Verasity | Advertising Services On Blockchain | Crypto Academy | S5W7 | Homework Post for @wahyunahrul.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

What's Up Guys how are you all I hope that by the grace of God you will all be well and live your life happily. Today is the last day of the year and I am here to perform my assignmemt task given By our great and beautiful professer @wahyunahrul.



What is Verasity? What do you think about the performance of this platform broadly?

Verasity is a game-changing video-sharing platform for the future generation. Verasity's decentralised blockchain incorporates the best components from traditional models like advertising, subscription video on-demand, and crowdfunding, and removes intermediaries from the equation, keeping wealth within the community. Verasity is intended to free

Creators while also benefiting Viewers. Publishers can utilise Verasity's platform to establish a loyalty programme that pays consumers for their attention by integrating it into their video stack. In the top right-hand corner of the video player, a trophy appears. Users can watch any video or advertisement by clicking on it.

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They claim these benefits by clicking on the Trophy on the right side of the video and creating a Rewards Wallet account when it becomes green. VRA is a cryptocurrency that can be earned by watching videos and is instantly paid out to the user. It can be exchanged for cash, vouchers, or goods and services. As a means of exchanging attention for value, Verasity employs cutting-edge Blockchain technology and its coin VRA. It also provides customised rewards.

More than 2 million video publishers employ the unique technology, which has 550 million monthly viewers and 110 billion monthly views, bringing engagement and money back to their sites. Viewers, video publishers, and marketers all benefit from Verasity's attention-based strategy, which generates a robust VRA token economy.

🔵 How Does Veracity Work?

Verasity's video sharing platform offers a high-quality watching experience, thanks to cutting-edge video player technology that has been proved to expand to 8 PetaBytes of video data each month.The Verasity VeraPlayer consist of an integrated digital crypto wallet that permit Viewers and Creators to conduct seamless microtransactions using VERA Tokens. observers are rewarded for seeing and sharing material in VERA within the Verasity ecosystem.

Viewers who opt to watch advertisements will earn more money and will be compensated directly by sponsors.Viewers directly reward creators with donations, as well as payment to unlock videos (pay-per-view) or paid subscriptions. Creators can select how to monetize or demonetize specific videos on Verasity. Rather than needing to follow a one-size-fits-all paradigm, they decide what is best for their target audience.

Verasity's Proof of View (PoV) system is made to find bots, false views, and audience metrics manipulation. Only real and authentic views are consider or counted, and all recommendations, content surfacing, and advertising data are correct. Views have real worth on Verasity. Finally, creators may use the nifty 'Spark Marketplace' to help their channels expand faster. Users that purchase and hold 'VeraSparks' will receive VERA Tokens as a share of a channel's ongoing success.

🔵 What Issues Does Verasity Address?

On video platforms, content creators effort to monetize their work successfully. The public is dissatisfied with internet video advertising, and viewers are hesitant to watch adverts.Ad fraud and 'fake views' are also major concerns. The value of content is skewed when viewership measurements are not transparent. Brand pricing, content monetization, and recommendation engine data are all flawed without a meaningful value for content. As verasity solve some majors problems , so according to my thoughts verasity is the future and a wonderful project.


How does the Proof of View system used by Verasity validate real viewers? Explain in detail and make an illustration about it.

A fantastic piece of material is usually shared naturally, and its popularity continues to grow as more people discover it. However, this is no longer the case. It's difficult for exceptional material to get recognised in the midst of the ever-increasing amount of content released every day. People have taken advantage of this by fabricating social proofs and companies, as well as purchasing ad bots that promote fraudulent video views in order to monetize fake engagement.

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Regrettably, the viewers are the ones who have to bear the brunt of it. Videos with a high number of bogus views are frequently disappointing and of low quality. Many marketers continue to pay to have their commercials shown on these "popular" films, despite the fact that their adverts are only seen by bots. Even creators who buy phoney views find themselves trapped in a cycle of paying to keep their ad revenue while living in constant fear of losing their channels. Furthermore, those who do not buy views are at a disadvantage because their films do not receive enough interaction to attract enough ad-paying chances.

Proof Of View by Verasity is a game-changer. Its video-sharing technology eliminates fraudulent views' influence on how material is rated, surfaced, and valued. The Verasity ecosystem is able to provide a more value platform for consumers, producers, marketers, and businesses by eliminating fraudulent views.

💠 For Content Creators

  • Finally, there's a level playing field. You may increase the value of your work and be fairly compensated for it by establishing a real, engaged audience.

