Crypto Academy Week 7 - Homework Post for @Besticofinder

Hello every one welcome to another homework task post for @besticofinder one crypto professor, this is week 7 now which is one month and 3 weeks and i have learnt a lot by participating in this tasks and i hope you have too.

This week our professor @besticofinder wrote about how to invest in cryptocurrency if you want to read our professor article click this link any way let's dive into this week task.

In the homework task our professor outlined that we have to write and compare two cryptocurrencies which are competitors to each other so join me as I write about it.

Cardano Vs Polkadot


I've said it before and I'll say it again 2021 is going to be the year of smart contract blockchains. Not counting tether off of the top 10 crypto currencies by market cap on smart contract compatible and these projects are all seeking to dethrone the current leader Ethereum all of these large cap smart contract cryptos that onto which stand out as the most likely successors to the throne I am of course speaking about Cardano and polka.. These 2 juggernauts have seen an unprecedented amount of development and adoption over the past year and they are consequently neck and neck in the rankings by market cap both polkadot and Cardano also on the verge of releasing major updates to the networks. This has many wondering which of the 2 projects will triumph as the true alternative to Ethereum in 2021 so today all right we'll be comparing Catana and pulled it out and reveal which 1 I think has the best chance of becoming the next hot bed for smart contracts and decentralized cryptocurrency.

