Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2 Week5 || Centralization and Decentralization Social Media

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


The world moves through communication channels. The transfer of data and the speed with which this information is transmitted began to mark the path of technological development at the end of the 20th century.

If we go back to the 1960s, when the United States government felt the need to create a network that would allow them to communicate in different parts of the country in order to anticipate the hypothetical Russian attack in the middle of the cold war, it gave rise to ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network); which later gave life to what we know as INTERNET.

The INTERNET revolutionized the history of mankind and opened the way to technological development, providing multiple opportunities to create diverse tools throughout its history. What took Ernest Hemingway a lifetime to expose his great works to the different continents, today everything is solved with a simple "click".

Among the different tools and applications provided by the INTERNET are the SOCIAL MEDIA, which are convergence sites designed in the beginning to connect people from different locations, this connection over time has evolved and provided users with something more than just a simple communication, but also provides opportunities for personal, economic and cultural development to take advantage of the large number of people who make life in them.


SOCIAL MEDIA can be classified according to their type of administration as CENTRALIZED AND DECENTRALIZED.

CENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA are administered by a central entity, (which can be a person or a group of persons), which establishes and enforces rules and regulations that must be complied with according to its criteria and appreciation, giving a certain degree of instability and inoperability to the user. When developing a project in this type of system there is no guarantee of transcending and evolving in the environment, this is because the central administration can at any time update the rules and apply any regulation that may worsen the working conditions or simply suspend it, eliminating any probability of growth and development.

The DESCENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA are under the jurisdiction of the user, who following the rules of the community such as: respecting the copyright, not plagiarizing, not offensive or discriminatory, can reach a coexistence that requires the cultural, economic and intellectual development of people. These are the evolution of the centralized networks and perfected the essence of growth and development of the theory that gave life to this concept.



In the Centralized Social Media the user's personal information is in the hands of the administrator and can be used at any time, either for tracking and location activities or for access to photos or private chats.

In the Decentralized Social Media the personal information is encrypted under a block system that is immutable to any type of malicious attack, only the user can have access to this information.


In the Centralized Social Media the content of the publications is subject to the assessment and evaluation of the administrator who, at his discretion, can sanction or block your account at any time.

In the Decentralized Social Media each user is responsible for the content of their publications and these are encrypted in the blockchain. Only the user can edit them.


The Decentralized Social Media gives you the opportunity to generate income through Rewards for publishing quality content, these rewards go directly to a Wallet associated with the user's account being the sole owner of the password.

Centralized Social Media do not have a Wallet and do not generate Rewards for publishing content.


Social Networks, from an economic point of view, are companies that generate income by working in the field of communication. The users are the ones who provide the raw material, for the sake of comparison, with the publications and comments made.

Everything points to the fact that a new economic model is emerging where all the elements converge in a single site.

A hypothetical example would be:

I would like to dictate online courses on Accounting, which is my professional career.
Through #Facebook I can dictate the Accounting course through its internal Chat for those people who pay my fee.
By #Steemit I could create a community to only address the topic of Accounting and develop excellent content to get good reward.
Then hypothetically I already have a product, I also have the possible and potential buyers that are all the users that make life in these Social Networks and that are from different parts of the world, and I can also promote myself within the Networks.

That is, all the elements of the economic circuit already exist today in the Social Media and every day we see people working as influencers promoting any product, even the big companies of sports footwear such as ADIDAS or NIKE already seek to promote their product through social networks. We have the case of #Youtube that generates millionaire income from advertising inserted in the most popular videos and increases sales of these companies and globalize the product.

So I conclude that SOCIAL MEDIA will concretize in the future a new globalized economic model with the largest extension of population in history, superior to television, since the system of SOCIAL MEDIA is so extensible that anyone with a cell phone sitting on a park bench at any time of day can have access to everything that this ecosystem can provide.


In this issue of Centralization and Decentralization there is a Taboo that only those of us who are active in these media are aware of what is happening and it is a truth that must be heard. And it is that there is participation of the governments of the countries of the wrongly called "First World" in these CENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA, there are organizations that want to keep the people under their dominion and make them consume the ideas and proposals that they want at a given time.

And the real truth is that DECENTRALIZATION is what will make us free in terms of communication, economic models, and every aspect of life.

