Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 2: Week5 || Steemit Decentralized social media,Centralization and Decentralization social media

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago
I am happy to participate in this week homework given by professor @yousafharoonkhan on decentralized social media and centralized social media of which I am a user of this two social media.


Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in oun words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)IMG-20210510-WA0110.jpg

Centralized social media are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many more, all of these mentioned applications are governed by a central authority that monitor every information that passes across the system from a user to all of other users to see, it could be inform of a messages, images and videos, all of this effort are just appreciated by likes and comments without any rewards gained from it.

In this media users have less control over their applications of which freedom is limited and your activities on this platform could be blocked without your permission, creation of account in this platform is free but user don't have a full control to voice in their account, rules and regulations stated by the central body which should be followed by users to avoid unnecessary issues with the platform.

On there other hand is the decentralized social media platform, this is a platform where user have full authority over their account, it is not controlled by any central authority, individual user performs activities without permission from any Central body.

In a short word, decentralized social media platform is the opposite of a centralized social media platform, every opportunity that centralized social media platform cannot give, is given in the decentralized social media platform.

  • Security level on the centralized social media platform are prone to be hacked by hacker while decentralized social media cannot be hacked unless if your keys are compromised

  • In centralized social media platform users don't have authority over their account while in decentralized social media platform users have full control of their account.

  • In centralized social media platform, your account could be blocked one day if you just login while in decentralized social media platform, no one can block your account.

  • In no way is a centralized social media platform helpful in terms of income while decentralized social media platform like steemit contribute to your every day income as per your activities.

  • Personal and sensitive details are required when registering an account in a centralized social media platform in which the information can be given to and other demanding authority while decentralized social media platform doesn't require sensitive information.

  • Number of users and popularity of centralized social media are more than that of decentralized social media platform

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)IMG-20210510-WA0110.jpg

It's no doubt that people want to socialize without monitoring issues, so a social media platform that fall under this category will surely have a set back in the future if users start to get used to a social media that gives them full control over their account like decentralized social media platform hence the number of users in the centralized social media will reduce seeing the benefit decentralized social media offers, so by this I see a future with decentralized social media platform.

Yea it's true that centralized social media are welll known to the world but if promotion of decentralized social media get to it's highest peak, I see people dumping centralized social media platform for decentralized.

When you come to realize that all the content writing you write in centralized social Media platform which can only give you likes and comments whereas their is a platform like steemit which is decentralized will pay you for the originality of your work, I see no reason why you still have to stick with a platform with no benefits.

When personal information are been leaked out by centralized social media giving insecurities to it's user people tend to migrate to a platform that will not demand for your sensitive information from you to access it,

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)


Steemit is far more better than Twitter and Facebook including other centralized social media platform for this following reasons:

Steemit reward it users as a result of quality content creation which we have never seen in Twitter or Facebook.

In Steemit, users have full control of his account which is not so in Facebook and Twitter.

In Steemit, account are secured and protected by several keys with different permissionless actions while Twitter and Facebook have been hacked few time.

Facebook and Twitter could block your account without reason which is not so in the case of steemit.

Question no 4 :
What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)IMG-20210510-WA0110.jpg

I am blessed to be a steemian and all thanks to my mentor, steemit has changed my life and life of millions of user in different ways, upon being a newcomer in steemit social media platform you are bond to earn upon writing your archivement post, contest are available to participate on in different community in which you earn if you comply with it's terms and the required rules to win, steemit cryptoacademy is a community which has given me opportunity to increase my knowledge base on cryptocurrency thanks to all professors on this community they have really done a great work on me and other users academically, upon promoting steem, users are blessed massively in dollars for promoting steem in their various residencial area or through centralized social media platform, I also saw an indirect ways in which steemit social media platform are helping non users, community like steemwomensclub are touching the lives of people by giving a percentage of their earnings to non users through charity,steem Srilanka community are also doing a great work in term of charity, giving out part of their post earnings to non user and am sure this charity work done will bring more non users to sign up seeing the way it changes the life of those giving them.

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)


Author rewards:

Author rewards are earned when you make posts in steemit, all of us are authors because we create contents and that entitles us to receive author rewards, but just any kind of post or content cannot earn us any reward in steemit.

In our other social media handles, we can just post anything wether original or not and of course we know that we don't expect anything from those platforms.