When it comes to comparing cryptocurrency projects there are a lot of different metrics you can use that given the size and complexity of both Cortana and poke it out I'm not going to get super technical in this video instead I'm going to stick to metrics that everyone can understand starting with the least technical metric of all comparing the founders of both projects. Dr Gavin wood is the founder of polka dots he's a computer scientist and holds a PhD in human computer interfacing Gavin is also the founder of the web 3 foundation a Swiss nonprofit which oversees the development of polka.and is the founder of parity technologies which is a for profit software development company based here in the U. K. it is commissioned by the web 3 foundation to develop and maintain polkadot. Charles Hoskinson is the founder of Cardano he is a mathematician but does not have a PhD. Charles is also the founder of input output Hong Kong all I O. H. K. for short which is a for profit software development company based in yep Hong Kong. Are you H. K. and the Japanese for profit software development company called America are commissioned by the Cardano foundation also a Swiss nonprofit to develop Cardano. Charles does not hold any official title at the Cardano foundation which supports 5 council members by contrast the web 3 foundation has only 3 council members and 1 of them is gathered now some of you will already know Charles and Gavin also co founded Ethereum with the Taliban terrain and 5 others in 2013 Charles lefty theory in June of 201413 months before the Ethereum mainnet went live. This was apparently due to a disagreement between him and the topic about accepting venture capital funding which Charles supported and the tonic opposed Gavin left the Syrian in 1/20/16 to quote deliver on the promises Ethereum could not referring to the rollout of Assyrian to point out which had originally been scheduled to happen shortly after the Assyrian mainnet went live in 2015. Until his departure Gavin had served as Ethereum CTO where he ordered the Ethereum yellow paper invented the solidity coding language and even coated the first functional version of Ethereum they both Kevin and Charles are incredibly brilliant Charles seems to spend a lot more time engaging with the Cardano community thing Gavin Dawes with the polkadot community look no further than to Charles's WGBS and live streams for evidence of that more importantly Gavin and Charles have radically different approaches to building their respective projects and I reckon this is a reflection of their own individual personalities everything that ends up on polka. first goes through sama and unlimited clone of poked out already stands for quote risk and danger. By contrast everything that ends up on Cardano is peer reviewed by some of the smartest people in the world before being tested and implemented. As far as technology goes cardano and polkadot both proof of stake blockchain that said they have no to be different okay textures which again seems inspired by the personalities and experiences of their founders. Given the polka. was invented to quite deliver on the promises is hearing could not polkadot is eerily similar to a Syrian to point out. Okay not uses an elaborate hybrid consensus mechanism called grandpa slash bape which allows the network to process around 1000 transactions per second. Kevin has noted the polka. has a theoretical upper limit of 1000000 transactions per second with para chains and multi threading. Polkadot is essentially an ecosystem of blockchains called para chains that are connected to polka dots called block chain called the relay change. These powertrains will host all the smart contracts and dapps in polka dots ecosystem and there will be a natural limit of 100 chains unfortunately it's not yet clear whether these powertrains will be interoperable at the outset which is going to be a key factor in the adoption of polka. once these power train start to go live later this year now if you want a more in depth explanation of how polkadot works be sure to open up a new tab by right clicking on that link that's in the top right of the video yeah. In contrast to donor has a more original design the card on a blockchain has to last the card on a settlement letter which keeps track of token balances and transfers and the Cardano computation layer which runs old smart contracts. I don't know uses a consensus mechanism called arborist proof of stake which allows the network to process a few 0 transactions per second. However once the hydra scaling solution is implemented Cardano will be able to process 1000 transactions per second every validated that's connected to the network now this means that Cardano would need 1000 validators to match the speed of polka. in its final form on that note Kantana still has a ways to go before you can call it a finished product we are only at stage 2 of 5 in Cardano's development roadmap with the remaining stages set to occur in the next year or 2. X. stage go again is set to go live in March of this year and will enable smart contracts on cut on it you can learn more about this by watching my recent video on Qatar. Your to open up a new tab using that link in the top right. Staking on ADA and polka. is wet things really start to get interesting. Starting with a cut on her there are currently over 1500 validations that are collectively staking over 70 percent of all ages in circulation. Delegation can be done directly from the euro and dangerous wallets and offers a return of around 5 percent per year in Asia polkadot has around 300 validations that collectively staking over 60 percent old. in circulation. Nomination which is polka dots version of delegation can be done using the polka.J. S. browser extension and offers a return of around 14 percent per year.. Now you might be thinking polka. is the clear winner here and you'd be right where it not for one small detail. When you stake on polka. that.has a 28 day unlocking period if and when you decide to withdraw on Cardano you can withdraw your data at any time you like the fine print on Cardano's taking is that the first time you state you will not and any rewards for the first 20 days I will only be able to claim rewards after 25 days after that initial 25 day period you can stake and on steak as you please with no penalties that said staking on Cardano's seems to be a bit risky as stateless and you're right on not the most stable while it's out there and any big updates to Cardano can lead to technical issues for delegates despite these issues Cardano is technically 5 times more decentralized and polka. in terms of validation and Cardano explicitly intends to become the most decentralized cryptocurrency blockchains in existence by contrast polkadot has an upper limit of 1000 validators now everyone's favorite topic token onyx. The most obvious difference between Cardano and polka. in this regard is the difference in that token supply ada has a current supply of around 31.8000000000 with a maximum supply of 45000000000. Zdummyz. has a current supply of 960000000 and an initial supply of 1000000000. Logically the larger the supplied the lower the value of the coin which is why dances with $16 and aid is west $0.35 even though both have similar market caps. You'd be surprised how often this basic economic fact flies over the head of retail investors anyway. is inflation rate