The book of calculation) in 2012

Fibonacci was an invited visitor of Emperor Frederick 11, the Emperor that liked science and mathematics. In the year 1240, Pisa Republic they granted Leonardo a salary in a decree that have him recognition for the services that he had done to the city as the advisor on a matters of accounting and instruction to their citizens.

Leonardo Pisano Bigollo died maybe 1240 or 1250 in Republic of Pisa his home.

His contribution to mathematics

People get to know that it was Fibonacci that teach the world the system of decimal number (HinduArabic numbering system), that replaced the Roman number system. Fibonacci used the Hindu Arabic number which is 0-9 numbers instead of using the Roman numerals that didn't have 0 and lacked placed value.


When using the system of Roman numerals, a table was usually needed. No doubt that Fibonacci saw the superior with the use of Hindu Arabic system over the Roman Numerals

Fibonacci showed the World the current numbering system in the book he wrote titled "Liber Abaci," that was published in the year 1202. The title

The sequence number that Fibonacci introduced is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... to infinity. This sequence reveals that each number is the total of the two in time numbers. It is a sequence that is use areas of science and mathematics. The sequence is an instance of a referring back sequence.

Fibonacci Sequence explain curvature as spiral that happens naturally, like the shell of a snail 🐌 and seeds pattern in plants.

2 . Golden ratio, where it's obtained, where located and history

Golden ratio can also be called the golden mean, golden section, or divine proportion exists between two quantities if the quantities ratio is equal to the ratio of their total to the large quantity inbetween the two.

Golden ratio can be done with the use of special sequences like the Fibonacci sequence and characteristics like the golden ratio.


Where it's obtained
Golden ratio is found in various designs, architectures, arts Many admirable pieces of building like Great Pyramid of Egypt, even Parthenon completely created to mirror the golden ratio in their structure.

You can find golden ratio in almost anywhere like painting, architecture, nature, and music. Specifically when it's applied to design, it makes an organic, balanced, and tasteful pleasing composition.

In today's mathematics, the golden ratio happens in the explanation of fractals, figures that display self-recemblance and play a necessary role in the study of unorded and active system.

You can obtain Golden Ratio when you split a line into two parts, and the first longer part divided by the second smaller part is equal to the total of (1) + (2) divided by the first part, which sum is equal to 1.618. (1 + Square root of√5)/2, often indicate by Greek letter ϕ or τ, which is equal to 1.618 approximately) This formula can help you create shapes, layouts, logos etc.

Where it's located

  • Golden ratio is in Saudi Arabia, Kaaba, at Mecca, where the radius of the earth is according the Muslims. The result is in term of getting the positions of Kiblah which is very necessary to the Muslims

  • Golden ratio can be find in nature. E.g, shells is builds its skeleton with the use of the golden ratio.


  • It can be find in the formation of waterways like river. waters follows the trail

  • It exists in the tracks of pertaining storms, like typhoons and hurricanes

In the history
1.61803 39887 49894 84820 has been assigned as the most satisfying to the eye in the history of ration. It was named golden ratio by the Greeks.

Some of the greatest ages mathematicians, from Pythagoras and Euclid of Alexandria the great mathematician, through the Italian mathematician; Fibonacci of Pisa and Renaissance the astronomer Johannes, till now, scientific figures have spent many hours over this Golden ratio and its properties.

The psychologists, Biologists, artists, musicians,architects, historians, and even mystics have think and disputed the basis of its omnipresence and controverted. Golden Ratio has infuse many thinkers of all disciplines in mathematics.

3 . how Fibonacci is used in Tradigview

According to you professor @Imagen, you explained that When these values 0% 23.6% 38.2% 61.8%
78.6% 100% are plotted on a price chart, we can make use of Fibonacci levels to know the areas of interest to trader, like resistance levels, support levels, retracement areas, the entry points, exit targets, and stop-loss.


5 . Fibonacci extensions

It's a tool that traders consider to create Profit target or appraise how far a price may move after a pullback is done. The extension levels are also places where the price is possible to reverse.

Extensions are sketch on a chart, it mark the price levels of possible neccesary. These levels based on Fibonacci; as percentages. And the price size that move the indicator is being make use of



Without Fibonacci and the other mathematicians, mathematics wouldn't have been easy to use today and maybe some parts of mathematics would have been shun so far it didn't clear to use, it wouldn't then we won't make use of it. Thanks to Leonardo Pisano Bigollo for the Fibonacci he bring, this is what is most useful in both mature, science and mathematics because Fibonacci can be find in almost anywhere, even the way fish swim


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