Steemit Crypto Academy season 2 , week 2 Make Your cryptocurrencies work for you Homework post for @fendit by @noraiz

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hi Mam @fendit !!
you have done a great lecture on make your cryptocurrencies work for you,I have learned a lot from it.Now I am going to complete my homework task.

My Risk Aversion:

I believe all human beings have been blessed with sufficient intellect and wit. But not everyone uses the same level of intellect and this is one of the major reason why some succeed and why some fail in life. Risk taking ability is an important component of intellect. And when I explore myself, where do I fall? I categorize myself in rational thinkers and because of this rationality, I take calculated risks. So I can say that I have moderate risk tolerance. I study every pros and cons, facts that I find reliable and every relevant information that I can analyze. No doubt, this saves me from big losses. Furthermore, being a moderate risk taker, I expect bigger profits through my investments but initially I analyze the scenario before I could step in. If I talk about my comfort levels with an uncertain situation, I am pretty curious to predict the future outcome. This drives me to take a risks. I would say change is constant, it is an innate part of nature. So, I believe taking risks are good but at moderate levels.
In Binance, fixed savings appeal me more as I am moderate at risk tolerance and another reason for choosing fixed savings is that here I have options, for how much time I can stake my coins.
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As crypto trade is progressing by leaps and bounds, I would acknowledge trading platforms such as Binance for providing good options to their users. And I must say this has grabbed the attention of a large number of people all over the world and has prompted enthusiasm in them.
Now I will discuss the concepts of fixed and flexible savings, high risk products and launch pools.

Fixed Savings:

  • Fixed terms
    Savings that are fixed for a certain time period are referred as fixed savings. Binance provides us different options in regard to time that are 7, 14, 30, 60 or 90 days for our coins to be staked. The more days, the more interest. In fixed savings, risk level is moderate because we can choose for how long we want to stake. But we must remember, we cannot take out our coins once we have staked in. APY is directly proportional to number of days but this also depends upon which coin we are staking. High value coins will give you high APY but risk is also higher.
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Flexible Savings

flexible.PNGFlexible savings are an ease for low risk takers. In flexible savings, we can take out our deposits whenever we want. Here interest is low because there is no fix time. Beginners often practice flexible savings because they are new to this platform and prefer very less risks and no one wants to lose their investment in start. So Binance has provided this option to increase their reliability and I believe this gradually drives an individually to take risks.
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High Risks Products

It is easier to understand by the name itself that High Risk products are for fearless investors. The higher the risk, the greater is the interest. Here Binance has technically introduced three type of investments:
a) Dual Investment
b) Defi Staking
c) Liquid Swap

Dual Investment

dual investment.PNG
As my professor has elaborated in a very effective way, I am describing what I have understood.
In Dual investment, we receive two type of yields. One is the APY and other is BUSD. Here yield is determined by two factors that are strike price and settlement index. Yield is in BUSD if settlement index is higher than strike price. On the other hand if strike price is more than settlement index, than yield is in APY.
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Defi Staking

defi staking.PNGI have explored Defi staking in Binance High Risk products and I have understood that Defi staking can be both flexible and fixed and it depends upon our consent which we choose either flexible or fixed savings for our deposits in Defi projects.

Liquid Swap

image.pngIn liquid swap, I have understood that we may not call it risk free but when there are fluctuations in market price of our currency, the yield can be lower than the normal stake yield. I have yet to explore Liquid swap more technically.

Launch Pools

launchpool.PNGIn Binance launch pools stake income is generated by depositing in flexible savings. The deposited coins can be taken out at any time and Binance has also provided a large number of tokens to their users. BNP and BUSD can be staked in launch pools of Binance. It is becoming popular because many projects are being launched and marketed in Binance launch pools and users are allowed to launch their own projects.
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Now as my professor has asked me to show how to set an investment I choose in Binance. So I am going to illustrate step wise with screenshots.

step 1

I open Binance application and on the home tab, I will click Savings as you can see below:


Now this window has appeared, here we can select crypto assets. I will choose USDT.


Now I will enter my subscription amount and agree to terms & conditions. I am just one step away from setting an investment.


You can see that I am subscribed now.


This is the last step and I will check my savings by clicking on the Earn tab and down I can see what I have earned.
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This lecture has let me seek in myself that how much I am good at taking risks. I have also explored new options that Binance exchange has provided to its users so that they can trade and earn big profits. Moreover, understanding such topics has built enthusiasm in me and I am looking in future to learn and earn more.
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(All screen shots are taken from


Thank you for being part of my lecture and completing the task!

My comments:
First and third tasks were really good!
Still, I feel as if the explanations on products from the second task were a bit brief. I know you have understood what the lesson was about, so I was expecting a bit more detail.

Nice work with markdowns :)

Overall score:

Thanks professor for your kind response, I am exploring more and trying to learn every day. Next time I shall share more details.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63316.74
ETH 2581.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79