Steemit Crypto Academy - Summary & Feedback By @nikoyana

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

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It's has been an amazing season 5 and it's beautiful that the steemit academy team has decided to get feedback from the students and members of the community.

Feedback is a key structure for any organization or community to grow be it centralized or decentralized and with this single move, I see the community growing bigger and stronger

Without wasting much time, I will be giving my feedback on the previous season based on my experience and with total honesty,I will humbly critize areas I feel needs adjustments and we are hopeful that there will be improvements for the good of everyone.

I am @nikoyana and below is my feedback


What works well with the Academy?


A lot of things went well in the academy and no one can deny that. The academy has risen as a great community to become a point of attraction for the world.

  • The breaking of the academy into different stratas is an exclusive idea and it works really good as everyone tend to find their classes and fit in accordingly.

  • The lectures being taught by the lecturers are something unique and beautiful as anyone would pay a fortune to get what we get here for free and this is the main system that works well as it serves as a core learning platform

  • The assessment system of the professors are great and unique which I feel works well in the academy and should be upheld high.

  • The promoters are really doing a good job as the steel coin is becoming more popular among many


What's not working well?


In as much as a lot of beautiful stuffs are working well, there are still a few things that do not fit in. I speak with a clear mind and not being biased or judgemental.

  • Not being pre-informed of the new rules of the next season which takes student unawares and put them into pressure especially when there are increase in the criteria of the academy. So a student who has struggled all through the last season to meet up the previous criteria only discover his effort was in futility

  • Some beginner lectures are really not beginner lectures especially when they involve difficult charts with bulky questions that are really harder than the intermediate question for that week. I think this doesn't really work well and should be reviewed

  • The 150sp power up rule is really a difficult rule for beginners who earn little and struggle to keep up

  • The last ended season had a lot of plagiarized content and I feel, it didn't sit well with the students as many were overlooked without penalty


How will you improve the Academy, What changes will you make for the upcoming Academy season?


My opinions are just suggestions and may or may not be taken but it's important that I air my view on what I feel can improve the academy.

Create CLUB25:
A lot of people are in the 3rd world country with a really bad economy and it is really hard keeping up with club5050, club75, and Club100 in as much as they are smart and hard-working they can't participate because they have to think of what they family will eat.

But with the creation of Club25 they can powerup 25% of their earnings and still be sure to feed only that their voting rewards may be reduced a bit but not so much so that they can still participate and survive in their country.

More materials for beginners and intermediate:
You may be wondering why I didn't include the advance level in the suggestion. The advance level is really difficult and an increased course material would weary them. But since the intermediate and beginners earn lesser, their course materials can be increased to enable them level up in all areas

Recruit a plagiarism team
The work is bulky for our boss sapwood and compiling the names of plagiarist maybe so much to do in a short time.
Recruit a team responsible for doing that to compile the names and issue strikes when needed.

Increase the Voting percentage
I suggest there should be an increase in the voting percentage for all levels and separate the voting duties between @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 . Where steemcurator01 handles advance curation and steemcurator02 handles intermediate and beginners


What did you think of the marking scheme for Academy posts? And the rewards available?


The marking scheme for me is beautiful as each professor tried not to be sentimental in marking the homework posts. And they really did their best. I must give a kudos to every professor for that

About the rewards available honestly, and frankly speaking it's not a function of greed or a case of Oliver twist but it isn't truly enough.

When the idea of club5050 was initiated it was amazing because we got double the rewards for a post and it was easy to share the earnings into 2 but now I don't think it's the same. The rewards depreciate added to the fact that the steemcurator02 account is over working.
There was a case I got a 7% vote instead of a 14% but I couldn't voice out and I was still meant to divide the earnings. I know this was due to the depletion of the voting power of the steemcuratoe02 account I humbly ask that they reward systems be revisited and members of the community can have a better take.


You can also tell us what you enjoyed most, and what you learnt from the Academy.


There is nothing as sweet as learning and earning. I enjoyed the fact that I learned for free and earned for learning. The lectures taught were all beautiful and amazing that no one would teach you such for free

I learnt about the whole idea of crypto currency from scratch from the academy and every knowledge I get is from the academy that is why I do not joke with the academy.


Does the Academy inspire you to continue learning more about crypto subjects? If so, how and where have you expanded your crypto learning


Of a truth the academy has inspired me into learning about more crypto ideas and I have also expanded my knowledge on the crypto through different channels and website like

  • YouTube
  • Binance tutorials
  • Telegram trading channels

    Did the Academy inspire you to start trading in cryptocurrencies? If so, which one?


I haven't gone so much into the trading as I am a bit scared and do not have so much to input but in my own little way, I started trading binance spot and so far I have made little gains and little losses but in all I am happy doing it.




This is a feedback I have humbly from my heart like a child talking to his father and it will be of great joy if everyone shares his feedback rather than throw an attack on others who were bold to say their minds. I really love the academy and I hope we do better in synergy.

Thanks you all. Please drop a polite comment on what you think, I remain @nikoyana


Create CLUB25:
A lot of people are in the 3rd world country with a really bad economy and it is really hard keeping up with club5050, club75, and Club100 in as much as they are smart and hard-working they can't participate because they have to think of what they family will eat.

I agree with you on this because, although it will be better if the club5050 was made optional and a better reward for those who comply

 3 years ago 

That's another view

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