Cripto Academy WEEK 7. HomeWork, Post for (@yohan2on) USDC

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

CriptoAcademy WEEK 7 HomeWork
Post for @Yohan2on (USDC)

Comenzare dando una pequeña reseña de lo que es una Stable Coin (moneda estable) es una moneda basada en cosas tangibles como lo son el, Oro o el USD, USA. es vinculada a estos activos antes nombrados, y no a una entidad bancaria centralizada...

I will start by giving a small review of what a stable coin is (stablecoins) is a currency based on something, tangible as they are, Gold or USD, USA. is linked to these assets mentioned above, and not to a centralized banking entity

USDC: Es un tokens que se basa en la Red de Ethereum, el cual mantiene su valor, siempre oscilando 1 a 1 en base al dolar americano, de ahí su nombre StableCoins.

USDC: It is a tokens that is based on the Ethereum Network, which maintains its value, always oscillating 1 to 1 based on the US dollar, hence its name StableCoins.

USDC, forma parte del funcionamiento del protocolo ERC20, el cual proviene de la red de Ethereum, para poder permitirse la creación de tokens fungibles, esto ayuda de cierta manera a que todos los tokens sean iguales, y que cualquier billetera virtual que reciba ETH, también reciba USDC ya que forman parte de la misma red antes nombrada esta StableCoins, mantiene su paridad con el Dólar americano gracias a su gran reserva fiduciaria. Gran parte esta en USD y otra en bonos a corto plazo del tesoro estadounidense.

USDC, is part of the operation of the ERC20 protocol, which comes from the Ethereum network, in order to allow the creation of fungible tokens, this helps in a certain way that all tokens are the same, and that any virtual wallet that receives ETH, Also receive USDC since they are part of the same network previously named this StableCoins, it maintains its parity with the US Dollar thanks to its large fiduciary reserve. Much of it is in USD and some is in short-term US Treasury bonds.

USDC y su origen

USDC se origina en Circle, ¿Qué es circle? es una plataforma la cual brinda a muchas empresas, la modalidad de recibir o enviar pagos bajo la infraestructura tradicional o su nueva infraestructura basada en Stablecoins, el mercado ofrece la opción de poder enviar o recibir pagos en USDC de forma rápida y sencilla en diferentes billeteras vinculadas a socios de VISA. CIRCLE permite a empresas grandes o chicas, aprovechar su stablecoins y sus cadenas de bloques para pagos, comercios, y apps financieras en gran parte del mundo

USDC originates from Circle,
What is circle? is a platform which offers many companies the modality of receiving or sending payments under the traditional infrastructure or its new infrastructure based on Stablecoins, the market offers the option of being able to send or receive payments in USDC quickly and easily in different wallets linked to VISA partners.
CIRCLE allows large or small companies to take advantage of their stablecoins and blockchains for payments, businesses, and financial apps in much of the world

Una de las plataformas de comercios de cryptomonedas mas grande, la cual tiene por nombre COINBASE lanzo, USDC Bootstrap Fund a fin de mejorar el financiamiento descentralizado (DEFI), COINBASE creo juntamente con CIRCLE el USDC con el fin de apoyar a los desarrolladores que construyen protocoles (DEFI) invirtiendo directamente en el protocolo con su Stablecoins (USDC). CIRCLE y COINBASE lanzaron su StableCoins en septiembre del 2018

One of the largest cryptocurrency trading platforms, which has the name COINBASE launched, USDC Bootstrap Fund in order to improve decentralized financing (DEFI), COINBASE created together with CIRCLE the USDC in order to support developers who build protocols (DEFI) investing directly in the protocol with its Stablecoins (USDC). CIRCLE and COINBASE launched their StableCoins in September 2018

ASi tambien como la empresa Ibanera, empresa fintech global, anuncio el pasado 11-12-2020, su fusión con CIRCLE a fin de proporcionar sus clientes coorporativos y minoritarios la Stablecoins en cuestión, para asa facilitar los pagos internacionales, para que sean mas seguros rápidos y eficaces. Gracias a esto los clientes de IBANERA podrán financiar sus cuentas a través de una transferencia bancaria y a su ves convertir su dinero en USDC y también podrán hacer uso de sus tokens a través de sus tarjetas VISA o MASTERCARD

As well as the Ibanera company, a global fintech company, announced on 12-11-2020, its merger with CIRCLE in order to provide its corporate and minority clients with the Stablecoins in question, to facilitate international payments, to make them more secure fast and efficient. Thanks to this, IBANERA clients will be able to finance their accounts through a bank transfer and in turn convert their money into USDC and they will also be able to use their tokens through their VISA or MASTERCARD cards.

Ventaja y Desventaja

Su única ventaja, es que nos ofrece, que nuestro dinero no de devalúe, pero a su ves esa también es su desventaja, ya que tampoco no ayudara a aumentar, nuestro poder adquisitivo...
Creo que aquí en Venezuela si tienes bolívares cosa que es muy malo tener te es rentable comprar esta moneda para que no se termine devaluando tu dinero, pero creo que en un pais con una conomia estable seria mejor invertir en monedas mas volatiles como el BTC, LTC entre otras!

Its only advantage is that it offers us that our money does not devalue, but in turn that is also its disadvantage, since it will not help to increase our purchasing power either ...
I think that here in Venezuela if you have bolivars, which is very bad to have, it is profitable for you to buy this currency so that it does not end up devaluing your money, but I think that in a country with a stable economy it would be better to invest in more volatile currencies such as BTC, LTC among others!



Hi @nathan2021

Thanks for attending the 7th -Crypto course on stable coins and for your effort in doing the given homework task.

This is good work. Well done with your research on USDC

Homework task

thanks teacher

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