to the tune of about 8 percent yes and this information is used to reward validators and nominations that said one percent of any doctor was not spent from the polkadot treasury is burned every month. Even though it is not inflation right around 13.9000000008 it will gradually be melted over the next 2 decades to pay for staking rewards which works out to a functional inflation rate of around 7 percent per year ages supply dynamics are a bit more complicated than this and I'll leave a link in the description to an in depth explanation in case you're interested. One big difference between. and 8 it is token allocation as you can see here just over 80 percent of a does initial supply of 31000000000 is in the hands of the community compared to 50 percent for. this is reflected in the account balances of both crypto currencies which revealed that 8 to supply is more equitably distributed compared to the supply of. which is heavily concentrated in the top 100 watts. What's that on the 300000 Cardano Wallace compared to just on that 110000 polkadot wallets this is actually pretty solid considering Poconos been live for less than a year while Cardano has been around since 9/20/17 this also gives. edge from a technical analysis perspective since it does not have a significant previous all time high where it could see some serious resistance by contrast 8 it may get rejected around its previous highs of around 1.$2 when the next full coin cycle starts because I'm sure there are more than a few investors who bought the top that want to make back their losses if you want to see just how highlight.and ate it could go I recommend watching my video about planning your ultimate old point exit strategy yep you guessed it folks top right. As far as adoption grows polkadot seems to be the current leader there are over 350 projects building on polka.17 of which adapts now I wasn't able to find a place that lists the projects building on Connor and a recent post in the cut on a forum suggests that such a site does not yet exist as far as I can tell there is currently only one step building on Cardano and that's only finance boss before don't hold is lost their way to the bank consider this. While poking up still seems to be building is bridged with Syria Cardano's finished its ERC 20 converter in the fall of 2020 and demoted in the October update to say that it looks damn impressive is an understatement during this demo the I. O. H. K. team noted they are ready to help the Syrian projects close all my grades that projects to cut on it many of these can easily be done given that the ERC 20 converter allows you to burn the tokens on Ethereum to mint and equivalent amount on cut on it as I mentioned earlier smart contract functionality for Cardano is set to come as early as March of this year with the release of go get. This will give cardano a huge head start over poked up which may not see any doubts launching on it until the end of the year this wait could even stretch into 2022 if the decides to test that power train options on Kasama first which seems to be the plan. Moreover each tab on polka. will need its own para change and they're only 100 slots available this technically means the polka.will be limited to 100 steps no such limit exists for cardank now before 8 holders get too excited consider this although the number of deaths on polka.will be limited the parent chain loan offering mechanism will ensure that every single one of those steps is a game changer these para chain loan offerings will also make it possible to do I see I was in a unique way this seems to sidestep any existing regulations either that or it'll put the cross hairs of regulators you'll have to watch my recent update videos about see the details about that one I've left a link in the description in case you've not watched it yet. What a rush given everything I covered in this video it's easy to see how both Cardano and polkadot rank among the top 10 crypto currencies by market cap now I know I only just scratched the surface of what these juggernauts rap too but I think we have enough information to make a verdict about which one will become the next Ethereum. Even though neither Charles Hoskinson nor Gavin would have control over their respective projects who they are and how they conduct themselves certainly has an impact Charles may not have the same credentials as Gavin despot Charles is calm calculated and incredibly involved with the development of Kantana heck he pumps out more crypto content than I do. I reckon this is a big part of why Cardano has such a large and engaged community polkadot also has a large community but for very different reasons as a pioneer of smart contract technology Gavin seems to attract the same sort of forward thinking developers that are building dapps that create communities in my estimation this is what has made polkadot so successful thus far. Despite their radically different approaches to development Cardano and polkadot seem to be evenly matched as far as specs code and whether you prefer one over the other ultimately depends on what you value more in a cryptic project. If you value the centralization then you probably prefer cut on it if you value staking rewards then you probably prefer polka dots if you value interoperable seat then cut down it seems to be the winner but if you're on the hunt for the next 100 X. calling you'll probably find it in polka dots enormous ecosystem until polkadot starts plugging in those para changed any issues with the Syrians will probably send developers running across Cardano's ERC 20 bridge for refuge in terms of raw price potential you could argue you're better off with data because it has a smaller price tag which will attract investment from an experience retail investors however you could just as easily argue the doctor will perform better because of the 28 day unlock period for the hundreds of millions of dollars that are currently being staked which restricts the market ready supply. Then again you could counter that claim with the fact that most. taken a concentrated in only a few dozen wallets any one of those could suddenly dumped at. and crash the price I think the overall these projects are so evenly matched.

2. Compare Market capitalization, Liquidity and trading volume,Circulating supply ,Active addresses , Maximum supply, Transaction count etc.


Market Capitalization

31,948,309,441 ADA

Trading volume

Circulating Supply
31,948,309,441 ADA


Market Cap.

46.97M DOT

Trading Volume

Circulating Supply
923,840,882 DOT

Decide which coin will be the better currency form the selected two currencies. Support your decision with above facts.

I decided i will invest in ADA on a long term because ethereum has failed to release layer 2, so they delay it that is i see ADA shooting to the moon once they open up their smart contract availability.

If ETH fails to fix their issue even after they release the layer 2 upgrade then i see BNB and ADA going parabolic any way thanks for reading.

Best regards

Cc: @steemcurator01
Cc: @steemcurator02



Hello @okoyeclinton400 ,
Thank you for submitting homework task 7 ! You have done a comparison between Cardano and Polkadotwith a fundamental analysis. You have discussed lot of facts .. was a good read [7]

Thank you

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57849.42
ETH 3122.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43