Metaverse and Blockchain - Crypto Academy / S5W1 - Homework Post for @wahyunahrul

I hope everything is going well for you. Professor @wahyunahrul, here is my homework post. I hope you find this article informative.


Q 1). Do you think the Metaverse is "the next level of Future Technology"? Explain your personal opinion by showing some evidence.

Many individuals believe that developing metaverse technology, which extends beyond our current universe of clearly separated physical and virtual realms, would be a massive economic boon worth billions of dollars.

In the early 2000s, social media and blogs ushered in Web 2.0, making it more engaging than Web 1.0. Many technological trends are developing and convergent to create a tactile, decentralized Web 3.0. Virtual world, 5G networks, blockchain, digital wearables, and even brain-computer interfaces are among these technologies.

They all contribute to the blurring of the lines between the physical and virtual worlds. When it comes to the metaverse, though, it's important to realize that it's more than simply a collection of virtual worlds; it's also a place where the online and offline worlds collide thanks to digital twins, mirror worlds, and 3D printing.

The metaverse appears to have an unlimited conceptual reach. This conversation will involve your neighborhood, town or metropolis, and even the entire solar system. It will also be used as a test bed for social, economic, and cultural development. Of course, there are some of us who grew up in a digital environment because everything is a game, but the digital natives who grew up in today's metaverse of Fortnight, Roblox, and Minecraft are the most likely to prosper in the future metaverse.

Q 2). Explain why Metaverse and Blockchain are compatible technology pairs.

The economic system in Metaverse is mostly established thanks to the use of distributed ledger technology. Without blockchain, someone will eventually control the Metaverse economy. If the community does not support the blockchain, metaverse resources and products will not be valued or exchanged in the same manner that they are in the real world. The Metaverse was further electrified and awakened by the introduction of NFT-based blockchain technology. Metaverse has become a reality for the entire world thanks to Web 3.0 and Blockchain 3.0.

Individuals can enter the Metaverse by scanning themselves in three dimensions or transforming into avatars. Characters in the metaverse, not just those in video games, are identified as beings that resemble clones. People in the Metaverse create things other than avatars to express their uniqueness. This is demonstrated utilizing the NFT technology of the blockchain.

The application of blockchain technology has increased dramatically in the previous year. Many people use it, and a wide range of businesses and organizations are developing their operations on Ethereum and other blockchain networks. As a result, technology has an impact on our proto-metaverse in a variety of ways.

One such effect has been seen with non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are frequently produced in conjunction with works of art. Sotheby's, one of the world's most prestigious auction houses, organized the "NFT metaverse" exhibition this year after seeing the potential of this creation.

Sotheby's London headquarters feature a digital counterpart in Decentraland, the first decentralized virtual environment. According to a June 2021 article, the virtual gallery would include an entrance with a digital avatar of its London commissioning agency Hans Lomulder to greet guests by 2021.

Users buy items to decorate their avatars in virtual fashion, which is another area where NFTs play a role. Balenciaga's autumn collection, for example, was displayed like a playable video game when it was launched this spring. Roblox also had a digital Gucci Dionysus bag for approximately $4,000, which was more expensive than the genuine bag.

Firsthand tales like this demonstrate how decentralized technology has the potential to change the virtual economy. If we can combine blockchain technology's principles into the metaverse's foundation, it may benefit it.

Q 3). Choose a Blockchain-based Metaverse project and do a fundamental analysis of the project (Don't choose projects that have been discussed in the discussion above). (Screenshot Required)


This was created by Redfox Labs to provide retail shopping to the Metaverse. According to them, they are Southeast Asia's first blockchain venture builder. They primarily use the RFOX token to pay for land and digital assets, and the VFOX token to pay for incentives.

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What makes me think it's so exceptional? I'm not saying they're the best, but in the future, there will be more fashion houses, streetwear businesses, and entrepreneurs. You'll be able to shop for your favorite products in the Metaverse. I'm not implying that the Metaverse will be their only store; they'll almost certainly have a physical location as well. But you'll be able to shop there, and there will be plenty of incentives to do so, such as discounts and special drops.

You will have access to the artists, the founders, and the entire community. For those who are interested in fashion on a physical level, the Metaverse offers several options. It's possible to have multiple galleries and businesses on it, and it may be updated on a regular basis. Think about it.

