The Steemit Crypto Academy || Blockchain Wallet- Chapter-3

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Hello Steemian ..
I hope all of you are well and healthy. Today I attended professor @ sapwood lecture. And now I will do the homework task given by professor @sapwood.

Cryptocurrencies currently represent a payment that is entirely in demand digitally. My economic interest in cryptocurrency stems from the significant increase in the price of that currency. The growth could be hundreds of percent. When conventional currencies declined, cryptocurrencies were able to withstand bad economic pressures. This fact, of course, very tempting to be appropriately used as a profitable investment.

Storing crypto-assets should not be arbitrary. I carefully chose a secure wallet in the specific form of a hardware wallet. Mobile wallets or desktop wallets are easy to hack even if they're straightforward to utilize.

I usually need a wallet that provides the best privacy as transactions are difficult to track with address rotation. I'm also considering whether I can set up and knowingly use Tor as a proxy to typically prevent others from linking transactions with IP Addresses.

More than that, I have a lot of risks when trading. I often use devices that are unsafe and potentially exposed to malware. Yes, I progressively change devices a mighty lot. That's why I need a wallet that provides a high level of private security. I carefully chose a wallet that could adequately secure a computer with strong paraphrases, progressively move funds on cold storage, and typically activate two-factor authentication.

I started to be careful when using my wallet. I have to make sure no third party can freeze or take funds from my wallet. For that, I chose a full node wallet that can immediately give me complete control over my cryptocurrency.

For the sufficient reason I mentioned above, my preferred hardware wallet falls on Bitbox. Its essential features that can be completely offline and a simple backup are suitable for me to use as my secure cryptocurrency storage properly.

When choosing wisely centralized or decentralized, I carefully consider the liquidity of both to minimize market manipulation. I'm also considering being able to deposit real money as offered by the centralized exchange carefully. Lastly, I'm confirming if there are any account recovery options.

However, based on my economic considerations knowing that decentralized exchanges can be hard to hack made me turn to this efficient system. For me, sacred privacy and financial security are paramount.

While transacting using cryptocurrencies, I typically use a web 3.0 wallet. This technology allows me to store crypto coins digitally, securely and synced to all web 3.0 decentralized applications.

The difference with the previous web version is that web 3.0 doesn't store coins. Web 3.0 only gave me control of the tokens on the blockchain. I can have control over other wallets.

I entrust the web 3.0 wallet to the opera browser. Currently, opera is the only browser that provides a genuine crypto wallet that is safe and easy to use.

Bahasa Indonesia

Cryptocurrency saat ini mewakili pembayaran yang sepenuhnya diminati secara digital. Kepentingan ekonomi saya pada cryptocurrency berasal dari kenaikan harga mata uang itu secara signifikan. Pertumbuhannya bisa ratusan persen. Ketika mata uang konvensional menurun, cryptocurrency mampu menahan tekanan ekonomi yang buruk. Fakta ini tentu saja sangat menggiurkan untuk dijadikan sebagai investasi yang menguntungkan.

Menyimpan aset kripto tidak boleh sembarangan. Saya dengan hati-hati memilih dompet aman dalam bentuk spesifik dompet perangkat keras. Dompet seluler atau dompet desktop mudah diretas meskipun mudah digunakan.

Saya biasanya membutuhkan dompet yang memberikan privasi terbaik karena transaksi sulit dilacak dengan rotasi alamat. Saya juga mempertimbangkan apakah saya dapat mengatur dan secara sadar menggunakan Tor sebagai proxy untuk mencegah orang lain menghubungkan transaksi dengan Alamat IP.

Lebih dari itu, saya memiliki banyak risiko saat berdagang. Saya sering menggunakan perangkat yang tidak aman dan berpotensi terkena malware. Ya, saya semakin sering berganti perangkat. Itulah mengapa saya membutuhkan dompet yang memberikan keamanan pribadi tingkat tinggi. Saya dengan hati-hati memilih dompet yang dapat mengamankan komputer dengan parafrase yang kuat, secara progresif memindahkan dana ke penyimpanan dingin, dan biasanya mengaktifkan otentikasi dua faktor.

Saya mulai berhati-hati saat menggunakan dompet saya. Saya harus memastikan tidak ada pihak ketiga yang dapat membekukan atau mengambil dana dari dompet saya. Untuk itu, saya memilih dompet full node yang dapat langsung memberi saya kendali penuh atas cryptocurrency saya.

Untuk alasan yang cukup yang saya sebutkan di atas, dompet perangkat keras pilihan saya jatuh pada Bitbox. Fitur utamanya yang dapat sepenuhnya offline dan cadangan sederhana cocok untuk saya gunakan sebagai penyimpanan mata uang kripto yang aman dengan benar.

Ketika memilih dengan bijak tersentralisasi atau desentralisasi, saya dengan hati-hati mempertimbangkan likuiditas keduanya untuk meminimalkan manipulasi pasar. Saya juga mempertimbangkan untuk dapat menyetor uang nyata seperti yang ditawarkan oleh bursa terpusat dengan hati-hati. Terakhir, saya mengonfirmasi jika ada opsi pemulihan akun.

Namun, berdasarkan pertimbangan ekonomi saya mengetahui bahwa pertukaran terdesentralisasi dapat sulit diretas membuat saya beralih ke sistem yang efisien ini. Bagi saya, privasi sakral dan keamanan finansial adalah yang terpenting.

Saat bertransaksi menggunakan cryptocurrency, saya biasanya menggunakan dompet web 3.0. Teknologi ini memungkinkan saya menyimpan koin kripto secara digital, dengan aman, dan disinkronkan ke semua aplikasi desentralisasi web 3.0.

Bedanya dengan versi web sebelumnya adalah web 3.0 tidak menyimpan koin. Web 3.0 hanya memberi saya kendali atas token di blockchain. Saya dapat mengontrol dompet lain.

Saya mempercayakan dompet web 3.0 ke browser opera. Saat ini, opera adalah satu-satunya browser yang menyediakan dompet kripto asli yang aman dan mudah digunakan.

Jangan Lupa Bahagia




Thank you for attending the lecture in Steemit-Crypto-Academy & doing the homework task-3.

I entrust the web 3.0 wallet to the opera browser. Currently, opera is the only browser that provides a genuine crypto wallet that is safe and easy to use.

Opera is definitely a web 3.0 browser-- completely user-centric with a built-in wallet. But this may not be the only web 3.0 browser, we have Brave browser too in this rank.

What about your web 3.0 wallet experience?

Being a Steem user, you must have been getting TRX rewards, you must have a familiarity with TronLink wallet also. That is one of the best examples of a Web 3.0 wallets.

It is seamlessly integrated with dApps, the interaction with such a dApp is powered with Smart contract. When you interact with any such dApp, it will prompt you to sign a transaction. At any given time you remain in absolute control.

Try exploring JustLend or JustSwap(or any other dApp of your choice) using your TronLink wallet to gain web 3.0 experience.

Thank you.

Homework Task -3

Thank you for correcting me prof. @sapwood. for web 3.0 I don't use online because I've discussed it in the previous week's post. and on this occasion I only sampled opera even though there was something wrong in my understanding. I hope this can be a lesson for me to be even better

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62701.63
ETH 2445.02
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67