Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 2: Week 5 || Steemit Decentralized social networks, centralization and decentralization social networks

Hello steemit community, I hope you had a great week. Excited to do this assignment and with high expectations that you will like my assignment. Thanks to teacher @yousafharoonkhan for his teaching and assignment.



Created by @lucascenteno

Question 1: Write the definition of Centralized and Decentralized Social Media Platforms in your own words Explain in your own words the difference between decentralized and centralized Social Media Platforms.

A centralized social network is a network in which each system that makes up a connection is a device and is connected to a central unit. They are those networks that all their management is based on or operates through a central union. That is, all the charges of conscience, tasks, commitment, and decision incur a single unit, which in this case is the mechanism or its authority.

The centralized network can efficiently resolve powerful sums of information, making it an ideal choice for demanding content. However, centralized networks have a very notorious and damaging flaw which is that if a malicious attack were carried out at the central unit, the entire network would be harmed. This is because the network works and is in the hands of the central unit.

Decentralized social network

Unlike centralized networks, they do not have a central unit. In short, they are those networks that are not under the control of any authority or owner. They are networks that are currently used by millions of users since they do not prefer the bureaucracy of the centralized ones. The user aims to express their thoughts or opinions without consequences from the network or any censorship, since we all have different criteria, beliefs, thoughts, expressions, ideas, ages and among other things talents.

Decentralized networks have great benefits that are open source and different from centralized ones that are not, which give them greater benefit and attraction to the user environment. However, it also has its negative side since if the network computer goes out of service, the decentralized network can also present problems but the technical programmers provide good support for improvements so that there is the least possible disconnection.



  1. The average user does not have control of their own accounts.

  2. The user does not have freedom of expression of his ideas or criteria.

  3. There is authority and its terms or regulations must be complied with.

  4. If the user violates the rules, they will be penalized and may lose possession of their accounts.

  5. They are not based on open source.

  6. They eliminate censorship and sanction it.

  7. They are easily hacked by cyber hackers.


  1. They are not under any command or authority of any central network.

  2. Laws, policies or restrictions are not followed.

  3. There is freedom of expression, the user can express his ideas freely without being censored.

  4. They are based on blockchain.

  5. The personal data of the user is very well protected.

  6. Its security is strengthened, it is not possible to be easily hacked by hackers.

  7. The user can generate remunerated income from their contributions in the networks.

  8. They are reliable and excellent investment methods.

  9. It is less popular than centralized networks, but they are the most used, they supplanted the centralized ones due to their level of privacy.

Question no 2: What is the future of social networks? Decentralized or centralized social networks (the answer must be written in your own words).

It is no secret to anyone that the world is being ruled by the internet and social networks, everything fits in a telephone device, books are becoming obsolete while technology advances.

Currently, social networks have gained more audience and popularity due to the situation of the pandemic worldwide, they all chose and reinvented themselves to send tasks, documents, jobs, give and watch classes, have health appointments with their head doctor, musicians rehearse, work, make graduations, finish university degrees among many other things and everything through the internet, without a doubt the future of social networks has become clear in the world and like its role, soon everything will be supplanted by the internet and their networks, that is, they will not fall but will increasingly become part of our daily experience.

Decentralized or centralized social networks: The average user currently yearns to be aware of what is happening around them, in society and worldwide because there is something that spreads faster than covid 19 and it is disinformation . Centralization limits the level of information from the media to the user, paralyzes creativity and censors freedom of expression. We can see that in centralized networks the benefit that the user has is that there is better regulation regarding the type of information provided on the network since there is a population considered to be minors among others.

Decentralization is the most used method because it encourages the freedom of expression of users, where they not only express themselves, but are not censored or sanctioned and in addition to that they have an audience that receives the message and gives your free opinion about the content. In decentralized networks, communication between users flows naturally, giving prominence to the user.

In decentralized networks, the public can not only express themselves freely, but is also their own boss in their accounts, they obtain free government in their content.

And so we see that the future of social networks will be decentralized. And the programmers will emphasize improving the culture in all places and providing better information to users with rational use and free of limits in which they can get the best possible benefit.

Question no 3: How steemit decentralization social networks are better than Twitter and Facebook (the answer must be written in your own words)

It is no secret to anyone that the social networks Twitter and Facebook are the most used in the world, then Instagram would follow, but they are the most popular with millions and millions of people registered worldwide, they are applications for all types of age, color, people , continents, middle or upper class, for all audiences.

But what is the detail of these centralized networks? That they are operating under the control of an authority, these networks are governed by their creators and this carries out to comply with a series of requirements, privacy policies and laws imposed by their developers.