But for now STEEMIT is a relatively new Decentralized Social Network with respect to TWITTER and FACEBOOK, which is in a growth phase and where people every day realize that they can generate significant and considerable income with which you can keep a fridge stocked with basic necessities. As is the case in my country Venezuela, where a reward received from a well developed publication in the STEEMIT CRYPTO ACADEMY, to give an example, can provide a Venezuelan family with the necessary sustenance to eat for about a week.

STEEMIT is demanding in terms of the content to be published and not everyone is willing to sit in front of the computer for two to three days to develop content that is worth the effort, because they simply prefer to take a picture of the plate of food they are going to eat and post it on FACEBOOK OR TWITTER and leave a caption in the publication with a short message. But it is that a premise in STEEMIT is that rewards are based on the user's performance and not by the amount of posts they make per day.

But the benefits of DESCENTRALIZATION in terms of security of personal information, content jurisdiction, immutability to malicious, among others, are what makes STEEMIT superior. To this we will add the rewards obtained by the publications. So we have a SOCIAL MEDIA superior in every aspect to any Centralized Network that exists today.


There are multiple reasons why STEEMIT benefits its users and it's not only the rewards for publications, but it also allows the content to be seen and valued by people in other parts of the world.

I remember when I started in STEEMIT in March 2018, attracted by a contest that was held weekly called "STEEMIT OPENMIC", I started to elaborate my recordings of my own songs and some covers of Venezuelan artists and groups, and as a result I got many recognitions for the quality of my musical work, I contacted other musicians and artists residing in Spain *(like @wilins, great composer), United States (like @passion-ground, great guitarist), among other musicians also Venezuelan and we created a friendship where we shared our content and we got to make participations together, this gave me wings to raise my quality and undertake other businesses related to the musical field as recordings and video editions that to this day have generated me a source of additional work in the same way that helps me with my income.

I also have relatives here in Venezuela who are seriously affected by the economic crisis we are going through and I recommended them to register in STEEMIT and nowadays they have been able to get their livelihood from the rewards for the publications.

A very important issue is also to keep updated with what is happening in cryptographic matters, which is an economic sector that is currently having relevance and most of the population does not know, so STEEMIT provides you with important technological knowledge to develop at the same pace in which the world is turning, are economic systems that are growing and the entire world population should be aware of this, so I consider STEEMIT is the best school to learn about these terms.


In principle we must gain experience participating in the movements that are promoted within STEEMIT, which I consider important to socialize with other users and define in which branch of content development feel more comfortable and of course get better performance.

Once we feel ready to face the platform with our own content is the right time to start sharing our "product" with the community, always respecting the rules of coexistence, be as original as possible, and above all improve every day in the quality of our publications. I believe this is key to grow within STEEMIT.

The next level is "Undertake" with an original proposal, STEEMIT offers the opportunity to create a community that can be guided according to your design and with a good performance of the administration of it can get support from curators who will reward the publications that are placed here at the same time that they will reward your good management. It is like managing a micro-company within the platform that will grow at the same level as this project improves.

So we can conclude that, beyond the rewards that can be obtained for the development of content, there is a world of opportunities within the STEEMIT platform to earn not only monetarily, but also culturally, socially and academically.


To create a community in STEEMIT is actually very simple, through some screenshots I will describe the step by step. I will take advantage of this task to create a musical community that I have always had pending, it is "SONORA", and it is based on the publication of purely musical content, either performances with instruments and vocalization, as well as history and basic theories about this wonderful art.

Step 1
Login to STEEMIT with your username and posting key.

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 2
In the main screen we go down to the community menu option: "Mostrar más temas…" (framed in red).

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 3
In the Communities section, click on "Create a Community" (framed in red).

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 4
In this step we configure our Community, giving it a title and a brief description of the content to be covered. Click on the “NEXT”.

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 5
The system provides us with the hive code and the Community administrator password. (I have crossed out the red box to preserve my privacy).
This password must be saved in a safe place.
We press the button “CREATE COMMUNITY”.

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 6
For the creation of the community we must pay the cost of the operation which are 3 STEEM.

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 7
Because we will be paying from our STEEM availability in the wallet, we must confirm the transaction with our "Active" password.

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 8
The community has been created.
To get started, click on the link "Get started. "

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Step 9
This is the main menu of my SONORA community.
Ready to start publishing.

Extracted from my STEEMIT account

Grateful to Steemit Crypto Academy for giving us the opportunity to learn every day about Blockchain and the whole environment and to the professor @yousafharoonkhan for sharing his knowledge.

See you next week.

 3 years ago 


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • look fine homework,

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 6.5

 3 years ago 

Thanks Professor

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