💠 FOR Viewers

  • It assures that the information recommended and surfaced has been seen and interacted with by real people. As a result, the true worth of the content can be determined, and the most relevant content for the viewer can be displayed.
  • Because viewers interact directly with authors, rather than being controlled by a third party, material can be appropriately appraised by the audience.

💠 For Advertisers and brands

  • No more exaggerated metrics: your adverts are seen by genuine people (users). Real people, real views, and real reach Rather of paying for fakes, pay for what you receive!

  • You can also pay viewers directly for their attention by using the Verasity rewarded player, which allows you to reach engaged and opt-in audiences rather of folks who are merely waiting for the "skip" button.

Proof of View (PoV) improves the entire video ecosystem by removing the influence of fraudulent views, hence boosting transparency and confidence. As a result, advertisers' willingness to spend higher CPMs – up to ten times higher to demonstrate that brands are receiving genuine consumers watching actual views.


Why is "fake viewers" so detrimental to all parties related to videos and advertisements that are shown?

In the world of content generation and marketing, phoney viewing has become a big issue. While some artists have fantastic material but aren't getting views, they are up against competitors who rely heavily on false views to inflate audience metrics.

Advertisement businesses pay video producers to include their commercials in their videos. When phoney viewers or bots watch videos, the bots also watch the advertisements that are embedded in the videos. These bots are unimpressed with or uninterested in the products displayed in adverts. Because bots are just a software . The bots did not have any heart. For example the bots did not buy the product that are shown in the advertisement because bots have not mind and emotion like human. So in this way the company thats pay a huge amount to the vidio aurthor to show their add will lose their money that they have paid for advertisement. Advertisement businesses, on the other hand, pay video makers for each view, regardless of whether the view is genuine or not. As a result, the marketers' money is squandered because the money does not provide any results in the form of product promotion for the advertising company.

This would be to the detriment of the company as well as to the platform on which the ad was being displayed and the company would lose confidence in the platform and would never be able to show their ad again. Will not pay the platform. So, in this way, false viewers and bots etc are so harmful to all parties involved in the distribution of videos and advertisements.


Mention and explain ways so that we can get VRA Token rewards.

  • In the first step I open VeraWallet Website. As I open this website I see many others wesites where you can watch vidios and earn VRA tokens. I open website. As I open I see many vidios are displaying at the front of me. As shown in the pictures below.



  • In the next step as you open any vidio you see a white cup at the top of right corner. Just click on it. As you touch on it they ask you to create an account. Just enter your email and create a password and click on 'create account' option as shown in the pictures below.



  • In the next step they send you a code on your email. Just copy this code from your email and pasted it in the box thats open at the front of you. After that your account has successfully been created and you see my account balance is o VRA as shown in the pictures below.



  • The more videos you watch in the next step, the more VRA tokens you will get. When l would finish watching a video, the color of the Cup would turn green. Thats mean you earn a VRA token. I watch total 5 vidios and earn 5 VRA tokens as shown in the pictures below.



So, with the help of this way we can earn VRA tokens as a reward.


What is VRA Virtuous Cycle? Explain it in detail.

As with any fundamental crypto, there are some usecases in them. So VRA Virtuous Cycle is actually a cycle that describes how activities involving the VRA token are carried out and how VRA token is used in verasity ecosystem. There are total 6 activities that include buyers buying VRA, Earn VRA, Verasity earns, Users Benefits , Using VRA to and Repeating the Cycle.Users can use the VRA tokens to accomplish a variety of beneficial tasks on the Verasity platform. I explain them one by one.


  • Buyers buying VRA

It's the initial step in the virtuous cycle.
To support their movement, the publishers purchase VRA tokens from exchanges. The VRA token is also purchased by content providers, game developers or creators, publishers, and influencers in this cycle.

  • Earn VRA

In this activity, As verasity work on proof of view system. So, All authentic viewers are given the opportunity to watch high-quality video and are rewarded at the end. This reward will be in the form of VRA tokens.

  • Verasity Earns

In this step, It is not only the people who watch the video that get the reward on verasity platform, but also the owners of the verasity platform will get reward when people watch the video and do other activities on their platform.

  • Users Benefits

In this step, All the content creators , game develpors , Publishers and other members related to this generates revenue from ads .

  • Use VRA to

In this step, the use case of VRA token takes place. With the help of VRA token you can purchased goods that are available on verasity platform such as subscripitions , staking and many other activities.