In the case of Facebook there is a lot of censorship in terms of content, lately they have made adjustments and because of some bad word they block your account, even for writing the word "black" they block your account right away because it is an "act of racism".

Now we go to Twitter, this centralized social network also operates under the command of an authority as I already mentioned under the command of its creator or its developers, in this social network we can find a little less censorship in the tweets of the users, the "Adult content" is not blocked or censored in most cases, however, when opening an account, it asks for your date of birth as a requirement for them to have a support of the user's age. In both networks you can promote users' jobs, do business, promote groups from different communities and thereby generate profits, but very few and only promoting.

Why is Steemit better than Twitter and Facebook?

To begin with, steemit is decentralized, of course it is not well known in the world but the great benefit is that it is decentralized, free and independent, here the user is the ruler of what he wants and wants to do with his account. In Steemit you should not limit me to letting your imagination fly to create new content.

In steemit you earn a lot of money, I feel this is a great help for the user, since many families in poverty have emerged thanks to this wonderful application. Steemit unites peoples, unites countries, unites regions, unites continents, in steemit we are all one.

The integrity and personal data of the user are well protected thanks to its excellent security system, they are not monitored nor is there a violation of privacy other than Twitter and Facebook that are.

For this reason and many more things, Steemit becomes the pioneer application in terms of decentralized networks and a great opportunity to generate money from home, many people are increasingly joining and can experience the great opportunities that Steemit offers to everyone.

QUESTION 4: What do you say? How Steemit's social networks change the lives of millions of its users? (The answer must be written in your own words).

There is no doubt that Steemit changes the life of everyone who joins. Why? Steemit's decentralized platform provides help with teachings, personal development, security, comfort, development, intellect, talent development and what you don't know you learn. She for all types of people including illiterate people, disabled people, people with extreme poverty, but with great talents, people with difficulties, but with great receptive capacity to everything, steemit does not make exception of person on the platform, everyone is welcome.

Once they enter they can generate large or small income depending on their effort and dedication. Here you will find a wide variety of communities in which the user can stand out and exploit her abilities. The good use of Steemit can become a permanent job and be able to get the best possible benefit because not only do you contribute with your content and skills, but you also learn, as for example in the cryptoacadem.

Steemit changes people's lives by giving them a better quality of life than they had before entering, and it is rewarding.

Question no 5: How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social networks? (Write your own experience).

Now, it is a question that any user would ask. So it's simple.

In steemit the user can obtain a bonus for the quality of exclusive content that he creates in his posts, since the public of steemit is attentive to new ideas and new income from people depending on the communities in which the user wishes to be.

They get votes from people and curators and so money can be made.

The user can participate in competitions, be it food, photography, design, music, art, including the cryptoacademy, elaborating the tasks assigned by the teachers with unpublished content and thus obtaining good grades to opt for a good remuneration from the curators.

We have in steemit several cryptocurrencies such as SBD, STEEM, TRX. With a good use of all these currencies, money can be generated in different ways and of course with knowledge of them.

Question no 6: How to create communities on Steemit's social networks (step-by-step practice) and promote the publication of your task on two social networks, Twitter and Facebook.

For people interested in creating communities and thus developing their skills and talents, here I will show you step by step how to create them ...


The first thing we will do is enter the Steemit start menu.


We click on show more topics and go to the next window.


Here we will find the step to create our community, we click on Create a Community.


In this step we put the name that we want our community to have and the description.


I made a community to show their pets as an example for you to follow and then we make clips on the Next button.


The next step is to correctly save your password (it is an important step) and click on Create Community.


To complete the steps of our community, the user must pay a cost of 3 steem, the user must have in their account at least 3 steem to complete the creation.


In this step we already have our community created.


Congratulations you have created your community, it is ready to be promoted and gain subscribers.


It is not necessary to do surveys to know the quality of centralized and decentralized networks. In conclusion, the centralized ones are more popular but dominated and dependent. The decentralized ones are less popular but independent and with better benefits for the average user.

In the future, decentralization will have great dominance. Soon with the help of your programmers everything will change and evolve. On the other hand we have the wonderful steemit platform that changes lives, transforms homes, brings a future, is stable and best of all decentralized, it is the best option to obtain profits and with more profit than the Facebook and Twitter networks.

Thankful for the attention given and to professor @yousafharoonkhan for his tasks that increasingly teach and motivate more people to join this great academy.



Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • yes steemit for every one, every person can get support from steemit
  • need more detail to explore the answer

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 6,5

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