SteemitCryptoAcademy Home work Post For Professor @Pelon53 By @Nikoyana.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Good day steemians and a special regard to professor @pelon53


1Explain in detail the Gossip Protocol used in hashgraph

Hashgraph has been described as the technology to succeed blockchain based on its speed ,fairness,lower cost, less storage,less energy usage etc. Hashgraph uses Gossip protocol to attain faster transactions.
Hashgraph was developed by professor Leemon Baird who is an America computer scientist also the chief technical officer of Swirlds.

Gossip protocol

Hashgraph makes use of the Gossip Protocol to be able to distribute information randomly among nodes inorder to achieve faster consensus for validation on a transaction.

For all nodes to be updated, reaching a consensus,knowing about incoming transactions or information's, these nodes will distribute information with one another through Gossip Protocol or Gossip by gossip such that new and upcoming information spread through the network faster.
In Gossip Protocol one node doesn't communicate information to all the nodes but passes on from one nodes to each other interchangeably that is how the information passes on.

This distributing of information enables the nodes to know about each other in the network and enables those nodes who are unaware to be updated together, this process will continue till every nodes gets all the information then they will be able to achieve consensus and transactions will be faster.
Information passed or gossiped among these nodes include new piece of information, transaction history,when the information was sent,when the information and node started to operate,status of node,performance of node etc.

How Gossip Protocol works.

After node A has sent its information to node B,node B compares the information sent by node A to other nodes in the network information it has received then if any of the nodes information for example node E is up-to-date it will send it to node A for node A to update itself with that particular node E information and node B will also use node E information to update its node incase it is not up-to-date, that is how other nodes that has received node E information will pass it to other nodes, this is done without the nodes communicating with every other nodes and with these transaction can be attained faster since there is no protocol.


2 Explain Tolerance to Byzantine Fault in Hashgraph

Byzantine Fault Tolerance came into existence because nodes needs to agree or come to a consensus to take an action on the network and these became a problem as some nodes agree to take the action while other nodes fail to take the action due to miscommunication,or shut down, dishonesty or fraudulent reasons these is termed as Byzantine General Problem which later birthed Byzantine Fault Tolerance to ensure majority of these nodes in the network reach a consensus and continue to operate even though the minority nodes in the system do not agree to the consensus,these minority nodes failing to agree based on communicating issues,acting dishonestly or maliciously will not matter.

But hashgraph is asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance which means it secures that a consensus is agreed upon by the nodes in the network before validation of any transaction is carried out and this consensus must also be proven.


3 Make a comparison between hashgraph and blockchain,for a voting process in your country which technology would you choose and why?

Hashgraph versus Blockchain

A)Speed and Scalability
Hashgraph is designed to process up to 10000 transactions per second and in a fast manner which is made possible by its Gossip protocol which enables information to spread faster among nodes which leads to faster validation and consensus achievement,comparing to blockchain whose speed depends on its cryptocurrency or platform etc.

B)Trust and Fairness
In hashgraph single node do not control transactions to be selected or transactions to be left out as seen in the case of blockchain where miners influence the transaction to be carried out or blocks to be added.

Blockchain is far more popular and all the pros and cons are known but hashgraph is not known and nobody knows whether in the future if adopted largely the disadvantages will be greater than blockchain.

D)Blockchain are open source to a large community while hashgraph works with a patent algorithm own by Swirlds.

Voting Process i will choose Hashgraph

B)For a voting process in my country i will go for hashgraph because it can process more transaction and faster thereby enabling these voting processes to be faster by processing more votes at a time.


4)Explore Hedera Hashgraph show

Hedera is a public distributed ledger and governing body council that is built on the hashgraph technology.Its native cryptocurrency is HBAR.

First log in to then click the icon below to display the Hedera features such as network ,Use Cases,Dev etc.


With the Hedera token service under network you can configure, mint and manage native tokens without needing to deploy a smart contract,payments can be made in the users own cryptocurrency or stablecoin,transactions fees are also low.
There is consensus service which is fast, fair, secures consensus without compromise.

Information section :which contains building on hedera with its services.

Explorers section :viewing live and historical data on hedera.

Dashboard section: view network activity and metrics.


Here for DEV there is tooling and resource section.

Docs: learn core concepts and review the API.

HEDERA SDK :here selection of language.

Under Resources:
Fees :understand and estimate transactions cost.

Learning center:
Resources on DLT(distributed ledger technology) and how hashgraph works.


Use Cases:

Tokenised assets : where assets are managed and swapped.

Identity: maintain the lifecycle of credentials.

Under built on HEDERA ENTERPRISE :learn how Hedera can transform your business.


Overview section: where you can learn about the Hedera cryptocurrency HBAR.

Learn about Wallet and Exchanges that HBAR cryptocurrency support.



Here are some of the prominent leaders and team members.




Prominent organisation that govern Hedera Hashgraph.





Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

En la tolerancia a fallas Bizantinas, acepta que el valor de nodos maliciosos sea menor a 1/3 del total. Es decir, con el 2/3 de nodos válidos se llega a un consenso.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.1.8Explicó el protocolo Gossip.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.1.3faltaron datos importantes.
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).1.6Hizo la compración y seleccionó su plataforma.
Explore Hedera Hashgraph.1.7Exploró la plataforma Hedera Hashgraph.
Originalidad0.7No fue origina.
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.0.0No hay conclusiones y no le colocó el nombre de usuario a las captures de pantalla.

Calificación: 7.1

 3 years ago 

Thank you professor @pelon53 hope to do better next time...

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