Steemit Crypto Academy Week 7 Task: Steem Blockchain(Inflation, Recovery Account, Encrypted Message) |Professor @sapwood by @msharif

This is my homework for professor@sapwood , in the seven week of Crypto Academy. I'm really glad I'm able to do Crypto Academy Week 7 Homework. I will try to complete the regular homework and understand the information given by the professor.

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Definite Rewards

Rewards is a very important process through which users are much happier when they get rewards for their posts. Then they become more interested in deleting good posts and sharing their activities. In this case, it is not only those who get rewards that benefit, but also those who are rewarded. The Vested Token Holders receive 15%, The consensus witnesses receive 10% and Steem DAO receives 10% steem token. In this case Vested Token Holders gets a little more benefit they receive 15% steem token in their fund without any kind of participation.

Task-based Reward

After 35% of the Definite Rewards go up to a further 65% out of 100% of a post. This 65% is divided into two parts. The one share that gets the vote means the authors and the next share that gets the vote is the voter. 65 percent of them will be attached to their wallet without doing anything after one week. This 65% remand is called PoB reward pool.

How hard it would be to Earn STEEM rewards after 2031

We all know that those who have Vest Token Holders are getting a little extra benefit they are getting 15% of the total Steam Token. For which no Ducks of any kind have to be ready, it is automatically added to their wallet. Gradually inflation will come down. Those who have more steam power will get more clean. The assessment will be much higher. It has become clear that inflation is declining at a rate of about 2.5 million blocks reduced of 0.01%. This means that the value of inflation is declining every year 0.42%.

I can see from the professor’s analysis that approximately in 2031 the block award will be 2.276 steem per block. From this analysis it is understood that in 2031 it will be much more difficult to get steem reward. Because then most of the steam tokens will be available to those who have more steam power, which means that it will not be difficult to get rewards if the vest token holder (SP) Erman survives.


From the below table we get all the information that if we first notice the inflation rate, we will find that its percentage starts from 2021 and decreases to 2037. This means that the inflation rate has been declining for a long time. The new steem is declining with the inflation rate, which was 2.866 in 2021 and will be 0.708 in 2037 marriages. Blocks per year appear to be in the same position at this time. From this we can see that almost everything is going to change in these ten years. And Perth is a huge difference.


Account Recovery


Go to You will get to know who is recovery account

The steps of account recovery, I need to know my previous keys/Password to Steemit Inc. I need to turn on the technology within 30 days of my account being stolen. And if someone does not do that and retrieves the account within 30 days without starting the procedure, then it will not be possible for the party to return the account.

Encrypted Message & use of Memo key

Encrypted messeges are very important in today's world. In this case, only two people can see the message. No third party other than the one who sends and the one who receives will be able to collect any encrypted messages easily. In this case, all the existing exchanges have this option turned on. Each time they provide a new address at the time of the transaction, it will only be saved by the recipient sender. We are really in the security of many of us steemit users. It is very important that we are given a new address every time we make a transaction. Here memo is an option through which it is possible to plan the required master key and memo key which steemit gives us first.

How to send the encrypted messeges

  • Go to steem wallet. Select Transfer
  • Then the user ID, amount, and encrypted messeges of the sender then Next .

However, you can easily send encrypted messages to anyone. For this you must login to your steemit wallet with Master key or Memo key.

Thank you for reading my homework. Thank you all very much, especially Professor @sapwood.

Cc :-

Written by; @msharif



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