  • Cycle Repeats

In this last step, All Content creators, publishers, and others who receives VRA tokens as a reward will use VRA to maintain the and develop the verasity platform.


Create a VeraWallet account and show the complete steps (Screenshot Required).

  • In The first step 1 open VeraWallet Website and click on the Create or sign up option as shown in the pictures below.



  • In next step , I entered my email and create password and click on the create account option as shown in the picture 1. After that they send a code to my email I copy the code and pasted it in the given box as shown in the second picture.



  • In the third step, they display me my key. I have to copy my key and scan the QR code with my Google Authenticator as shown in picture 1 . After that Google Authenticator display me a code I copy this code and put it in the given box as shown in the 2nd picture.



  • In the 4th step, They asked me to save the code that displayed at the mobile screen as shown in picture 1. After that click on the Go To Complete Account Option as shown in 2nd picture below.



  • In 5th step , They ask me to enter my complete details like name , age , country and address etc , Enter your details in the given boxes and click on submit. After that your account has successfully been created.



Explain what use cases the VRA Token has in the Verasity ecosystem.

VRA is the native token of Veracity. Viewership, videos, and adverts all contribute to VRA awards. VRA can be earned by watching videos on popular video platforms such as Youtube, Twitch, and Vimeo. Then, for watching and subscribing to video creators, Verasity awards its viewers with VRA tokens. Users can also earn tokens by referring friends, signing up for newsletters, playing games, and so on. Users may actually assist tiny content creators by buying them tokens before watching the content, in addition to being rewarded by the Verasity video sharing ecosystem. Users will be able to use their tokens directly through activities such as online shopping in the future.

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Verasity's native token can be earned through watching movies on the TV platform, participating in esports tournaments, or simply purchasing it using the VeraWallet. When compared to other platforms, the VeraWallet allows you to stake VRA for 25.55 percent every year, which is a fairly high payout percentage.

  • Staking

Verasity's VRA staking software allows you to stake VRA. The amount of tokens staked determines the amount of prizes earned. Currently, the platform promises a 25.5 percent annual percentage yield (APY) on staked tokens until March 2022, though this may be extended.

  • Earning

Users can earn tokens by participating in the VRA network's activities. For example, they can earn VRA tokens by watching videos on a publisher's domain or on the VeraEsports website, referring their material to others, and doing other things that directly improve the popularity of a domain.

  • Spending

Exchanges allow users to convert their VRA tokens into other cryptocurrencies. They can also buy and sell VRA in exchange for fiat currency using the VeraWallet.

So, these are some usecases of VRA token in verasity Ecosystem.

Explain the steps on how to Staking VRA tokens (Screenshot Required).

  • In 1st step , I open my Verawallet and touch on the staking wallet option as shown in the pictures below.

  • In the second step, I touch on the the stake option as shown in the pictures below.



  • In the third and last step, they ask you to enter the amount you want to stake. Enter the amount that you want and click on the continue option as shown in the picture below. I have no balance in my wallet so i dose not stake any VRA coin but this is the method to stake your VRA token in verawallet.


Watch one of the videos on the Verasity Website and show how we can get rewards from watching the video (Screenshot Required).

  • In the First step , I open Verawallet Website. After that there are many websites that will pay you if you watch vidios on their platform . So I select as shown in the picture below. As I open many vidios will open in front of me. I click on informations vidios as shown in the pictures below.



  • In the next step the I select a vidio in which a girl talking about robots. I click on the vidios and the vidio will open in front of my eyes. After that you show a cup at the top right corner and its color is white . As I click on it you see I earn 4 VRA token today and if I watch the complete vidio I will get another VRA token and the color of the Cup will tern into green .



  • I see the complete vidio and get 1 VRA token as a reward as shown in the pictures below. Now there is 5 VRA tokens is in my wallet.



So in this way , you will get rewards by watching vidios on verasity platform.


I learn a lot from this lecture about the whole Verasity platform. Verasity is a video platform that uses the PoV protocol to verify legitimate viewership. The patented system includes numerous metrics to combat fraud and bots, including anonymous fingerprinting. As a result, advertisers should be willing to pay a premium for genuine viewing on the site. Advertisers and other parties can use VRA tokens to pay their marketing campaigns. Users would be rewarded with tokens in the meanwhile, resulting in higher engagement for video content creators.At the end I thank the professor @wahyunahrul for this great lecture. I hope you will continue to educate us with your knowledge in the future.

Some images designed by me On Picsart and Canva Application . Remaining Screenshots taken from Verawallet , and grammer check from grammraly




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