Blockchain Trilemma-Steemit Crypto Academy-S5W2-HomeWork post For @nane15

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

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Explain In your own Words What the Blockchain Trilemma is


The term Blockchain Trilemma was a concept that was introduced by Vitalik Buterin. It simply means that developers of a blockchain has to choose one or at most two options out of the 3 options of Decentralization, Scalability, Security when developing a blockchain.

• Decentralization :
A blockchain technology where there is no central body issuing authorization, and yet large number of users can participate easily,and simultaneously without any glitch.
• Scalability:
A system where large number of users can participate easily, with a reduced transaction fee as well as experiencing no limit in the transaction process.
• Security:
A system that is free from fraud as well as hacking of the blockchain.

Let's consider this example to understand what Trilemma truly is.. If I want to build a software application that will have the option of Privacy, where I can have total control of my data usage, I can decide or select who I share my data with; an option of Cross-Service Integration, where the application can interact with different services such as location, social media services; and the option of Performance, where the application can perform smoothly without interruption. From the look of things, it will be very difficult to achieve all the three options listed above. I will have to select what I want, based on a scale of preference, the two most important options with which I will use in building my software application, which could be privacy and performance or performance and cross-service integration.

The issue of trilemma is a real world issue most persons are faced with when they have decisions to make, and its also an issue in technology. In the blockchain world, it is an issue that has lingered for so long and has made so many developers lose interest in the use of block chain technology. Though some developers have claimed that they have been able to incorporate all 3 problems of Decentralization, scalability and security,but such claims are still under review.


Is The Blockchain Trilemma Really a Trilemma?


A straightforward and simple answer to this question is No. The concept of Trilemma is an issue that can be resolved as the newer block chain technology that has been developed keep trying to incorporate these 3 issues of Decentralization, scalability and security. Trilemma is just a concept to help us see or know that Decentralization, security, and scalability are very important in the development of any block chain technology. Just as the block chain technology in the past noticed the problem associated with the development of block chain at that time, newer technologies will try as much as possible to fix the glitch. I strongly believe that the issue of Trilemma can and will be solved as time keeps revolving. Trilemma is a personal concept of Vitalik,newer technologies such as cardona,solana and even polkadot have incorporated all 3 by providing a platform that is secured when it is decentralized as well as a network that is scalable as thousands of transactions can be done within split seconds.


Define the following Concepts in your own word;Decentralization ,Scalability, Blockchain security



Decentralization is one in which roles such as decision making,control are spread across distributed networks. In a decentralized system, a single person or individual cannot censor or get across data that transacts through it. Sometimes it is difficult to gain 100% Decentralization as this will lead to a decrease in the network as well as reduction in the rate at which transactions are processed. Decentralization helps in privacy as well as securing the different nodes of a network.


It has to do with how the blockchain is able to sustain,and if the blockchain is capable of running smoothly as expected when there is an increase in the number of transactions. When a network is said to be scalable, it simply means that the database of the system is stable when there is an increase in transaction,as it will be able to overcome glitches associated with mass transactions.

Blockchain security

Most blockchain technology based on scale of preference has decided to work with Decentralization and scalability and has left the issue of security behind.,As such hackers have seen that as an opportunity to compromise the security of blockchain. Blockchain security can be improved by the use of ironclad and malwares to protect the blockchain from hacks, bugs as well as being compromised.


Based on your Knowledge, explain at least two viable solutions to the challenges posed in the Blockchain Trilemma


Solving the problem of blockchain technology involves 2 processes,and they are known as • layer 1 • layer 2

Layer 1
Layer 1 aims at improving the rate of scalability as well as ensuring that the network are secure. The various methods associated with layer 1 includes;


It is a process where by transactions are splited into bits know as shard. With shards,transactions are carried out separately but in unionism. With shards,proofs are provided to the main chain,while the various shards are able to interact and share balances,addresses through the use of a communication protocol known as the cross-shard. With the use of shard,scalability will be improved without a glitch in Decentralization as well as security.

Improvement in the consensus protocol

Majority of the blockchain today, make use of the proof of work mechanism which is secure but relatively very slow. To solve the issue of scalability, there should be an incorporation of the proof of stake consensus mechanism,where validating as well as validators are selected based on their stake rather than their mining ability. A network that has incorporated the proof of stake mechanism is the Ethereum network and this will help to increase the rate of scalability while it ensures that there is an increase in security level as well as decentralization.

Layer 2

It's aim is to profer solutions to the issue faced by layer 1 as well as to improve their scalability problems. It is just like creating a childchain to help assist the parent chain. Some of the methods used are;

Nesting of Block chain: it is a network system that is decentralized, it involves the reduction in the work load of the main chain. To reduce the work load, a parent-child network connection is made,where some of the work are delegated or done by the child chains,which are later received by the parent chain on completion. With the use of the nesting block,a wide range of network parameter is set,with the use of the main chain,this will improve the speed at which transactions are processed, as well as security and decentralization. An example of the layer 2 is the OMG plasma project.

State channels: This has to do with building an off-chain network,that will help for easy communication between the block chain and off-chain network. This method does not need the help of miners for validation of transactions, it makes use of a smart contract mechanism which helps to validate transactions that are recorded in the underlying block chain. When there is a free flow of communication between the block chain and off-chain, the capacity and speed at which transactions are processed will be greatly improved.

SIDECHAINS: it is an adjacent chain of the main block chain which serves as a transactional chain that can be used to dissolve the issue of Trilemma. Side chains makes use of a consensus mechanism that is not dependent on the mainchain, as a result transactions on the side chain are public and any bug on the side chain does not really affect the main chain. With this, decentralization and issues of security will be greatly improved.




Trilemma is not just an issue faced in blockchain technology, it cuts across various levels of life. I have a strong believe that as the blockchain technology keeps evolving,the issue of Trilemma will be completely eliminated. From my research,the Ethereum network is trying so hard to eliminate the issue of Trilemma through the launch of the Ethereum mainnet 2.0 as well as other networks. In the main time,there are various measures in place to reduce these problems that are experienced in the blockchain technology.
Cc: @nane15

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