What if something new awaited you every time you came into the store? Only one hour was provided for you to get your hands on the blouse or jacket you want. That's what's going to be huge, and it'll be quite exclusive.


Q 4). Explain the steps for connecting a crypto wallet with a Metaverse project that you chose in question number 3. (Screenshot Required)

The steps to connect your wallet to RFOX are as follows:

Step 1:First and foremost, go to the RFOX website. A connect button will appear in the top right corner; click it.


Step 2: I've decided to use the MetaMask wallet in my situation. You can also choose another wallet from the list of available alternatives. As a result, I chose the MetaMask option.


Step 3: In the password box, type your password and then click Unlock.


Step 4: Select Next.


Step 5: Select Approve from the drop-down menu.


Step 6: Select Switch network from the drop-down menu.


Step 7: We've successfully connected our wallet. You may check it by looking at the highlighted wallet address in the box.



Q 5). Explore the Metaverse of your choice and show the various features, advantages, and other unique things of the Metaverse project. (Screenshot Required)

The Sandbox

It has been established an Ethereum virtual world where gamers can build, control, and monetize their own gaming experiences.

The goal of NFTs and benefits for participation in the ecosystem, which is a non-fungible coin, is to disrupt existing game creators like Minecraft and Roblox (NFTs).


The Sandbox Metaverse is based on Coin Gecko, which ranks it as one of the top five Metaverse projects, with a market share of 7%.


The Sandbox appeals to us for several reasons. The first is that it provides a framework for constructing virtual worlds and video games within them. The user experience is improved by using blockchain and smart contracts to create content. The Sandbox Game Maker, for example, is a great example of this concept.


There's also a tool called VoxEdit that anyone may use to get started creating assets. It would be a fantastic experience to create 3D assets. VoxEdit allows users to publish and sell their NFT work. Click here for instructions on how to use VoxEdit.


After completing Assets, you can sell them on the NFT marketplace by making a first selling offer. The Sandbox will also get a "Main Hub shortly" distinctive experience. Here, people will be able to congregate and converse.

"The Walking Dead" is a show that we're quite sure you've watched. This is the sole reason why this franchise purchased the Sandbox property. If you want to buy property in the "Walking Dead" area of the game, please follow this tutorial.


Is there a chance that this metaverse will go viral? One of the earliest signs is Snoop Dog in The Sandbox. A special NFT collection will be available, allowing him to do live performances and interact with gamers.


For all transactions, the Sandbox's native token, $SAND, is used. They will gain access to our platform and will be able to participate in activities including gaming, wagering, and collecting points and awards. SAND tokens are traded on more than 20 exchanges., Bittrex, Kraken, and Polionex are among them.


Getting Involved in Sandbox Activities

The Sandbox will be operational by the end of 2021. Open Sea, on the other hand, now allows you to buy a parcel.

Landowners will be the first to have access to Season 0 events. More participants will be able to participate in the future if they pre-register.

The Maps portion of The Sandbox's official website will be of interest to visitors. The majority of the map will be shrouded by fog on the first day of the events. Following that, events and activities will be enabled in a timely way for the duration of the event. SandBox Marketplace also has a big selection of NFTs available for purchase.


The following are some of the benefits that the Sandbox can provide:

- Ownership

On the blockchain, the player who owns assets is entitled to ownership rights. Any asset can be traded using tokens at any moment and in any way the owner wishes. The asset's owner will retain ownership rights even if the game is discontinued.

- Immutability Security

Blockchain technology protects and immutably records the NFT gaming assets. Furthermore, in the crypto market, tokenization and trading of all assets gives greater protection than in the non-crypto market, where more valued items are prone to fraud or theft.

- Trading

Gamers may manage their gaming assets on blockchain gaming platforms just like any other crypto token, unlike other cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, there are no limitations on how these assets can be traded among users.

- Incorporating several systems

Assets, avatars, lands, and other game items will have no restrictions and can be utilised in any game that allows it.


Metaverse is unquestionably the future of technology. The Metaverse notion, on the other hand, cannot be considered separate from the blockchain technology. The Metaverse is a safe environment, where important things like nft held and investments are safe because to blockchain technology.

Star Atlas is a project on the Solana network that many people, including myself, are excited about. In fact, I intend to build a strong desktop computer specifically for this game. Of course, there is also a virtual reality set.

#wahyunahrul-s5week1 #cryptoacademy #metaverse #blockchains #club5050 #welovepowerups


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