Steemit Crypto Academy Season 5 Beginners' course - Task 8: Decentralized Applications (dApps)

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)



1).What are dApps?

  • a).Explain the working system of dApps?

  • b).What are the differences between dApps and other applications?

  • c).Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dApps?

  • d).How can dApps developers promote their apps?

  • e).What should we pay attention to when using dApps?

  • f).How do we find the information of a DApp that we want to know? Provide the steps (Screenshot required).




What are dApps?


DApps are applications built on a decentralized web that combine smart contracts and a front-end user interface. From an end user point of view, DApps should not be much different from regular apps. The biggest difference is that all data and backend are not stored centrally on the server.

The lack of centralization is a strong plus of decentralized applications, as it allows them to be completely self-sufficient, autonomous and not under the control of any particular company or organization.

With the help of monitoring services like PARSIQ, decentralized applications can allow users to bet on the wallet addresses of their favorite NFT artists and receive information about their every activity on the blockchain. This will allow users to be the first to know about the following works from their favorite authors. Such functionality is not yet presented in any DApp applications associated with NFT tokens.

Apart from that, DApps developers can also create solutions that will give their users the ability to track their crypto wallets or crypto assets. With the help of such functionality, users will be able to control their cryptocurrency portfolio. Combined with a simple user interface, DApps developers will allow their clients to easily track their cryptocurrencies - while still ensuring that their assets remain intact.


a).Explain the working system of dApps?


There are several ways in which Dapps work with at least four systems so that Dapps can be used.

  • Open Source - The source code of the application is visible to everyone.

  • Decentralized - Using cryptographic technologies such as blockchain.

  • Incentives - This app has cryptographic tokens/virtual assets to support itself.

  • Algorithm/Protocal - Generate tokens and provide consensus mechanism.

In essence DApps are open source software platforms,implemented on a decentralized blockchain and driven by tokens generated using protocols/algorithms.

Since it is an open source application,the DApps is completely decentralized as anyone can see it. Anyone can contribute to the source code.At the same time,it also accelerates the scalability process of product development both in terms of quality and quantity.

Decentralizing applications using blockchain is the next step.Blockchain functions as a permanent ledger of records/transactions that anyone can refer to at any time.

And finally, to add records/transactions to such a ledger, tokens are used which are mined or previously mined using different algorithms/protocols.

Currently, the common protocols used are Proof of Work (which Bitcoin uses) or Proof of Stake (which Dash uses).They are used to reach consensus or agreement among all users of a particular DApps.

Proof-of-work (POW) requires miners to mine blocks and receive rewards.Since mining blocks and adding them to the chain is an energy consuming process, it also keeps the blockchain secure.

Proof-of-stake (POS) requires holding and holding a share of the token to become a qualified masternode.It also protects the blockchain and helps process transactions.


b).What are the differences between dApps and other applications?


DApps differ from other applications in the process of creating an account by the user, When you register for a other apps you can enter your personal information to create an account and use the service immediately after logging in. However, in the case of DApps, when creating an account, you must have a suitable blockchain wallet such as Ethereum or EOS.

By participating in the appropriate blockchain service, you set up a wallet to store and transact the cryptocurrencies you receive as gifts. An Ethereum-based DAPP must have an Ethereum wallet, and an EOS-based DAPP must have an EOS wallet. For example, Ethereum Leeum To use the famous crypto game Kitty Meta mask from Ethernet Solarium, create a wallet, every time you use the service the metadata mask must be authenticated.

The biggest difference between dapps development and existing app development is how strict and precise the checks are. Simply put, dApps are more like hardware development than software development. When a company has finalized a piece of hardware, it has to be rigorously and precisely tested before releasing a product before releasing it.

When hardware is released after development, if there is an undiscovered problem, it requires more money and time than fixing existing software. Because in diaep the development of smart contracts is the main four because once executed, it is absolutely not changed. If the error is caused by the user due to a bug found in the Cryptocurrency Smart Contract, it is possible to lose.

That's why it can't be easily and quickly developed and released. In contrast, existing application development tends to focus on continuously creating new services in line with rapidly changing trends.


c).Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dApps?


There are various advantages that Dapps have, including :

  • Censorship resistant: DApps are decentralized making it difficult for governments or individuals to control the network.

  • No Downtime: The peer-to-peer system ensures that DApps are kept up and running even when individual computers or departments experience network problems.

  • Open Source : It drives the broad development of the DApp ecosystem. Enables developers to build better DApps with useful functionality in the future.

The disadvantages of Dapps include:

  • Hackable : Running open source smart contracts is an advantage but also an opportunity for hackers to find security holes to attack.

  • Usability Issues : Many DApps have poor user interfaces and are difficult to use, but these improve over time.

  • User Dependency : The more users a DApp has, the more efficient it is. On the other hand, decentralized applications will struggle if the number of users is low, making them less secure.


d).How can dApps developers promote their apps?


There are many ways to promote Dapps. These include :

  • Development can promote Dapps through social media, because nowadays almost everyone has an Android smartphone so they will be very easy to access and get to know the Dapps application through social media.

  • development can also promote Dapps applications through Airdrops because with this method users very easily get to know Dapps, and bring them to it themselves and again get rewarded.

  • peer-to-peer is one of the most effective ways for developers to promote their Dapps because it is in direct contact with users.

  • Dapps application developers can also promote through sites that can be accessed directly by Dapps fans.


e).What should we pay attention to when using dApps?


There are several factors that must be considered when we use Dapps, at least there are four factors to consider.

  • Ease of development.

A big aspect of how developers choose solutions is how easy it is to build on top of them. This includes factors such as the programming environment and compatibility with existing tools and infrastructure. For example, commit chains like Polygon offer 100% EVM compatibility, meaning that the same code used on Ethereum can be applied to Polygon without any code changes. This also means that all of the tools and infrastructure present on Ethereum are Polygon compatible out of the box. On the other hand, the barriers to entry for the development of ZK Rollups will be much higher due to the required changes in the code and the lack of a comprehensive instrumental infrastructure.

  • Security level

Depending on your project goals, the security required for on-chain functionality may vary. For example, the DeFi protocol can have billions of dollars locked in contracts. In such cases, zk and Optimistic Rollup will provide higher security.

  • User experience

The end user experience that Dapp uses is another important point for developers. Factors such as what operations are natively supported and confirmation times associated with transactions will determine the end user experience when using Dapps. NFT or Gaming Dapp could potentially have lower rates in their on-chain contracts, meaning solutions like side chain/commit chain would be better suited to medium security, but better UX due to faster withdrawals.

  • Long term opportunity

Another criterion to look at is the long-term feasibility of the solution. Can the solution be scaled up when mass user adoption occurs?

For example, if we look at a ZKR based Dapp that performs a large number of transactions, how will the required proof be generated? Even with evidence of parallelism and recursion, developers need to have a concrete model of how parallel threads interact, how work is divided, and so on to actually scale. Any compute-scaling solution will also need to think about how it handles storage. The high volume of txn generates a large amount of data which must eventually be stored on Ethereum or a similar level of data availability.


f).How do we find the information of a DApp that we want to know? Provide the steps (Screenshot required).



  • Then it will appear like my screenshot image, then click on the image like a dice in the left corner of the image.


  • The next step we click on the rankings menu, then a list of all decentralized applications will appear, we just need to choose which one is needed.



  • Here I choose Uniswap, and a display like the image below will appear.


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