Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 3 Homework Post For [@imagen] || Blockchain Projects; Protect The Environment (PTE)

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello everyone, I hope you will be fine and good and enjoying good health as well as the beauty of nature. As we know the steemit crypto academy is running and booming everywhere, as the professors appointed by the steemit team are providing us lectures and students are learning about crypto and on the other side are getting rewards from the generous steemit team.

I am also here and attending the lectures as a student as recently I have attended the lecture of the professor @imagen, the ablest professor. I attended his lecture about the Blockchain projects, Seriously I did not know about the blockchain projects that how can we imagine them and create our own projects before this informative lecture.

So If you want to create your own blockchain project then do not waste your time and attend the lecture.

Join Class Here: Steemit Crypto Academy Semana 3 | Proyectos Blockchains.

Now I am feeling proud to create an imaginary Blockchain project. So let's start creating an imaginary blockchain project.

Blockchain Project

As we know that today cryptocurrency is booming everywhere. Every person even in every house the individuals are talking about cryptocurrency and blockchain projects. But there a number of people who do not know about the Blockchain Projects. So before diving into my project I want to define blockchain projects.

What is a Blockchain Project?

Blockchain is basically a combination of two words; "Block" and "Chain". So we can say that the chain of blocks is known as Blockchain. And a blockchain is a distributed network and it consists of digital transaction data. Individual data of transactions is known as a block and a set of those blocks is known as a chain and these two terms collectively known as the Blockchain. In the blockchain, each transaction is confirmed by multiple computers which are connected to that blockchain by the internet.

So we can easily define a blockchain project that a project which uses a blockchain system is known as Blockchain Project.

Protect The Environment (PTE), A Blockchain Project

As we know that most individuals in the whole world have become crypto lovers and it has become easy to collect any type of fund through crypto. So as we know that our environment is facing a lot of issues and we have to solve them, to survive here. But it needs funds which we will collect through this project of Protect The Environment (PTE).

Whitepaper Of "Protect The Environment (PTE)"


Protect The Environment (PTE) is a decentralized Ethereume based project to raise funds for the protection and stability of the Environment. These funds will be used to eradicate pollution from the environment, to grow plants, to do proper management of wastes, to save water, to make some new international strict rules that will help of protecting the environment. Basically, this project is similar to a charity project.

Working Of "Protect The Environment (PTE)" Project

Our whole project will run on the ERC-20 Token named PTE. Firstly we will prepare different tokens which will be used for this project. Currently, we are considering a specific token for a specific category. These specific tokens will help to save the environment specifically. So according to the requirements, we will prepare and run these four tokens to manage this project.

  • Protect The Land Token (PTL)
  • Protect The Air Token (PTA)
  • Protect The Water Token (PTW)
  • PTE Finance Token (PTEF)

Let's discuss the purposes of these different tokens which will run to run this project of "Protect The Environment (PTE)".

Protect The Land Token (PTL)

PTL will be the sub token of this blockchain-based charity project. This project is all about saving the environment and our land is one of the main things of our environment where we live and we cannot live and survive without safe and sound land.

So in order to save the land, we will run this token and we will ist this token and will advertise about this token by different Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and we will get the trust of the community. We will motivate them to fund this project by using this token.

And those who are the lover of the land and have a passion to save the land to live safe and sound will give funds to this project by using PTL Token. And we will utilize these funds collected by the PTL Token sale to protect the land through different mini-projects.

Protect The Air Token (PTA)

PTA Token will be another token to catalyze the procedure of protecting the environment. This token will be specially designed to protect the Air. As we know that with the coming days our earth is getting spoiled by different pollutants. And our air in which we inhale is becoming dangerous to inhale, and it is becoming deadliest to our lungs.

So in order to protect the air of our environment, we will raise funds by using this PTA Token. Firstly as like the first token, it will also be offered by the Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and the people who love to give money as a charity will buy this token, and the funds raised by this token will be used to do different things to protect our air.

