Metaverse and Blockchain - Crypto Academy / S5W1 - Homework Post for @wahyunahrul

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Greetings everyone
We are welcome back to season 5 of the Steemit Crypto Academy and for this wonderful lesson given by professor @wahyunahrul on Metaverse and Blockchain.

Metaverse and Blockchain by @nackasnelson


Metaverse technology is a technology that is still undergoing development and still to get to the 100% mark but they are some developments that have let us be able to interact with it in order areas such as movies, video games, and books. Metaverse is an external reality which we are still to get familiar with and thanks to areas such as video games, movies, etc we can understand the technology and know more about it.

A few weeks back Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of 3 social media platforms namely WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook change the name of his company to Meta. This was a piece of trending information to many news channels, papers, bloggers, social media, etc. Even there though I was in crypto and had very little information about Metaverse but for sure it's going to be a great project as I am looking for means to bag some of the coins and tokens related to the project. For me to be able to understand and be able to give my personal opinion about Metaverse, I would like we begin by defining it

Question 1

1). Do you think the Metaverse is "the next level of Future Technology"? Explain your personal opinion by showing some evidence.

Definition of Metaverse

Metaverse is defined as an alternating combination of digital reality where people around the universe can socialize, work, play, and transact with each other and also blend the interaction between human beings and the Internet. The Metaverse is a blockchain technology that is built on a self-contained with virtual cities and it incorporates economies that stimulate real-world interactions with the Internet.

The technology of Metaverse was first initiated in the year 1992 which is approximately 29years ago by an American writer call Neal Stephenson in one of his novels titled _Snow Crash_where he tried explaining a situation where human beings are using 3D virtual realities to interact between them.

Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Meta is using Neal Stephenson’s idea of using the 3D virtual interaction between humans and so he reintroduced the idea on the Meta account on YouTube on October 28th of this year.


Do you think the Metaverse is the next level of Future technology?

To me it's going to be a big Yes I do see Metaverse becoming an extraordinary level of the world's future technology. For sure Metaverse will be the next big thing in the world, and it's going to the world's technology like Facebook, Bitcoin and other platforms did in the past years. Below are some reasons why I think the project will be a success.

  • Metaverse and Blockchain:
    The introduction of Blockchain technology by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 changed the world and it's a reality of this technology being the future of the world and now merging Metaverse and blockchain technology to virtual reality and augmented reality, the Metaverse platform will grow simultaneously with the Blockchain technology along with it.

  • Covid-19 Pandemic:
    During the late periods of 2019 and the early months of 2020 the world felt the effect of this pandemic where it forced people into their homes and permits the emerging of the world to technology since it caused the shot of many businesses and stopped some from functioning and this lead to the holding of zoom meetings which were the realities of this period.

Metaverse surfaces at the right time as through Metaverse technology people will be able to work from home. This pandemic has taught us the importance of technology such as Metaverse where people can interact more online by using virtual and augmented reality headphones.

For this reason, I think this will be the most important reason why Metaverse will be a sure next big thing.

Question 2

2). Explain why Metaverse and Blockchain are compatible technology pairs.

The development of blockchain technology alongside Metaverse has been very innovative and have undergone highly developed mechanisms that have brought uncountable advantages and possibilities to the world which couldn't be imagined which is a clear and obvious reason that their main objective is interactiveness and decentralization. Due to their advancement and similarities in most of their aspects, we can say for sure that both technologies are compatible and of great importance to the ecosystem.
Metaverse technology can very much be reflected through blockchain technology with great similarities in the aspects of their fundamental development. They have some similarities between them which are:

Interaction between both worlds

This technology allows humans to interact and unite between the virtual and the real world which gives us the opportunity and possibilities of accomplishing activities that have never been seen.

Digital Assets

Blockchains occupy the largest field in areas of crypto space and digital assets and one can transfer his assets from one place to another and to any person who wants to without it's being stressful and time-consuming and also safely. This new development of Metaverse will also involve the realm and transfer of digital assets.


Decentralization is the main feature that binds both technologies whereby humans can take control of their actions, consequences and also make their own decisions without being controlled by a central authority that can monitor them thereby providing us with a higher level of security and privacy in our activities of the platform.

Collectible items

In the world of Metaverse, we can also have collectible items which will assist us in carrying out any type of activities in the platform and also in the Blockchain world where the items are already in existence which is known as NFT(Non-fungible tokens).

We can say with no doubts now that these two technologies are compatible and share some similarities between them making us believe that joining both of them will bring forth a wonderful world of innovative technology which will be able to offer us the best tools for us to carry out as many activities as possible. Metaverse will completely merge both worlds and for this to be achieved, both Metaverse and the blockchain technologies must be joined by their best characteristics and capabilities which will produce the best technology known to date and now.

