Crypto Academy/ Season 3/ Week 8 - Homework Post for Professor @reminiscence01

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

(Question 1) What do you understand by a token and give an example of 5 tokens, identify the blockchain they are built on(give 3 different blockchains

Tokens, often known as crypto tokens, are digital units of value created by blockchain-based businesses or initiatives on top of existing blockchain networks. While they frequently have extensive compatibility with the network's cryptocurrencies, they are a whole distinct digital asset class. Tokens were created because establishing a new blockchain necessitates a significant amount of expertise, resources, time, and money.


(Question 2) What is the difference between a token and a coin?

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• Tokens are built on the existing blockchain network, whereas digital coins are based on their original blockchain network.

• While digital money can be used to make payments, tokens can be used for a variety of purposes.

• Digital coins are more complex to develop than tokens based on existing blockchains, such as Ethereum.

• The majority of digital coins are distributed by mining, whereas tokens gained popularity through initial coin offerings (ICOs).

(Question 3) Explain the different categories token listed below and explain its features. (Utility tokens) (Security tokens) (Equity tokens) {Non-fungible token (NFT)}

Utility Token
A utility token is a type of digital currency that grants users exclusive access to a product or service. The utility token functions similarly to a sports ticket in that it allows access. Utility tokens are used to acquire access to a system, much like tokens at a kid's arcade. Unlike coins or currency, they are not designed to be used as a store of value. Instead, they have programmable potential built in. To put it another way, utility tokens are designed so that programmers may build software around or in them, and users can use the tokens to engage with the software.

Security Token
A security token is a digital counterpart of a physical security token. Traditional securities are divided into three categories: equities, debt, and debt-equity hybrids. Stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, and futures are examples of securities. Any of these items might theoretically be tokenized and turned into a security token. Security tokens have the potential to be a highly viable alternative to equities and other traditional assets in the near future.

Equity Token
Individual investors or companies are given part ownership of the Blockchain and voting rights over the Blockchain through these stocks offered by any company. These tokens provide investors with a sense of security because they are invested in the growth of the Blockchain network, and incentives are given out based on the network's performance in the market, as well as the fact that they are interchangeable.

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a data unit kept on a blockchain that verifies that a digital asset is unique and hence not interchangeable. Photographs, movies, audio, and other forms of digital information may all be represented using NFTs. The buyer of the NFT, on the other hand, has full access to any duplicate of the original file. While anybody may get copies of these digital things, NFTs are recorded on blockchains to give the owner with a proof of ownership that is distinct from copyright.

(Question 4)Make your own research and write extensively on any token you listed in question one. (Must include features of the token, the aim of the project, Use cases).

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Aragon Token (ANT)

Aragon is a decentralized Ethereum program that allows anybody to build and administer their own decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The Aragon Foundation manages this open-source project. The ANT token is used by Aragon, and it offers its holders the ability to vote on the project's future development. In May 2017, the ANT token was issued as part of an ICO.

The Aragon team wants to make it as simple as possible to build and administer blockchain organizations. The initiative aims to increase the dissemination and real-world usage of blockchain technology by companies by using open-source tools and the security of the Ethereum blockchain. The fundamental objective of the Aragon token was to create a unique platform for leveraging blockchain technology to speed up company operations. The project's technological solutions will be available to both established and new business enterprises who desire to begin work utilizing decentralized technologies.

(ANT) Aragon's Advantages

Emissions are kept to a minimum
The Aragon currency has the potential to attract new investors as well as avoid inflation.
Modularity and ease of use
Many seemingly difficult and perplexing tasks, like as the generation of smart contracts, may be easily understood by any user without any effort.
Court of Aragon
The platform provides a system for addressing legal issues, discrepancies, and legal conflicts between the two parties.
High level of protection
Because all data in such companies is protected by an established, trustworthy security mechanism, it is impossible to alter or even hack this data in any way.
Commissions are low
The fees customers pay to make transactions on the Aragon network are incredibly low.
The user's identity cannot be determined due to the resource's underlying principles.


The Aragon (ANT)
Rank : 194th
Market cap : $178,849,252
Circulating supply : 39,609,522.81 ANT.
Market price: $4.51

Thank you @reminiscence01

 3 years ago (edited)

Hello @lordhojay, I’m glad you participated in the 8th week of the Beginner’s class at the Steemit Crypto Academy. Your grades in this task are as follows:

Presentation / Use of Markdowns1.5/2
Compliance with topic1/2
Spelling and Grammar1.5/2
Quality of Analysis1/2

Recommendation / Feedback:

  • The student have completed the assignment for this lesson.
  • The student also answered all the questions in his/her own words.
  • Your overall presentation is good. But you need to improve your writing skills by working on your markdown styles.
  • You didn't explain the features of token in question 3.

Thank you for participating in this homework task.

 3 years ago 

Thank you professor. I will work harder next time

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