Protect The Water Token (PTW)

As everyone knows that water is a basic need of every human to survive on the land. But nowadays there are many activities of man which are spoiling the water and making the water polluted. And due to this reason when we drink that polluted water many diseases are produced in our body. But the water creature is mostly disturbed by this.

In order to raise awareness to protect the water, we will run this specially designed PTW Token. In short, By using this token we will raise funds and those will be utilized to make simple arrangements at the public places to run Water Filtration Plants. We will also raise awareness that how we can protect the water to be polluted.

PTE Finance Token (PTEF)

As we know that to run any project we need workers and we have to pay them because they utilize their precious time to run the project. So we have designed this PTEF Token to pay the workers. We will pay them in this token according to the current worth of the token in the USD. And they will be able to exchange this token for USD to withdraw their Salary.

Protect Environment App to Enhance Transparency

Our team will launch an application named Protect Environment and this app will be used for charity purposes. This app will be integrated with modern technologies to receives charity payments. Our team will make an easy interface to send charities by buying the selected tokens with their fiat currency or with other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereume. And these funds will directly reach the project wallet without the involvement of any third party.

In this way, the payments will be safe and sound and with full transparency as we are using blockchain technology so the users can see the transactions any time by searching their transaction address.

So it is all about the project's tokens that how we will run this blockchain project by using these different tokens.

Protect The Environment (PTE) Team

As there is not anything that can be managed without the involvement of a combined team. So we have a very loving, caring, and wide team.

Mr. FaisalCEO and co-founderImaginary
Mr. KamranProject ManagerImaginary
Mr. KhanFinancial & Budget Advisor For Different ProjectsImaginary
Mr. AdilPromotional OfficerImaginary
Mr. KhalilFunds & Salary ManagerImaginary
Mr. Ali HaiderComputor's Work OfficerImaginary

All the team is well experienced and very humble. All the team members will work day and night for the success of this project, and we all sure that we will be successful in this project. As currently, this project will run in Pakistan, and after success, we will expand this project to the whole world by hiring different members from the countries so that they will work there to make it happen. In this way, this project will work worldwide and will protect the environment.

As our whole team is very humble loving so everyone will be able to suggest improvements in the projects with suitable solutions. And our team will consider their suggestions.

Social Media Network

In order to spread awareness about our project, we will make social media accounts and we will publish all the data reports there so that all the participants can get minute information about the project and if anyone has any single question our team will reply to them and will care of them.

Social Media PlatformsLinksInfo
Facebook PageProtect The Environment ProjectImaginary

Tokens Supply And Division

Tokens supply and inflation is the most important section of any blockchain project to consider it worthy or not. So let's have a look at the production and maximum supply of the tokens and their burning.

We are keen to supply maximum tokens of about 1,000,000,000. From all the supply of the tokens, we will allocate 50% supply for the ICOs to raise funds. These 50% tokens will one offered in different ICOs after different periods. And in each period the price of the tokens will be changed and may be increased to raise more funds.

10% of this amount will be used for promotional purposes and as the investors and partners of the project play an important role in the establishment of the project so 15% of all the amount will b redistributed to them for their co-operation. And 25% of all the tokens will be distributed to the team and the developers. In this way, all the tokens will be distributed and the project will run smoothly.

A Short Summary Of Tokens' Supply

Sections InvolvedAmountPercentage
Initial Coin Offereings (ICOs)500,000 00050%
Promotional Services100,000,00010%
Investors & Parteners150,000,00015%
Team & Developers250,000,00025%
Total Amount1,000,000,000100%

Inflation And Burning

As I have already mentioned that inflation of any project is very important. So in this project, we will classify the issuance of new tokens according to their use and burning to pay the workers and to withdraw money to run projects by exchanging tokens with USD.

However, we will issue new tokens by observing their use and demand in the public and market. We will try to issue tokens in excess firstly so that everyone can buy them and use them to fund the project. But then we will stop the issuance of new tokens and when the demand of the tokens will increase according to the survey and price fluctuation we will then again issue new tokens.