Question 3

3). Choose a Blockchain-based Metaverse project and do a fundamental analysis of the project (Don't choose projects that have been discussed in the discussion above). (Screenshot Required)

Bloktopia Metaverse

This is a Metaverse that is promoted by the Ethereum sidechain which is well known as the Polygon Network that tells us a completely different and unique external world where there is an immersed skyscraper with 21 levels whereby at each level we have a different level of learning which when we win we can be rewarded with money, have collectibles, place bets, learn about cryptocurrency, and buy houses along with many other benefits.

This Bloktopia Metaverse was founded and developed by Ross Tavakoli (CEO), Paddy Carroll(CMO), **Libby Rothwell(DC), and **Simon Benson(CTO) which are its main founders, and in the year 2021. It has a structure that is based on a huge 21 levels skyscraper which is in tribute to the 21 million reserved Bitcoin it currently has.


The main objective of this project is to provide millions of users with the capabilities to unite the best capabilities of the Metaverse and Blockchain by a world known as Bloktopia where one is able to execute multiple activities like purchase of goods, advertisements, creation of jobs, the performance of challenges, playing and interacting with other players while making income from it and also uniting the best aspects of the economic and social domain.

The skyscraper is completely decentralized with great fun. On every level of the floor, different activities are being carried out and the people living there are known as bloktopians as they play a very important role inside the project. The biggest advantage is that it has a mechanism that makes it have a 3D shape making sure the users have incredible views and making it feel so real and ordinary.


- Utility Token

Even though the project is not yet fully operational, its functioning and development are smooth. Bloktopia Metaverse has its own native token which is an important piece in carrying out out the many and multiple activities with the game. The native token of Bloktopia was officially launched in the market on the 6th of October 2021 and the token is known as BLOK and because of it, there is access to the project giving its holders the title Bloktopians.

In order to be able to rent, buy land, play games, design, buy objects in the market, create arts and do any important activity in the game one must be a holder of the BLOK token. The utility token of Bloktopia is being listed on different Decentralized exchanges such as KuCoin, **Poocoin, **, **Quickswap etc which will assist us in obtaining the token.


At the official launching of the token in the market, it had a total of 200,000,000 and an approximate $4,900,000 was raised. It has a market cap that is currently at a market price of $0.1105 and a dominance of 1.22% at the time of my assignment on CoinMarketCap.


- Contributors

The Bloktopia project is a project with a wide variety of collaborators who helps the company in it's development and also with a great relevance in the market and whose value helps the project in making it safe and reliable. And some of the contributors include:

1) Polygon
2) Avalanche
3) Decentraland
4) CryptoWendyO
5) PlayStation
6) Sundbox
8) GenblockCapital


- Social Networks

Bloktopia Metaverse at the moment has several social networks which keep us updated about every change or modification which are made and carried out in the game. As much as social networks are used for adverts and information channels it is very important which is the reason most projects and Bloktopia inclusive use them.









- Road Map

Because the project has not been completed yet it is reason why on Bloktopia official website can be seen a very small roadmap that indicates updates and news for the remainder of the year 2021.


Question 4

4). Explain the steps for connecting a crypto wallet with a Metaverse project that you chose in question number 3. (Screenshot Required)

Connecting a MetaMask Wallet To Bloktopia account

Bloktopia wallet is very broad and quite simple and it is known more to be a multi-chain wallet. It is known as a multi-chain wallet because it permits its interaction with many blockchains which can perform multiple activities some of these Blockchains include: ETH, BTC, MATIC, BSC, etc. The main function of the Bloktopia wallet is to store and protect the ERC-1155 standard tokens thereby making a very flexible wallet.


The Bloktopia project really does not have wallet accessibility, but on the LightPaper of the project steps and directions are given on how to create and connect other wallets to it.


Step 1
We begin by creating a Bloktopia account. The account can be created either using your Google Account or Facebook account or Twitter account.


Step 2
After creating your account you login into your Bloktopia wallet as the wallet will act as the passport within Bloktopia and where the BLOK tokens will be stored.

Step 3
Being a once click wallet creation, Bloktopia will support multiple Blockchains such as BSC, POLY, ETH, and many others which will be imported through Private keys from other blockchains.

Step 4
Bloktopia will give access to users to be able to store and view ERC-1155 Non-fungible tokens.

The Bloktopia project on its website has a staking option where a user can use to generate and store his or her income this option also stands out like a wallet.

  • The staking options offer users the power to perform staking and several other options with different percentages of APY which is generated. The APY available are 20%, 40%, and 60%

  • By clicking on the staking option we get more information about the program it offers which is either the 20% or 40% or 60% the information about its reward programs as well as the information on the stakeout and so on.


