Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S7W6 - Careful, Has your Steemit account been hacked?steemCreated with Sketch.

Good day to you everyone, my name is oluwatimileyin and I will participate in this Season 7 Engagement contest in the crypto academy with the title: Carefully, has your steemit account been hacked?.

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Have you had your Steemit account hacked? What do you think about dubious links offering rewards? Give us your opinion.

Nope, I have not had an experience of hacking on my steemit account, I have always been careful and I prefer to have a secure platform where I save my keys and important information.

What do you think about dubious links offering rewards? Give us your opinion.

Steemit platform is often a prime target for cybercriminals, who may use fake links on your post comment sections, or other tactics to gain access to your personal information, passwords, or other sensitive data. Some of these attacks may be low attacks, such as a wrong email with a link to a fake login page, while others may use advanced hacking techniques.

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Regardless of the method, the end goal is usually the same: which is to obtain valuable information and move away with your assets. In some cases, hackers may even take control of a user's account, using it to post spam or other malicious content.

I believe that dubious links offering rewards on the platform should be treated with caution. These links can potentially lead to spamming attempts or other forms of cyber attacks. It's important to verify the authenticity of links and offers before clicking on them, and to take precautions to protect your personal information and online accounts.

What are your recommendations to prevent your account from being stolen or hacked? Give us your opinion.

To protect yourself from threats or hacks, it's important to take a few basic precautions. These include:

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The first thing is to be wary of too-good offers: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be cautious of offers that promise large rewards or benefits for little effort, especially if they come from an unknown or unverified source.

Double-check the URL: Before clicking on any link, Check that the URL matches the name of the site you're expecting to visit and be cautious of any unexpected redirects.

Avoid providing personal information to unknown sources: Never share personal information, such as your Public or Private Keys with anyone you don't know and trust. Be especially wary of any requests for this information that come via email, text message, or social media.

Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication: Use unique or complex passwords for your account, and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. This can help prevent unauthorized access even if your password is compromised.

By following these simple steps, you can help keep your personal information and online accounts safe from cyber threats on platforms and elsewhere.

Why do some accounts get hacked? What would you say to people whose accounts are hacked?

There are many reasons why steemit accounts may be hacked. Some common causes include when a user has a weak password, multiple log-ins from different phones, or unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

Hackers may also target individuals who are particularly vulnerable, such as those who are newbies to the platform.

What would you say to people whose accounts are hacked?

If your steemit account has been hacked, it's important to take immediate action to secure your account and protect your wallet. Here are some steps you can take after:

Change your password: whenever you can log in to your account, change your password immediately. Choose a strong, complex password that's too difficult for anybody to guess.

Report the hack to the professionals: Report the hack to the professional or support team on the platform as soon as possible. They may be able to help you regain access to your account and restore any lost information.

Check for suspicious activity: Check your account activity for any unauthorized changes, such as new followers, and posts. If you see anything suspicious, report it to the platform's support team.

Use two-factor authentication: Enable two-factor authentication on your media accounts to add an extra layer of security to your account.

Be vigilant: Monitor your account activity regularly and be cautious of friend requests.

If you've been hacked, it's essential to act quickly to minimize any damage and protect your wallet. You can also do this by taking these steps to prevent future hacks.

If you find out that your account has been hacked, what are the steps you should take immediately to prevent your tokens from being stolen?

If I suspect that my Steemit account has been hacked and I am concerned about my tokens being stolen, here are the several steps I would take immediately to protect my assets:

I will Change my Keys: If I am able to log in to my account, I will change my password immediately and rather Choose a strong, complex password that's difficult for anyone to guess.

So, therefore, I will Check my account activity: Check my account activity for any unauthorized changes, such as new transactions, power-downs, or transfers. If I see any suspicious activity, I will report it to Steemit support immediately.

I will seek the help of Steemit support: If I suspect that my account has been compromised, I will contact Steemit support immediately to report the issue and get help restoring my account. I will be sure to provide as much detail as possible about the issue, including any suspicious activity I've observed.

I will Be more vigilant: I will Keep an eye on my account activity and be cautious of unknown friend requests. If I notice any suspicious activity, I will report it to Steemit support immediately.

By taking the following steps, I can help prevent my tokens from being stolen and protect my Steemit account from further compromise. It's important to act quickly and be vigilant to ensure that the assets are still safe and secured.


In conclusion, Steemit accounts can be vulnerable to hacking and compromises, which can lead to loss of assets, and reputation. It's important to take precautions and stay vigilant to protect your accounts, such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, monitoring account activity, and reporting any suspicious activity to the platform's support team.

If anyone should suspect that their account has been hacked, they should take immediate action to secure the account and protect their assets. By taking these steps, you can help prevent future hacks and stay safe on the platform. I would now like to invite @jueco, @Lhorgic, and @yakspeace to participate in this contest.


Amigo @negro-bby, las cuentas al momento de ser hackeadas deben ser reportadas de inmediato y al cambiar las claves, el sistema de la plataforma te genera nuevas claves, no es que nosotros podemos escoger una clave a voluntad.

Es un procedimiento que debemos tener claros para no caer en confusión.

El ser prevenido y precavido es la mejor manera de evitar ser objeto de piratería informática.

Gracias por compartirlo.

Yes, that's my opinion about the hacks too, report immediately to the steemit support team, and your problem could easily be resolved, thank you.

 2 years ago 

As always dear friend, you have always presented lovely article for us .

As a Steemian, If you think you've been hacked or targeted with a phishing scam on Steemit, the first thing you should do is change your password. This will help prevent further access to your account and protect your information.

It's equally advise to save save your password offline to increase big security and inaccessibility to hackers. Goodluck in this contest dear friend.

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