After the 12 months of the launch of the project, we will conduct a survey to know the popularity and benefits of our project. After knowing that our project is going up day by day then actually we will have a need to increase the supply and then we will issue new tokens to catalyze the project working by raising more funds. And to enhance the project we have to recruit more and new employees and then this issuance of new tokens will be utilized in a better way.

So as far as the question of the burning of tokens, it will happen every month of all those tokens which will be used to pay the employees and to get funds to run projects. For Example: if 100,000 tokens are utilized to pay the employees then these tokens will be burnt to pay them and we will pay them according to the price of the token with USD. And all other tokens which are specified for each class will also be burnt up accordingly.

Token Price:

In every blockchain project, the price of the token counts a lot. In this project at the start, all the tokens will be launched at the same price in USD of about $0.5 except PTEF Token which is a salary token. Its price will be at the start of about $1.

And the fluctuation in the price will definitely occur according to the demand of that token in the market and in the public. At times the price of all the tokens may be different but it depends upon the market situation.


The roadmap is another important factor that is required to run the blockchain project correctly and successfully. It shows the whole creativity and system of the blockchain project. It is necessary to tell the roadmap of any project to get success in that.

So for the blockchain-based project Protect The Environment (PTE) our team has developed this roadmap for two years, and we will fulfill all the things explained in the roadmap.

Q1 Of 2022: At the start of 2022 our team will start the project with great initiatives of ICOs. We will encourage investors by offering them shares in the project.

Q2 Of 2022: Our team will work to list all the tokens used in the ICOs in the crypto exchanges to make it more trusted and transparent. And new tokens will be issued to start a new ICO in that crypto exchange. Our team will list all the collections live to all the people without any exception.

Q3 Of 2022: We will issue new tokens and recruit more new workers in the project to catalyze the work. And work will start in all the fields by using the funds raised by the ICOs. We will launch our own block explorer so that everyone can easily know about the transactions.

Q4 Of 2022: We will encourage more investors and partners to participate in this blockchain project to enhance it and to raise more funds. And we will offer the investors shares in this project to make it more effective to work.

Q1 Of 2023: At the start of 2023 we will launch an application of this project to buy tokens from that app directly by using cryptocurrency. And the working of the project will be enhanced to protect the earth. And our team will allocate a budget for the land, air, and water development after a survey.

Q2 Of 2023: Now our team will try to add fiat currency to buy the tokens of the project by the application launched recently in the first quarter of the year. Now it will become easy to buy tokens and to allocate them to the project enhancement as charity.

Q3 Of 2023: Now we will advertise the purposes and needs of the project by using social media including Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Telegram, and by using different forums such as, Reddit, and by Medium. We will offer the collectibles to promote this blockchain project by creating different YouTube videos by offering them tokens.

Q4 Of 2023: Now we will recruit more new users and will run a worldwide campaign to make this project globalized. We will hire and train new users from different countries who will promote our vision in other countries to raise more funds and for the implementation of this project in their countries. We will make managers in other countries who will manage their team and will run this project to protect the earth by guiding them, in their counties.


Today blockchain-based projects are overwhelming on other simple projects. So I have also made this imaginary blockchain project as per the requirements of the professor @imagen. It is true that it is an imaginary blockchain project but it is worthy to be applied. It may be helpful to protect and save the environment to protect our own lives. By using this blockchain project we can easily raise funds from the whole world as it is a global project, to fix the issue regarding the environment.

Cc:-@steemitblog, @imagen

[All the graphics used are my original work designed by using Canva]

 3 years ago 

good write up,
I hope this shouldn't just be an imaginary project but you should work towards that.

Yes bro I have tried my best to build an imaginary blockchain project but as you are saying that it can be used in real to get benefits.

Thank You for appreciating my work.

 3 years ago 


Hola @mohammadfaisal.

Gracias por participar en la Academia Cripto de Steemit.

La tarea en general luce bien. Un proyecto innovador y muy interesante.

Calificación: 7.15

Thank you professor for checking my homework.

But I completely disagree with your marking and grading.

Can you please explain on what basis you have given me only 7.15 marks?

Waiting for your response sir.

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