  • if we want to stake which also connects to a wallet, we click on the connect button at the bottom of the screen and it automatically takes us to the available options we have.



  • As seen, the MetaMask wallet is available for carrying out our staking operation and then we click on connect at the centre of the screen and the operation is automatically executed.


  • Unless our wallet is fueled the operation can not be executed.

Same as the staking option is available, there are other options available on the Bloktopia website which act as wallets while there are still developing their main wallet.

Question 5

5). Explore the Metaverse of your choice and show the various features, advantages, and other unique things of the Metaverse project. (Screenshot Required)

Bloktopia Metaverse has a 21- level skyscraper wherein each level has a great Metaverse that is full of excitement and now what does each level has? Below are things that are offered at the level different levels of the skyscraper

- Main level:

This is the most accessible level of the skyscraper of the whole Bloktopians. This is mainly because it has all the necessary tools that it offers to us such as if has a detail of the event and updates that take place in the project and also gives us a chance to participate in them. Questions can be answered at this level about the project this is because of the largeness of the platform in the crypto space which includes CoinMarketCap, KuCoin, Binance etc

- Penthouse and Gaming level:

Here, users (bloktopiains) are able to interact with each other within the game this is the fun and entertainment level of the game. Activities that take place include betting between bloktopians while generating income from it and it can be said for sure that it is among the most amazing levels of the skyscraper.

- IT Area or Audit

As said before the Bloktopia project does not only generate only income in the economic space but also increases the social space to these means that within the levels of the skyscraper we can find areas where we learn and develop ourselves about important things and events that occur within a crypto space which developers us.


- Tokens

As said Bloktopia's utility token is known as BLOK. However, other tokens are available in the project which functions in performing certain activities within the platform. These tokens include


This is the main utility token of the project and it is used for several purposes such as it can be exchanged in Decentralized exchanges and serves the token which is used to objects with the game market.


In the Bloktopia Metaverse, users can interact with each other in the world of real estate as well as real sales. Therefore the REBLOK is the token that is being used for the internal activities of the game where it assists bloktopians to buy or rent land or house in the world of Bloktopia.


This is the last of its tokens. This token is used in the internal activities of the game so as to generate income while bloktopian works in advertisements.
This Metaverse offers us the opportunity to work with different stores and brands to advertise while making some revenue for ourselves from it and all of this is acquired by the use of the ADBLOK Token.



This is an active tool that is available on the projects page and in it, revenue can be generated while renting our collectibles within the game for a given period of time.


Avatar and Design Creation

Once a Bloktopian begins the Bloktopia Metaverse, the user (the bloktopian) has the ability to create and design his own avatar to suit his taste which is responsible for carrying out the activities which are executed within the skyscraper. We design our avatars to our likeness and once this is done, the avatars can not be changed or altered and they start living within the Bloktopian world. However, some characteristics of the avatars can be changed through some sold collectibles objectives which are available and sold in the market.


The creation of Artworks in the same light as the Metaverse of Bloktopia is because the skyscraper is able to carry out activities as well as create any type of work of Art, scenes, games to interact, etc while generating revenue from it.



On the official website page of the Bloktopia Metaverse, there is an available tool known as NFT which when clicked on directs us to another interface where we see more precise and clear about each of the levels which are available on the skyscraper. And on it can see the kind of plans on which each floor or level of the skyscrapers is established.


The Bloktopia Metaverse is an awesome Metaverse that comes with many benefits and advantages whereby it is not just focused on the economic space but also functions in socializing and bringing Bloktopians to interact and also learn while offering users the best tools and capabilities so that we continue learning in this wide world of crypto space.

Bloktopia has not been fully launched but on the website are other available tools types which are available for use at the main time. It has a well-designed structure and it's sure going to be a wonderful project within the Metaverse world.

Question 6


Metaverse being as broad as it's just beginning I can say for sure it's going to be the technology of the future bringing together the best of the virtual and real-world thereby creating a chance for us to expand and improve our capabilities and our environment.

Metaverse technology is just still at the beginning of its birth and a number of companies have already found so much interest in it and are already developing it an example of such a company is Facebook now known to be META.

In this course, we have seen a number of similarities which is being shared between the Blockchain technology and Metaverse since are seen and being a decentralized platform holding that as its main objective are wanted I would say makes the union wonderful and promising one for the future.

The Bloktopia project as seen above is a wonderful project which brings forth blockchain technology together with that of the Metaverse with all its advantages and benefits that it gives us even though it is still developing and its functionalities not being suitable for everyone which is other because that's just the world we live in.

I appreciate professor @wahyunahrul for these wonderful lectures on Metaverse as I have learned greatly and developed my knowledge on Metaverse. It was great participating in this homework task.

Cc: @wahyunahrul


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