SEC S17-W3 || Onchain Metrics of Steem blockchain

SEC S17-W3 || Onchain Metrics of Steem blockchain

With our expertise in Data Analysis, On -Chain Metrics and Reporting, take your business to data-driven success. Make wise decisions, unlock the key to growth..gif
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Greetings! To all of you: I hope things are going well for everyone. To begin with, I would like to invite you to participate in an enjoyable Steemit Challenge. I have the greatest pleasure in participating in this challenge. I hope everyone gives it a try. I'd like to thank the Steemit Crypto Academy Community for hosting this challenge. best wishes to everyone.

Diving Deep into the Steem Blockchain: A sustainable blockchain economies User Activity Odyssey via on chain metrics.

Steem cryptocurrency, with the secured social media and content creating platform, shows a cutting-edge approach in the community empowerment question. So, what exactly is the pulse of the nature of this sublime scene? On-chain stats are the secret language joined every blockchain. It is a powerful indicator and a witness to dynamics of users and the process of community evolution. This platform provides a novel model where the users are enriched by cryptocurrency just for the creation of and curating content. This article winds up with these metrics, discloses their essence, analysis methods, and the problem, particularly, associated with Steem blockchain. We shall show how developers of Steem can utilize this data to create an environment that is stimulating for users both in terms of diversity of content and a reward system that is healthy.

Unveiling the Powerhouse Metrics: At the very least, a User Centric Lens should be applied.

On-chain metrics are a very internal portal into the inner life of the Steem blockchain. Here are some key indicators to gauge user activity:

  1. Active Accounts: This KPI(Key Performance Indicator) is an indicator of the number of different users who are connecting to the platform. The platform can be measured for a day, a week, or a month. An upward trend is the sign of persisting users’ engagement, a negative performance shows the possibility of custom decline.
  2. Transaction Volume: It represents the overall number of the Steemit transactions which consist of creation of content, upvoting, downvoting and transferring tokens. Strong transaction volumes denote a large, lively user base.
  3. Posting Activity: Subsequently the number of created posts represents the direct measure for the content generation on the platform. Analyzing trends in activity posting allows one to see user reactions to the posting enthusiasm in terms of content creation.
  4. Voting Activity: The appearance of the button determines the degree of people's activity in the curation of content. Elections with high voter turnout imply a community that exerts immense effort to make the visibility of available content.
  5. STEEM Power Distribution: This ratio indicates how the allocation of votes (STEEM Power tokens) among the users takes place. Healthy Steem system creates better equal distribution, ensuring that only a small group will not take over and use their influence for malicious purposes.
  6. Token Flow: This is connected with the shift of tokens between the units which, in turn, serves as the source of information on the trading activity and possible market trends.
  7. Whale Behavior: 'Whales' (users of large amounts of cryptocurrency) activity tracking will give traders market dynamics clues.

Decoding the Narrative: The track of Metrics for Engagement Trends of Users.

Through these processes of analyzing the chain metrics, we are able to realize useful revelations about users’ engagement and community evolution. Here's how:

  1. Trend Analysis: The stakeholders can trace the patterns of the blockchain activity over time and forecast the probable behaviors or tendencies, assess the pace of specific instruments or platforms, and make the even-handed decisions in line with the changing blockchain field.
    a. Identifying Growth Patterns: Study of active accounts and order volumes provides information about growth or slowdown of client base. Frequency fluctuations among postings might be related to trending topics or community alterations.
    b. Gauging Content Consumption: This way we can investigate relation between the voting activity and cute content. A fall in voting participation along with high posting rates could indicate that the user is getting bored with the content or it is being flooded with too many posts.
  2. Fundamental Analysis: By capturing data points such as token holders count, trading volume, and metrics of decentralization, one could estimate the intrinsic value and the prospects of a crypto or project.
  3. Tracking Community Dynamics: STEEM Power distribution adjustments may show who has influence now on the platform. A maximized centralized authority might lead to changes in the way the community awards the entire involvement.

Navigating the Maze: Challenges which come with On-chain Metrics on Steem

The Steem blockchain as social media infrastructure is its own case therefore realizing the Onchain metrics requires a distinct approach due to its own social structure and different incentives. Saying that, Steem miners called witnesses are not elected from solving the very complex mathematical equations like Proof of Work-based systems do, but they must be chosen by other people. Such a singular system might possibly affect the interpretation of Onchain Metrics. While on-chain metrics offer invaluable insights, interpreting them within the context of Steem's unique social structure and incentives presents some challenges:

  • Account Multitasking: Users often do not log out and just create another account which consequently raises account metrics. Finding the truth about the actual user activity may take time through sophisticated analysis methods.
  • Curated Voting: Users with the high sum of votes coming from posts they upvote, can bring a given content to the surface. By this we mean to conclude that the voting volume will only make sense if coupled with the voting distribution.
  • Bot Activity: Scripts can be programmed to trick elections and create posts and content. Disregarding automation from blockchain information means the analysis is no longer precise.

