SiSteemit Crypto Academy- Steem Blockchain(Convergent Linear Reward)- Week 6

in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago (edited)


This week I am participating again in Professor @sapwood's homework, here is my assignment

(1) What are the economic and social ramifications of voting yes on Steem Blockchain? Do you get better healing rewards from voting yes on others compared to self-affirmation? (Include real examples)

In this case talking about autovote before it would be one of the best options as there was a time where those who had a strong SP would do it, after a while that was seen ml by other participant of the page so h7bo to redesign it.

It is not to get more reward is that when we help other people vote dolos in favor that gives them more encouragement to continue publishing, because when we vote only ourselves it is true we will get the gain of author and curator but then others will realize and that will discourage them morally.

Example if I see that a curator with a big SP makes a publication and he gives himself a vote that makes his publication reach 50$ while my publication reaches 0,02 that at first would not discourage me but later I know that it would lower my spirits.

(2) What is the difference between isolated judgment and community judgment in curation? How do you adapt to community judgment on quality content in Steem Blockchain? Does that bring economic incentive for you? If yes, explain with real examples, (include screenshots and compare them with your isolated judgment)?

Isolated judgment that when a single curator votes a publication causing a favorable but not very high vote.

Community judgment is when several curators get together and that causes them to have a fairly high voting power.

The best way to adapt would be to gather several curators and thus support the different content that gives more incentive to the different authors as their publications would be very well voted monetarily.

(3) Go to, check your Upvote value (in the current SP, VP). Take a screenshot. Then go to Steemit's trending page, look for a post with a payout of more than $10 but less than $50 (Age less than 6 days 12 hours). Rate it. Take screenshots before and after voting Similarly, go to another post on the Trending page, search for a post with a payout of more than $100 (Age less than 6 days 12 hours). Vote for it. Take screenshots before and after voting Give the differences between the two. Which one has produced a higher Upvote value and healing reward for you with the same resources (SP, VP)? Explain?

Here we can see my SP

This first capture shows the publication @gbenga before my vote

This capture is after being voted by me

This publication is over 100$ and this is the capture before it was voted by me

This is the publication after I gave it my vote

As for the difference between the two was that the first publication voted which is the largest of $ 10 at the time of being voted by me his rank of gain low, instead to vote the largest of $ 100 increased its earning power.

Thanks to @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02 for the support on my publications


Thank you for attending the lecture in Steemit-Crypto-Academy & doing the homework task-6.

Unfortunately, this post does not comply with the requirements outlined in the Homework Task-6.

Your article should be at least 300 words(excluding introductory and concluding remarks).

Thank you.

Homework Task -6

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