Steemit Crypto Academy S4Week3 Blockchain Technology in the Healthcare industry by professor @yohan2on

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


Research and Discuss the potential applications of Blockchain in the Health care industry

Without a doubt blockchain technology has had several use cases in the different industrial sectors across the globe, health Is wealth as the saying goes which means blockchain use in health care sectors can not be overruled.

VeChain blockchain has been a leading blockchain technology that has integrated real-world use cases into blockchain technology the blockchain industry had built trust among industry by making blockchain technology to be applied in daily industrial activities like transportation of products record/information storage keep track of goods detection of fake drugs all these real-world use case have been made possible with VeChain blockchain technology.

What is VeChain blockchain

Here I will explore the VeChain blockchain to keep readers engaged with its blockchain technology real-world case use in industries and its application in the health care industry.

VeChain was launched in 2015 it's a leading global technology based on blockchain that aims to provide/connect blockchain technology with real-world experience by providing blockchain-suited solutions.

VeChain is termed as the public blockchain which derives value from solving members' real-world problems with blockchain-based technology.

From the platform whitepaper VeChain aims to tackle these three consensuses Technical Consensus, Business Consensus, and Governance Consensus. which are fully implemented to derive more use cases of the blockchain.

The Technical consensus deals with real-life applications in human daily activities which I will be exploring.

Here programmers/developers aim to build initiative infrastructure protocols with this consensus blockchain the platform ** concentrates on tackling problems like product life cycle, intellectual property management, traceability, food control, and anti-counterfeit drugs.**

It's can be found/observed that the technical consensus is a driving factor for the VeChain blockchain real-world use case and has various applications in the health care industry.

VeChain blockchain an anti-counterfeiting drug dictator in the health industry

In 2018 global counterfeiting reported over 1.2 trillion has been spent on counterfeit products most of these products have been bought from online luxury marketplaces where law enforcement agencies barely check the authenticity of these products these have raised a major concern in the financial industry as speculation that in 2021 there could be a rise in the sale of these counterfeit products where more trillions will be lost.

How VeChain blockchain is tacking this problem

With VeChain ToolChain this problem has been countered with this tool manufacturer can digitize their products using NFC tags here with the help of blockchain technology manufacturers can link their products with unique blockchain identity it provides customers with traceability of products life cycle, logistics supply chain, with this tool each product will have it landing page where all the products details and description from the manufacturer will be available for customers to view easily and use their VeChain tool to access any product authenticity.

With this tool applicable in health care sectors the rate at which fake drugs are distributed will be drastically reduced this tool will help build trust among consumers to business management/manufacturers.
The ToolChain will help in detecting fake drugs automatically once a customer uses it on a drug the manufacturer details will be available to such customer.

Toolchain use case

  • With this tool high fund losses due to counterfeit products/drugs will be reduced.

  • It increases manufacturer experience on drugs transfer.

  • it will improve transparency in the supply chain of drugs

  • it will improve customer experience in authenticating drugs.

VeChain blockchain application in providing customers with drug source/origin

The drugs supply chain has been a major problem recently today we see different drugs without knowing their main source of manufacturing which has led to inefficiency in the supply chain with fraud and scandal affecting the drug manufacturing industries.

How VeChain blockchain is tacking this problem

With VeChain blockchain a transparent supply chain is available which allows participants to work on a trusted data platform by scanning QR codes on the desired drug with this customers can get access to information secured by the blockchain which includes source and ingredients used for producing such drug, geographical location, date and time stamp, temperature details and other necessary information about the drug.

With the help of this technology in the health care industry

  • This will help improve customer confidence in drugs they are consuming and increase brand reputation.

  • It will also improve transparency in the drug supply chain.

Subsequent VeChain use case in health care sectors

  • VeChain E-HCert, A Blockchain-based Covid-19 Records App

VeChain in conjunction with I-Dante co-develop the E-HCert App, which provides a solution for COVID-19 RT-PCR and antibodies tests records.

This was adopted in August 2020 it is a digital app that can be used by users to check/test COVID-19 symptoms.

  • CSecure Platform of Bayer China

VeChain helps a clinic in China with a traceability supply chain app that can be used to check and track supply chain data of drugs.


Globally health care sectors are one of the most important systems in the world with blockchain integration in these organizations billions of dollars have been saved in countering fake drugs, immutability in customer data/information we have seen with blockchain hack-proof system it's impossible to temper with patients database this is a great milestone achievement that has been made possible with the help of blockchain implementation in our health care system.

VeChain has been a leading blockchain industry that has taken/provided important tools that have been used to solve/tackle supply chain problems, fake drugs supply problems, and database record keeping.

Without a doubt blockchain, technological use cases have made a difference in our health care system.


Hi @mccoy02

Thanks for participating in the Steemit Crypto Academy

Rating criteriaCalculation out of 2
Quality of presentation1/2
Compliance with topic1/2
Clarity of language1/2
Quality of analysis1/2
Grand total5

This is average content. You were not meant to focus on one particular blockchain project. I was more interested in the various applications of Blockchain in the Healthcare Industry.

Total| 5/10

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