Cultivating a Healthy Ecosystem: On-chain Metrics Can Be Used As a Diagnostic Tool

On-chain metrics founded on analytics therefore becomes a powerful diagnostic factor for the Steem ecosystem health assessment. Let's explore how:

  • Evaluating Voting Power Distribution: The healthy ecosystem gives the chance for her swarm to become more equitable. Some results may indicate the need to modernize reward systems as well as the structure of management to avoid the repetition of the errors.
  • Ensuring Content Diversity: Posting statistics used alongside engagement rate of upvotes and comments can just as well track content fatigue or niche dominance. Developers could advertising/promoting diverse picture-in-picture via targeted rewards.
  • Promoting Reward Fairness: In-chain statistics expose the difference in compensation among content types or user groups as a result of that fact. This data will be used to design a better remuneration scheme that will reward various forms of content creation in an equitable and merit-based manner.

Building a Thriving Steem: Powering Developers via On-the-ground Insights

Steem developers can leverage on-chain metrics to make data-driven decisions that enhance platform usability, drive adoption, and address scalability issues while upholding community integrity:

  1. Optimizing User Interface: Through the use of on-chain stats data, it is possible to recognize the behavior of users which supports UI/UX development. The user point pain detection can turn into useful features for tasks such as content creation and curation which are much simpler to perform than previously.
  2. Incentivizing Content Variety: By means of on-chain data, figures of lower content engagement may be established. Developers can consider special reward goals to promote increased production in those areas and to add diversity to the created content.
  3. Scaling for Growth: Learning about the behavioral patterns of users can help developers be prepared for scaling issues. This data will be stored on-chain and can be used to assess network performance and establish plans for smooth maintenance during growth.
  4. Fostering Community Governance: Conditional statements can uncover property centers of voting power and engagement. Such data would be the basis of the development of the system of community governance in which users who employ this platform actively play a leading role in its future development.

Conclusion: A consortium of data management and community engagement

By looking into the on-chain metrics, which are understood with care, we can get a very detailed and accurate picture of the way the Steem blockchain is developing among its users and the evolution of its community though this data narrative decrypt developers can build a blossoming atmosphere which is conducive to content productivity, user engagement and fair rewards system. Keep in mind, however, that a fruiting Steem blockchain is not just about numbers – it is about an energetic community in which users are can feel confident exploring the limitless possibilities. Steem keeping a course of evolution and development is its success factor and metrics are the songs which sound it strong in this community and data symphony.

[Note: This article is based on information available at the time of writing (April 25, 2024) and does not constitute financial advice. It's recommended to conduct your own research before making any investment decisions related to the Steem blockchain.]


  1. Steem Whitepaper:
  2. On-Chain Metrics for Blockchain Analysis:
  3. Decentralized Governance:
  4. The Power of Community in Blockchain Projects:

Similarly, I kindly ask my friends to participate in this challenge @genealet1, @jennk, @eskarem.

Contest link : -

I'm hoping you all love this.
Thank you, my friends.
With best wishes,


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

Strong transaction volumes denote a large, lively user base.

You perfectly highlighted the correlation between transaction volumes and user activity, indicating a thriving ecosystem. It's crucial for assessing the health and vibrancy of the Steem blockchain.

Through these processes of analyzing the chain metrics, we are able to realize useful revelations about users’ engagement and community evolution.

Analyzing on-chain metrics offers valuable insights into user behavior and community dynamics, aiding in making informed decisions for platform development and growth strategies.

Optimizing User Interface: Through the use of on-chain stats data, it is possible to recognize the behavior of users which supports UI/UX development.

Utilizing on-chain data for UI/UX development demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to enhancing user experience and driving adoption. I think it emphasizes the importance of leveraging data to create a more user-friendly platform.

All the best

Thank you so much Friend for giving me such a great review based on my article, these are truly encourage me. Once again gratitude friend, with full of pleasure.

Hello dear friend, @letssittt

You have beautifully described the given topic. You are very right that these metrics are the true signals to diagnose various aspects of the Steem Blockchain.

One of the major issue that is created by the misuse of these metrics is the account forming and the rewards farming. These things grow up the metrics artificially and we are unable to detect the natural engagement or so.

Thanks for sharing your entry, good luck for the contest.

Thank you so much doctor for giving me such a good inspirational comments and reviews. Once again gratitude Steemdoctor.

Thank you so much Friend.

@ letssittt This is a fascinating exploration of the intricacies within the Steem blockchain ecosystem Your thorough analysis of on chain metrics truly sheds light on the platform dynamics offering valuable insights into user engagement and community evolution. Best wishes to you in the contest

Thank you so much brother.

 3 months ago 

Saludos cordiales letssittt, un gusto para mi saludarte, leer y comentar tu participación en este reto.

Tenemos un ecosistema único, somos una red social, de ellos se derivan varías métricas Onchain que son individuales en cada usuario, además estas métricas varían a diario, por lo tanto ser medidas es muy complejo.

Buena participación.

Feliz y bendecido día.

Very much thankful to you, dear friend.

Greetings @letssittt
You've done an incredible job exploring the ins and outs of the Steem blockchain ecosystem. Your detailed analysis of the on-chain metrics truly helps us understand how the platform works in a simpler way. It's like you're shining a bright light on how people use the platform and how the community grows and changes over time. Your insights are really valuable and provide a clearer picture of what's going on. I want to wish you the best of luck in the contest, you did an amazing job, so keep up the great work.

Thank you so much friend.

El análisis de las métricas es la materia prima de los desarrolladores que permitirá mejorar la usabilidad de la red, crear más contenidos originales y de calidad así como mejores recompensas de curación.

Gracias por compartir, ¡saludos y bendiciones!

Thank you so much Friend.

¡Feliz día!

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