But here in steemit, we expect to receive a reward that is why we must think of the type of post that can earn us the rewards, then when making a post, consider the originality

Steemit only welcomes posts or contents that are from you, it will be cool if you make use of your God given brain to produce original contents that can earn you cool cash.

So, you have to think of ways to be creative in your posts. Yes, prove that you were given a brain that is alive by your creator and work to expand what you know, that is why most contests are based on what you know like thediarygame, lid report, and so on

Sometimes we see that our posts are voted $10 or less or even higher, but at the end, we the author's do not receive all, yes the reason is because the rewards are shared,

Earnings are gotten 50/50

That is, you as the author gets 50% of whatever your post wants while the remaining 50% goes to the curators or voters.

Your 50% also can be set as 100% power up when making a post. That means that you want all the earnings to your post to pay out as steempower to help you build your steempower.

Curation reward:

To curate on Steemit simply means to find a post, read it and click the "Like button",
On Facebook, after reading a post and you are really impressed, you click a "Like button" to show that you are in agreement with it, the authors earns nothing from Facebook, Twitter or other platforms likes.

On Steemit, each time you click the "like button", you have curated or voted the post, curation is a win win activity on Steemit.

When you vote or curate a post, the author earns, you the curator or voter earns too, Isn't that amazing?
So each time you vote a post on Steemit, you make money, the money you make from Voting is called Curation Rewards


Using your physical or Fiat currency to buy steem and power up to your steem power is another way to earn on steemit social media platform, so by doing this you are able to vote other post and earn curation rewards and also take advantage of price increase because of the increase in steem.

Remember that we want to save for rainy days, do not cash out all your earnings and enjoy now. Invest some by powering up. Steem is increasing day by day.

Investment is the key, invest today for a better tomorrow.

Curation trail:

A curation trail is a voting system where members leave a trail of votes on a post. This is done automatically. You first setup an application like Steemauto to vote on content that someone else voted on.

Here, instead of you to do the voting, you choose to join forces with another account who will be doing the voting for you, It can be boring to regularly watch when others will drop their post so that you can vote, You may not also be experienced in knowing the best time to vote so as to get more curation reward

Additionally, the value you may add to a post when you upvote alone may be insignificant

Hence, the need to combine with other account and vote so as to add more value, this way you tend to earn more on steemit social media platform.Charles Okeke:
There are at least 3 Major ways to make money on Steemit

Power up:

To Power up simply means to convert your STEEM to STEEM POWER(SP), he need to Power up cannot be over emphasized.

When you power up,your STEEM POWER (SP) increases and that will increase your influence on Steemit and you are increasing your chances of getting votes on Steemit because Steemit will see it that you are investing in the platform.

Also when you power up,you are also increasing the value of the reward you get when you vote on people's post(your curation reward).

Infact Steemit is a business of Steem Power(SP),the more you power up,the bigger your steem power and so the bigger the votes you get too, You can see that Powering up has lots of benefits

How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)


I will be showing you on how to create a community on steemit social media platform via screenshots,

  • Step 1: login to your steemit blog and click on the steemit letter heading.

  • Step 2: use the drop down bottom as indicated by the arrow below an search for explore communities as you scroll down.

  • Here you click explore communities

  • Step 3: create community

  • Step 4: create your community tittle and what it's all about, and click next

  • Step 5: it generate your private password which you should copy and paste offline, agreed to that by ticking the small box and click on the create community

  • Step 6: 3 steem will be charged on creating a community and then click ok

  • Step 7:input your active key to command the action of creating your community, after that you click get started

  • Step 8: congratulations you already own a community, you can subscribe to the community by clicking the subscribe button.


I thank professor @ yousafharoonkhan for this wonderful assignment, if it hadn't for him I would not have known how to create a community which I intend to run in the near future..


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • in making money steemit , in this area need more information, detail to explore the anwer
  • need more detail to explore the every question 4,5
  • every question demand to explore detail related question

some important point related curator and voting

At the time when the post published the first 5 minutes the curation reward gets increased by 20% after each minute. Like, suppose if the post published at 12 PM, then the curation reward will be as follows for the first 5 minutes.

If you vote after one minute means at 12.01 PM the curation reward will be 20%
If you vote after two minutes means at 12.02 PM the curation reward will be 40%
If you vote after three minutes means at 12.03 PM the curation reward will be 60%
If you vote after four minutes means at 12.04 PM the curation reward will be 80%
If you vote after five minutes means at 12.05 PM the curation reward will be 100%

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 5

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